Family Restaurant

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Once in the SUV Sasha says "I know that was you who hit me with a rubber band." Doug smirks "but can you prove it 100%?" Sasha says "just drive." Doug says "where would you like to go my dear?" Sasha says "there's a new Russian restaurant in town I want to go check it out." Doug says "very well then." Sasha smiles a knowing smile and they head into town finding the place and parking. Doug looks around "uh are they open?" Sasha gets out and walks up knocking on the door and peeks inside. She waves at someone inside and the door is opened revealing her Aunt Irene and Uncle Victor. Doug says "alright kids get out." They step out of the vehicle and walk up there all being greeted and welcomed inside. Doug looks at Sasha "Ana and them coming?" Sasha says "no they went grocery shopping then Caroline and Michael have to make their Mother lunch and dinner for messing around in Church." Doug chuckles "that's no punishment for them that's easy." Victor shakes Doug's hand then hugs him "welcome to our new restaurant!" Doug says "much appreciated we're hungry." Aunt Irene says "we decided to retire and leave New York. I've always wanted to have my own restaurant." Doug says "now I know where to come when Sasha refuses to cook." Victor says "come inside and look around!" Irene says "were not open until Wednesday but we told Sasha to bring yourselves here for a sneak peek." Nikolai in the kitchen yells "that includes food!" Sasha rushes back there and hugs him the two cousins chattering in Russian. Katya wonders off looking around at all the family pictures framed on the walls and the boys pick out a booth sitting there for a bit messing around on their phones. Katya looks through all the pictures and recognizes her Mother as a kid in several of them one of her in her grandfather's lap when she was just a toddler. Sasha walks up beside Katya and stands there with her hugging her side looking over the pictures as well. There is a massive picture of Sasha's grandfather holding out his sword and on the tip of it is a German SS helmet the picture taken sometime in 1944. The title of the picture reads "Bogatyr Belekova." Another picture shows Sasha's parents with their two children and Katya says "I didn't know I had an Uncle." Sasha looks at the picture with a saddened face and sighs "my parents died in a car accident when I was young, and my brother and I drifted apart. A disgruntled cousin and him attempted to stop my wedding to your Father." Aunt Irene walks over and says "if you want me to take it down I will." Sasha says "no don't, this picture was a happy time. I wish to honor the memory." Irene nods and walks back over to Doug and the boys bringing them three sweet teas. The boys venture over to their Mother and Sister and Willie looks at the picture of his great grandfather with the sword and helmet on it and goes "Wow!" Sasha smiles "he was an extraordinary warrior and lover of my Babushka." Little Doug smirks "$5 says he killed Hanna's great grandfather." Willie facepalms and Sasha says "Doug! Don't say things like that in poor taste!" Willie says "Hanna's family were never Nazis or Gestapo. He was in the regular army though." Katya says "Mama you look like your Mama." Sasha half smiles as Katya then glances over an old black and white wedding picture of Sasha's grandparents on her Mother's side of the family. Katya says "and your mother looks like" Sasha half smiles "it's fascinating in a way." Sasha kisses Katya's cheek then pinches it "four generations of beautiful women including your self. Be proud of that my dear." Uncle Victor walks over to them "what do you think?" Sasha says "it's a beautiful display. I haven't seen some of these pictures in God knows how long." Uncle Victor says "these are all copied, we keep the originals stored safely." Sasha nods "good." She looks at her children "lets go sit down now." They all sit down and Doug puts the menu down "yup they serve everything you've ever made." Sasha says "I know these are all my family's recipies." She looks at her kids "you'll get the recipies as well if you want them." Aunt Irene comes back and asks "what would you like?" Doug says "beef stroganoff and potato salad sounds good." She nods and Katya says "Kotlets for me." The boys get Chebureki and Sasha twists her lips. Doug says "just pick something woman jeeze." Sasha says "will you shut up?" Doug says "no." Sasha sighs "God it's like I'm raising four kids instead of three." Everyone else laughs and Sasha sighs "Pelmeni for me." Aunt Irene nods and says "alright I'll be back in a bit." She yells the orders in Russian to Nikolai and Doug says "why don't they use tickets?" Sasha laughs "they do silly but it's just us here so why waste paper?" Aunt Irene returns bringing Sasha and Katya the house made Kompot. After a bit the food is brought out to them everything cooked to order. Aunt Irene leaves extra condiments including a large jar of mayonase to Doug's amusement as his sons cease it for dipping their Chebureki in it. Doug eats his stroganoff and Sasha asks "who makes it better?" Doug says "you do, this is missing something." Sasha gets a curious look and tastes it for her self. "I put a bit of garlic in mine. Lacks some salt and pepper as well." Doug adds those two components and says "still pretty good but definitely not yours my dear." Sasha half smiles "well I'm glad to know I'm appreciated for something." Doug says "you're appreciated simply for being here with us." Sasha says "Aw, I love you." Doug says "love you too." The twins who would normally roll her eyes about their parents acting like love birds are too busy eating to take notice but it makes Katya smile. Nikolai comes out and sits with them "how's everything taste?" Doug says "great." He smiles and Sasha asks "where is your wife?" Nikolai says "she's at home with the kids." His phones buzzes and he says "speaking of her..." He answers and talks to her for a few minutes then hangs up sitting back down with them. "Called to tell me Anatoli is sick." Doug says "oh boy." Katya looks at her Father "I'm surprised you didn't blurt out drink Florida orange juice." He half smiles "I don't blurt it out I speak with gentleman class." Sasha rolls her eyes "oh shut up already you yell all the time." Doug smirks "not as much as you do." Sasha says "don't push my buttons." Doug says "I'm just saying." Doug looks at Nikolai who smirks "you walk a dangerous line my friend." Doug says "I like living on the edge." Sasha picks up a steak knife "I will use this." Doug says "give me that!" He takes it and Sasha picks up a second one pointing it at him. Little Doug says "you're not hurting Daddy." Sasha says "you do as I say not the other way around." Doug says "don't anger your Mother. She's bluffing anyway." Sasha glares at him but sets the knife down. Doug says "see?" Sasha says "I will deal with you later." Doug says "why are you even mad?" Sasha kicks Doug's leg the point of her heel hitting his knee. Doug grimaces and when she goes to do it again he pulls her shoe off. "Give that back!" Doug says "not until you promise to stop kicking me." Sasha says "fine I promise." She lifts her foot up under the table "may I have it back now?" Doug puts her shoe back on and she says "thank you." Katya sighs "sometimes I feel like I'm the only adult here." Nikolai smiles "it's good to see that they can play around though." Katya nods "true I guess." Doug smirks "are we embarrassing you?" Katya says "no go ahead and act up. I don't care." Sasha laughs and Doug simply shrugs "I guess that means no."

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