Halloween Horror and Wrath

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Doug is shook awake by Sasha who's all giggly this morning. Doug says "what's go you so riled up?" Sasha says "well good morning Dougie!" Doug says "mind answering my question?" Sasha grins "it's Halloween of course we're gonna take Katya trick or treating tonight!" Doug says "but really the candy will be for you." Sasha winks "precisely." Doug chuckles and rolls out of bed going into the kitchen where Sasha cooked them some bacon eggs and grits. Ana is mixing butter and honey with her grits Doug makes a face. "I've never seen anyone put honey in their grits." Ana just smiles and says "well good morning Mr. Doug." Doug says "good morning Dragon Lady." The two women are smiling to them selves making Doug suspicious that they are up to something. Katya smashes her Cheerios on her baby table and Doug chuckles saying "you wanna play baby?" He plays with his daughter giving her more Cheerios to either eat or smash. He smashes some with her to her amusement and Sasha comes over going "you two are mess makers." Doug says "but it's fun!" Sasha and Ana just keep smiling. Earlier that morning Sasha is sitting with Ana reviewing their plans for that night. Ana is showing Sasha what she can do on her laptop and phone. "since this building is so new I can hack the lights and the utilities." Ana messes with the lights, the water faucets, the TV and even Doug's phone making Sasha giggle. "Oh we are going to have Doug begging for our mercy." They review all their makeup they'll use to make Sasha look like an evil zombie clown including the fake canine teeth and red colored contacts that'll make her eyes red instead of blue. They both pretend to be evil witches laughing which happens to rouse Doug. He nods to him self "I've already got my counter prank for you ladies just wait." He texts his ghosts to meet him at the farm as usual. After Doug downs his black coffee he says "alright ladies I'm off to the farm." Sasha says "remember to be home on time we're taking Katya trick or treating." Doug nods and heads to the farm meeting his men and finally finishing the barn. Doug gathers them and says "ok boys listen up. The ladies are planning a Halloween prank I can smell it in the air. So we are going to have one of our own." Jack says "what's that?" Doug says "make their prank go horribly wrong." Travis says "oh this should be fun." Doug nods "oh absolutely. Here's the plan." They work out the details the men confident in their plans and Doug heads home like normal. He walks in and says "good afternoon ladies ready to go trick or treating?" Sasha says "of course!" She's dressed like a witch as well as Ana and Katya. They go trick or treating getting Katya a bunch of candy then head back to the apartment Sasha enjoying her self over the chocolate. Doug just shakes his head and Ana says "ok I'm off to bed night you two." Doug says "night." Sasha leans into him and just smiles her chocolatey smile making Doug laugh. "eating that babies candy what kind of mom are you?" Sasha says "a deserving one." Suddenly the TV goes out, then comes back on flickering. A ghostly figure showing up and writing something "tonight you die." Doug says "what the hell." The lights go out and Sasha lets out a blood chilling scream acting like she's being dragged off in the dark. "No!! No!!!!" The lights come back on and Sasha is gone. Ana quickly does Sasha in her makeup and outfit as she sends Doug on a meaningless search through the apartment complex his phone telling him places to check. Sasha puts in her fake canines and red eye contacts and a black wig to cover her blonde hair. Ana says "God you look horrible." Sasha grins with a bloody looking mouth and says "why thank you." The two girls giggle and she's goes out to meet Doug. "looking for your wife?" Doug quizzically says "what did you do with her?" She smiles her bloody smile "I devoured her while you searched aimlessly for her! Hahaha!" Doug says "then why do you sound like her?" She says "I needed a new voice box and hers was a perfect fit!" She moves towards him licking her lips as she limps. "I also devoured Ana and those lovely twins and your daughter. You're my main course though!" Doug moves away going to where his Firearms should be seeing they've been hidden. Doug moves towards the balcony backing away. "Stay away demon!" She laughs evilly hissing at him and making a grab. Doug backs up going on the balcony and She comes out there. "You're trapped now!" She grabs him but to her horror he goes over the side screaming as he falls. The ghosts move into position as Sasha looks over seeing a lifeless body below. "Ana!!!" Ana comes out and gasps. "Oh my God!" Sasha rips off the wig "no no no no this wasn't how it was supposed to go!" She rushes down stairs to find Doug's bloody and lifeless body on the ground. She falls to her knees crying over him as Doug holds his breath doing his best not to smile. A monk in a brown robe approaches from the shadows. "Such a tragic end for a great American hero. Fighting so gallantly for his country only to be murdered by his loving wife. What a shame indeed." Sasha looks up "no! I didn't mean for this to happen!" Ana stays back watching the scene unfold. Another monk grabs her making her gasp. "And you are just a guilty dear." Ana says "huh? I didn't do anything!" The monk says "oh yes you did. You said he was going to die didn't you? Looks like you got your wish. We were watching from the shadows this whole time...." More monks approach as ominous music plays. They all speak at the same time "be careful playing with fire because you might just get burned. You've sinned greatly tonight, and it is time to pay for those sins." Sasha says "No Jesus died for my sins!" One pulls a butcher's knife as they have the women surrounded over Doug. They hug each other shivering and Doug opens one eye grabbing Sasha's leg making her scream. He screams at her also and she looks at him so shocked. "Your alive?!" Doug smiles and says "SIKE!" Sasha stops her foot as Doug jumps up. She says "NOW IM REALLY GOING TO KILL YOU YOU SICK MAN!" The ghosts reveal them selves and Ana looks around at them all not sure what to say. Sasha grabs hold of Doug yanking him and shaking him vigorously. "You made me think you were dead!! How could you!! We were only trying to scare you damn it!" She smacks him countless times across his face. The other ghosts back away as Sasha unleashes her fury on Doug Ana also backing up from them. She says "this went way too far....." Sasha shoves Doug on the ground pressing her foot into his stomach. "Do you know how many nights I stayed up wondering if you were dead over seas?! Huh?! You think this is hilarious?!" Doug says "Sasha I" She says "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP AND DON'T TALK TO ME!" She's hyperventilating tears streaming down her face. She turns away and Ana follows. Sasha turns again and says "don't bother coming up go sleep in the fucking barn you built!" She storms off with Ana and Doug stands up hanging his head in defeat. He looks at his men. "I'm sorry this was a stupid idea of mine." He sighs and says "would have been better had Gunny planed this. I'll never be as good." Jack puts his hand on Doug's shoulder "well sometimes we make stupid mistakes, but that's life and we gotta live with it." Doug sits down "every damn time in my life I ever tried joking it always went too far God I'm stupid." James says "enough of that shit. So things went terribly wrong. It'll be alright in the long run." Doug sighs "why'd you let me do it?" Mike says "some lessons just have to be learned the hard way." Doug says "yeah like turning off the breaker before wiring the barn." Mike makes a face and James says "how about that raincheck?" Doug nods and they get up heading to a local bar.

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