Sasha's Payback

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Doug gets up earlier than normal the next morning getting things ready and whipping up a quick breakfast of pancakes studying the directions on the container of pancake mix. Ana walks in with her twins and starts laughing "oh my God shes making you cook us breakfast too." Doug says "yep." He starts the coffee and flips the pancake in the skillet then takes it off giving it to Ana and making more. Ana says "this isn't done." Doug looks and says "oh hell what have I gotten my self into." Ana says "you did open your mouth." Doug says "I knew she'd get pissed but she's actually scaring the hell out of me." Ana says "then why piss her off in the first place?" Doug says "I like pissing her off just a tad because it's cute when she's just slightly pissed. When it turns into a volcano like yesterdays double face slap then I know I went too far." Ana shakes her head "you should have known better than to say what you said." Doug says "well she did say.." Ana cuts him off "what she said and your reply are two different levels don't even try." Doug says "well how do I make it up to her?" Ana listens to the house silent other than the stove and says "she must be sleeping in." Doug nods "yeah she took up the whole bed as soon as I got up." Ana giggles and says "alright Doug I'll help you somewhat. First increase the time you leave the pancakes on each side not every stove is the same." He nods and she says "you'll have to cater to her every whim now like she made you do back in Kentucky when you called her fat." Doug says "I remember." Ana says "start with breakfast in bed that'll surprise her." Doug says "alright." He puts together her breakfast with pancakes and coffee on a tray with a couple daisy's picked from outside. He walks upstairs and opens the bedroom door finding her asleep still. He sets it covered with a love note saying "good morning beautiful." He heads back down and Ana says "what did she say?" Doug says "nothing. Im too afraid to wake her up." Ana laughs "are you scared of a little Russian woman?" Doug says "that little Russian woman can break my neck in a heartbeat." Ana says "oh she wouldn't kill you litteraly." Doug says "you don't know that." As he drinks his coffee Sasha says "I can't decide if I would actually kill you or not." Doug is startled making him spill hot coffee on him self scalding him. "Damn!" He turns around "I thought you were asleep." Sasha grins "you thought I was sleeping I had my eyes cracked open I watched you." She high fives Ana and sits down with her tray of stuff eating. Ana says "I didn't even hear you come down." Sasha says "I can sneak up on almost anybody. Alex was the only exception." She says "well Dougie you did pretty good for breakfast." Doug says "thanks." Sasha looks down at her food and he mouths to Ana "thank you." She nods and when he opens a cabnit a paper hornet hits him in the chest making him jump back cussing. Sasha and Ana burst out laughing and Doug says "that was wrong!" Sasha says "keep your mouth shut and things wont happen to you." Doug studies the set up of the trap and wonders how Sasha even set it up. Doug says "well sweetheart what do you have in store for me today?" Sasha smiles "nothing dearest I'm feeling generous today so I'm forgiving you." Doug raises an eyebrow "only because you've set up my punishment already I'm assuming." Sasha smirks "oh really now?" She stares hard at him smiling half heartedly then says "we shall find out." He says "alright ladies I'm headed outside." Sasha holds her cup up "before you do that refill me." He refills her coffee and then heads outside. He finds his truck has been wrapped in plastic with all the air let out of all four tires and writing all over the windows. He takes his pocket knife cutting the plastic wrap off then heads to the barn to grab his air compressor finding its been super glued to the floor. He lights a torch cutting the glue with it to free his compressor. When he goes to put his torch back Sasha steps out of the shadows. "Boo!" Doug jumps back and she laughs away as Travis and Mike grab him holding him down as Sasha walks over. "So you've turned my own Ghosts against me." Sasha says "who writes their paychecks? All I have to do is find a reason to cut their pay and they're on my side so I won't actually do it." Doug sighs and Sasha walks over grabbing him by the chin turning his head side to side. She kisses him then takes his pocket knife flicking the blade. She smiles "I love you Dougie." Doug says "Love you too." Sasha pulls out the wrap binding him up and she has Travis and Mike leave him in the corner and she gets on his tractor going out into the fields mowing the other pastures then has Travis and Mike finish off with more hay bailing. Sasha walks back into the barn around noon playing with the knife. She smiles "understand I can run this farm with or without you." She cuts him loose and he stands up them stumbles and falls because his leg is asleep. She laughs hysterically then squats down next to him. "Think about that before you ever try to restrict me to just the house and I'll make you the sorriest man on Earth." She puts her hand out helping him back up and Doug says "I married a tough woman." Sasha says "that you did." She grins and he smiles back picking her up and kissing her as hard as he can. Travis walks in "Mrs. Batson what else...oh." Sasha says "For the Love of God Travis just call me Sasha you make me sound old." Doug laughs and sets her down. Travis says "yes ma'am." Doug says "you can take that hay to the store for us and bring Mama the money." He nods and heads off with Mike. Sasha says "we have excellent help around here." She giggles and Doug says "yeah." He takes the air compressor and airs up his tires then finds a horrible scratch on the fender. "What the hell is this?" Sasha averts her eyes and backs away. Doug turns and says "Sasha what is this?" Sasha sheepishly says "I had your keys and tripped while I was wrapping your truck last night and the keys scratched it." Ana walks outside and says "what's wrong?" Doug says "somebody scratched my truck." Ana says "uh oh I know how you are about that truck." Doug opens the driver door only to find ten poppers go off and shoot confetti at him making Sasha and Ana laugh hysterically. Doug says "now where'd you get that idea from?" Sasha giggles "tricks of a good friend." Doug shakes his head then says "I'm still irritated about the scratch." Sasha sighs "I'm sorry Dougie I really am." She makes puppy eyes at him and he sighs "God I can't stay mad at you like you can at me." He hugs her and she says "I'll get some touch up paint from the Ford dealer and fix it." Doug says "good enough." Ana says "aww you're both happy again." Doug says "for now." Sasha laughs and says "yes until he says something idiotic." Doug says "or you mess with my truck again." Ana smiles "well come to my house lunch is on me today."

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