Imparting Wisdom

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As the years pass by the kids grow up and the farm expands Doug and Sasha buying more land surrounding the farm piece by piece. Their cattle heard sits at around 40 head and there's onions in one field and corn in the rest of the fields. Katya is learning to drive using the beat up white 1987 Ford F-150 Doug bought as a farm truck that is nicknamed the rag mop because of how beat up it really is from the life it's had yet the motor and transmission are as strong as ever for a truck that age. Katya parks the truck and Doug breathes a sigh of relief. Katya says "come on Daddy I wasn't that bad." Doug raises an eyebrow "you ran off the road 10 times." Katya blushes and Doug smiles "it's alright baby the truck needs an alignment done to it thats why it's pulling to the right." They get out and head inside Sasha comes over to Doug and without asking pulls his belt off. Doug just makes a face and Sasha turns around yelling in a seething voice "Douglas and William!" Doug says "what did they do now?" Sasha snaps "look at my kitchen!" Doug peeks in there seeing some of the cabinets are broken and broken dishes litter the floor. "How the hell did they do that?" Sasha says "I'm going to find out!" Sasha says in Russian "boys you'd better come down here! Three! Two!" Before Sasha finishes both boys hurry down the stairs to the living room. Katya makes a face almost like her father is pulling and Doug motions for her to step aside with him to the hallway. Sasha makes a loop with the belt and gently slaps her hand with it. "now I'm going to ask you only once. How did you do it and why?" Little Doug looks down and Willie too neither speaking. Sasha snaps the belt making them jump. "Answer me!" They gulp and Little Doug says "we were climbing up to see how long each of us could hang onto the top shelf before giving out." Sasha says "Willie, is this true?" Willie nods silently. Sasha just makes a face "well, you two are going to clean up the mess you made in there. There will be no climbing or any physical endurance tests in this house! Go outside or use the barn but not in my house! Now turn around both of you." She proceeds to spank them several times then she says "now clean up my kitchen! I want it spotless!" They hurry in there beginning to clean up the mess. Sasha hands Doug his belt back and follows the boys standing at the entrance of the kitchen with her arms folded watching them like a hawk as she taps her foot impatiently while they work cleaning. Katya shakes her head "idiots." Doug cuts his eyes at her "Katya." Katya says "sorry Daddy." Doug smirks "keep being a smartie and I'll sick Mama on you." Katya gets wide eyed "God no please don't." Sasha turns her head "and what devilish things did you do today my darling?" Katya says "nothing Mama it was Daddy's fault." Doug makes a face "what in the world?" Sasha says "do I need to spank you too Doug?" Doug makes a bitter face "I havent done a thing to deserve it!" Katya and Sasha burst out laughing and Katya says "gotcha!" Sasha just winks and Doug rolls his eyes "great the curse continues." Sasha turns her attention back to the boys and snaps her fingers "come on faster! I need to make dinner. Actually you two can help me." Doug heads upstairs and looks in the bedroom mirror seeing his father looking back at him. It takes him aback for just a second before realizing it's only his own middle aged reflection. Doug sits on the side of the bed pulling his boots off. Katya knocks and Doug says "come in." She walks in and Doug can't help but to smile at his daughter who looks just like a teenaged Sasha. Shes holding a picture album and says "I found this." Doug pats the bed and she sits next to him. She opens it and Doug says "oh you found our wedding album." Katya smiles "yeah I've been looking through it. You and Mom look so happy." Doug smiles "I remember that day as if it were yesterday. Bok Tower gardens in my hometown." Katya points "who is this?" Doug says "that's your Uncle Alex." She says "Caroline and Mike's Dad?" Doug nods "my old high school best friend. He introduced me to your Mama actually." Katya says "oh yeah?" Doug nods "yup he was a Marine and I was an Airman. Don't know where or how he found her but we shook hands on the tarmac then he kinda just dumped her with me and left." She laughs "oh my God wow how awkward." Doug smiles "yeah I was a nervous wreck. But it all worked out because you're here now." Katya makes a face "Dad don't please!" He chuckles and says "you're the one with the dirty mind not me." Katya composes her self and keeps flipping through the album. "You and Mom are something else." Doug smiles "that we are darling." Katya sighs says "I want a love like what you and her have." Doug puts his arm around her and kisses her head "you will one day." They keep flipping through and they find the baby pictures. Doug says "you were the most beautiful baby I'd ever laid eyes upon." Doug looks in her green eyes "Katya don't idolize the marriage your Mama and I have. What you need to do is put God first and the rest will fall in place. I'll have to put the fear of God into the boys that call upon you and many will run. One day however one will be brave enough to ask me for your hand in marriage. I won't grant him my blessing unless I know he's right with God, right for you, makes you happy, cherishes and protects you like he should." Katya smiles and Doug continues "but just between you and I he'll never be good enough." Katya chuckles and says "I'll make him good enough if he isn't." Doug says "I'm gonna put a brick on your head you're growing up too fast slow down honey." She laughs and then sighs closing the picture album. She says "I remember watching you and Mama after she had been coyote hunting when I was five." Doug smiles "me too and I winked at you and signaled for you to go to bed before your Mama saw." Katya asks "did she ever find out?" Doug smiles "no sweetheart that's between you and I." He stands up and pats her on the back "come on let's go see what Mama and the boys made for dinner." He holds the door for her and they head downstairs sitting at the kitchen table. Sasha says "Doug get your father his tea." He says "yes ma'am." Little Doug hands his father a sweet tea and Doug thanks him. Katya says "oh Willie!" He turns frowning and she says "where's my drink?" Willie says "get it your self." Sasha immediately spanks him bare handed making Katya laugh. Doug says "Katya." She says "Sorry." Willie gives her a coke and the two stick their tounges out at each other. Doug just shakes his head "what am I gonna do with you children?" Katya says "just be glad we're not Michael and Caroline." Doug chuckles "I actually do feel sorry for Dragon Lady sometimes." They hear fireworks going off and then Ana yells "damn it Caroline!" They all laugh then sit down for dinner. Doug smiles at Sasha and she smiles back as he downs the beef stroganoff.

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