Batson Boys

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The New Year starts off fine at first then things become strained with prices falling on a lot of crops including the cotton and onions Doug has growing making things seem dim come harvest season. Sasha and Doug are both forced to cut back on their spending as Sasha stresses with things being in the red lines. At one point she burst out crying Doug finding her in the office late one night and hugging her tight. As the months pass Sasha starts considering looking for another job to supplement their income but Doug convinces her to wait and see if things improve and if it gets bad enough he will sell the cattle they have. Sasha and Ana decide to start making trinkets and other crafts to sell at local fairs to supplement their income and Doug looks for alternative crops that are high yielding and the markets fairly well for them. Thankfully for Doug and Sasha a sudden demand for cotton comes into play driving prices up high God answering their prayers. Doug considers turning a field into sod production but Sasha convinces him to wait until things are going very well at the Farm before he invests in equipment for Sod cutting. One day he's working his fields when he notices one of his cows giving birth to a baby calf. When it drops to the ground he smiles as it stumbles to get up and move around its mother licking it clean. Sasha's voice breaks his train of thought and he turns seeing her waving frantically at him. "I'm going into labor!" Doug runs up and Ana says "I'll keep the kids you two go!" Doug helps her into the SUV then takes off to the hospital in Savannah rushing her in as Sasha is agonizing with each contraction. He holds her hand in the hospital room as she squeezes the life out of his hand while she screams giving birth. Several hours pass as the doctor keeps telling her to push. One baby is out crying and it takes Sasha sometime to get their other son out but once he's out and crying the nurses take him back with his brother cleaning them up. Sasha lets go of his hand breathing a sigh of relief. The nurses bring the boys back letting Doug hold one and Sasha hold the other one. Sasha smiles down at the little baby boy with his mother's blue eyes and says "you will be William." She looks over at Doug holding his son who is green eyed like his father. Both sons favor Doug's head and face but they have their mothers nose. Sasha says "no wonder they were so hard to get out they're square headed like you." Doug chuckles and says to his son in his arms "I guess you will be Doug III." He gets up and places baby Doug in Sasha's other arm. He takes out his phone to get a picture and Sasha says "I look terrible what are you doing?" Doug says "just smile please and you're beautiful." Sasha sighs then half smiles holding her sleeping sons in her arms Doug taking the picture and sending it to Ana. He hears a phone ding and a knock on the hospital door as Ana walks in with her twins and Katya. Katya rushes over to Doug going "Dadda Dadda!" Doug smiles and picks her up walking over to Sasha. "Look at what Mama is holding! You got two brand new brothers!" Ana walks over and says "aww my goodness they're so cute!" Katya says "are you not going to play with me anymore?" Doug says "I'll still play with you darling. We'll just have more to play with now." Sasha makes kissy noises at Katya and says "come give me a kissy kiss." Doug puts Katya with Sasha and she crawls up kissing her mother. Doug then picks her back up bouncing her to her delight. Sasha kisses each of her son's on their foreheads and says "I'm never letting you go." Doug says "some poor girls are gonna have to peal your hands off of them." Sasha hisses at Doug and says "don't even start." He chuckles and she says "I will put the fear of God into any girls that they bring home." Doug smiles "just like me with any boy that calls upon Katya." Sasha says "you should take interest in who our sons bring home too." Doug says "if she's hot great if not I won't let him live it down." Ana laughs and says "that's terrible Doug." Doug smirks "as long as they have good taste in girls like their father I'm fine." Sasha says "no I won't let them be with a woman that's like me I know what I'm capable of doing." Doug says "it'll be interesting anyway." Sasha says "can you at least let me enjoy them without making me think about giving them away already?" Doug says "as you wish my love." Sasha smiles and lets Ana pick up baby William to hold for a bit then she switches to baby Doug. "I just want to squeeze them God they're so cute!" Doug and Sasha smile then Doug hands Katya to Sasha who hugs her side while Doug picks up William. Doug smiles "William Thomas just like my grandfather." Sasha smiles and looks around the room, at Katya, her sons, Ana then Doug. "You know there were times I wondered if I would ever become a wife and mother or if I would remain a tool of Russia." Ana smirks "I was just a bitch before I met Alex." Doug says "now Dragon Lady that's no way to talk about your self and don't cuss around my kids." Ana raises an eyebrow "but it's ok if it's you cussing out your equipment?" Katya blurts out "Bitch!" Sasha laughs and Doug eyes Ana "I make sure the kids aren't around before I let my tounge loos." Ana turns red then says "I'm sorry." Doug says "it's alright Ana, these kids are gonna learn them all eventually between us three." Sasha holds her hand over her mouth her face red from laughing. She then says "now Katya that's not a nice word you shouldn't be talking like that." Katya says "are you gonna spank me?" Sasha says "no sweetheart not this time but I will if you say it again." Katya looks a bit scared then Sasha kisses and hugs her "I love you baby." Katya says "I love you too Mama." Sasha runs her fingers through Katya's blonde hair then kisses her cheeks. Doug and Ana give the babies back to Sasha and she holds all three of her children in the hospital bed with her and she can't help but to smile as she takes in this moment knowing they won't stay little forever. Ana tends to her twins knowing the very same thing is true for her children.

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