Here and Now

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Doug walks in the kitchen finding that it was cleaned up and put back in order for the most part. To Doug it looks fine but Sasha hobbles in there and says "nope this kitchen is out of order." Doug says "looks fine to me." Sasha goes to rearrange it and Doug stops her "Baby, just sit down and tell me what to do." Sasha grins "oh I like that idea." She sits down at the table and breaths a sigh of relief as she leans the crutches against the table. Doug asks "you alright?" Sasha says "I want my Vodka." Doug smirks "of course my dear." He gets the bottle of Russian Vodka out and sets it on the table with a shot glass. She pours her self a shot and downs it. She tells Doug how to rearrange the kitchen then stares at her reflection on the bottle. Doug looks at her for a moment and asks "you sure you're fine sweetie?" Sasha half smiles "I'm alright Doug, just thinking." He asks "about what?" Sasha sighs "well for one this is our daughter's final year of high school and the boys will be driving soon." She shakes her head "I can't believe it. It feels like yesterday I gave birth to her." Doug finishes putting everything away and sits down at the table with her taking her hand as she wipes tears from her eyes. "I have no idea what she wants to do in college." Doug says "she'll make up her mind soon enough." She says "I feel like Dougie just wants to do what you do now." Doug smirks "we both know that." Sasha says "I have no idea what Willie wants to do." Doug shrugs "me neither." Sasha says "I found him the other night going through our picture album. He was looking at all your pictures from the Military and he had your Grandfathers picture out that was taken in Vietnam." Sasha looks in his eyes "I have a bad feeling he'll want to go in and I don't like it." Doug says "well, that will be his decision whether you or I like it or not." Sasha says "so you're gonna encourage it?" Doug says "I would never push Military service on anyone. I'll tell him the truth and everything the recruiters don't tell them just like Michael's grandfather told him the truth about being a Marine." Sasha says "you won't discourage it either then?" Doug grunts with irritation "Sasha who are we to arrange our kids lives? Neither of us are the Lord of their lives. No I don't want William to see the hell I've seen or have the nightmares that happen almost every night, but one day he'll be an adult making his own choices." Sasha sighs and folds her arms slumping back "Don't think I won't try to discourage it." Doug says "if you want to encourage him to pursue something else by all means do it. Maybe he'll listen but I'd place a bet he won't." Sasha just eyes him and Doug knows this discussion will come up again one day by the way she looks at him. Doug takes her hand and kisses it in an attempt to get her to soften up. She smiles slightly and Doug says "Don't ever think I'm going to love the idea of someone shooting at my son because I hate it as much as you do. Whatever he decides to do with his life as long as it is a worthwhile career we should be proud of him. It's our job to raise our kids as best as we can in hope they turn out to be good God fearing people." Sasha half smiles "of course." Doug says "if I ever got the opportunity to take my sons place in a war I'd do it." Sasha says "that doesn't make me feel any better." Doug shurgs "it means I'd rather be shot at instead of him." Sasha says "if he is anything like you or my self you would run into him out there in the field. If you and him die it's just Katya, Dougie and me. Doug sighs "well, let's just be glad it's one of the rare times in history it's mostly peaceful." Sasha sighs "mostly is the keyword. There will always be conflict." Doug nods "unfortunately." Sasha sighs and Doug says "darling." She says "hmm?" Doug says "let us not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about it self." Sasha half smiles "you're absolutely right." Doug smiles back "I pay attention in Church too." She smiles and he rubs his thumb across the knuckles on her hand then he brings her hand to his face kissing it. Sasha says "I never thought I'd be here when I was a little girl." Doug says "I was probably digging in the dirt while you slept." Sasha giggles "I remember when the kids used to dig in our yard." Doug says "yeah you stepped in one of their holes and fell flat on your face." He chuckles a bit and Sasha says "and I remember an ass of a man who was dying of laughter." Doug says "you've had your fair share of laughs at my blunders too you know." Sasha smirks "oh Ana and I laughed for two days about baby Doug peeing on you." Doug sighs "yeah." Sasha half smiles and squeezes his hand. She says "thank you for everything you've done for me and the family." Doug says "no, it's you I should be thanking. Had you not entered my life I'd still be searching for a woman like you." Sasha says "why do you have to make me cry?" Doug says "darling that's never my intention I'm just telling you how I feel." Sasha says "well I'm happy to have made you happy." Doug says "I'll always love you." Sasha says "I'll always love you too." Doug says "it was when I took my eye off every other woman and got caught up with what I was doing you showed up." Sasha shrugs "it was ordained to happen is all I know." Doug smirks "to marry your first girlfriend is almost unheard of anymore." Sasha says "you just got lucky." Doug says "I don't know sometimes you are a real pain in my ass." Sasha raises her eyebrows "that's very brave of you to say." Doug takes the Vodka bottle and drinks straight from it. He smirks "I'm a brave man." Sasha says "you are a stubborn ass of a man who pisses me off more than any man ever has before in my life." Doug laughs and Sasha can't help but to smile and giggle her self. Doug says "gives new meaning to being madly in love huh." She laughs and Doug says "my lovely snow angel, Queen of ice, and the Queen of my heart." Sasha settles down and sighs as she undoes the bun in her blonde hair letting it fall behind her shoulders. Suddenly Katya is shoved into the kitchen by her brothers to her parents surprise. Katya seethes "you assholes!" The boys laugh and Willie says "maybe you shouldn't spy on people." Katya says "says the boy who spies on Caroline and I." Sasha says "children, enough. I don't want to hear it tonight." They both nod "yes ma'am." Sasha says "now come give Mama a hug." Doug and Willie stand on each side of her and she pulls them in as Katya hugs her Mother from behind. Doug pulls out his phone and takes their picture.

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