Light Arguments Over Pizza

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Doug lays out on the couch and Sasha pulls up the table sitting on it while she massages the stubborn kink out of Doug's lower back that forms daily. Doug sighs and says "I hope I don't have to go back for another back surgery." Sasha says "well that was years ago, but no I don't think you need that. This is muscular it has nothing to do with your spine or disks." Doug says "hmm." Sasha says "my one worry about little Dougie taking this place over one day is that he too will destroy his back." Doug says "he has one advantage over me." Sasha asks "what's that?" Doug says "he hasn't injured it horrendously like I did lifting weights in high school." Sasha sighs "that probably messed up your disk then." Doug says "yeah, sure they fixed that crap but I still have problems." Sasha says "comes with job I guess." Doug says "all he needs to do is find a good woman like you and he'll be alright." Sasha half smiles "no girl will ever be good enough for him." Doug sighs "listen at you." His back muscles finally give way to Sasha's rubbing and Doug sighs "that is the best feeling in the world." Sasha smirks "the best?" Doug says "well, one of them anyway." Sasha eases her self over him and lays on him kissing his neck. Doug says "somebody is feeling good." She giggles "I am." She hugs him tightly and says "I love you." He says "I love you too." Katya comes downstairs and walks in the living room finding them. Katya says "oh." Sasha turns her head facing her daughter "yes my darling?" Katya says "well we're getting hungry so..who's cooking?" Doug says "you are." Sasha says "hush!" Doug smirks and Sasha gets up "Your Father and I decided we will go somewhere tonight." Katya grins "can we go to the pizza place?!" Sasha sighs and Doug sits up "baby you ain't gotta ask just say so and we'll go." Katya screams out "yes!" She rushes over and hugs her Father tightly. Sasha says "I see how it is, he's you're favorite parent." Katya sighs "Mama don't." Sasha half smiles "no I'm not offended at all." Katya gets up and hugs her Mother. "I love you too Mama." Sasha says "you definitely get your pizza addiction from your Father." Katya shrugs and Doug says "because it's awesome." Sasha says "I like it but not like you two." Doug stands up "alright let me go unplug those boys from their computers." He heads upstairs and Katya says "I wouldn't trust Daddy to help me with my makeup anyway." Sasha laughs "oh God no." The boys come downstairs with their Father behind them. They all head for the local pizza place that's on River Street in Savannah having dinner there. Once the kids are full they get up and go over to the vintage pinball machine playing on it leaving their parents at the booth. Doug makes it his mission to finish off the pizza and Sasha shakes her head then chuckles. "I suppose we don't need a box." Doug says "nope." He holds up the final slice and Sasha steals several slices of pepperoni from it before he bites into it. Doug glares at her and she stares back as she chews on her stolen goods. He finishes the last slice and settles down. Doug says "you always have to steal any bit of food from me." Sasha says "yeah so?" He face palms and she giggles then hugs him. "Oh come on you're not starving. You can share with your poor wife." Doug says "yes my dear, anything you want." Sasha smirks "as it should be." Doug says "don't push your luck." He winks and Sasha says "you're not scared of me like you used to be. I miss that." Doug says "I never was, I only let you think that." Sasha rolls her eyes and says "right." They hear the kids start getting loud and Sasha immediately shushes them. Doug half smiles and Sasha says "go ahead and be a smartass." He starts laughing and puts his head down. Sasha reaches over pinching his ear. "This is for leaving the milk jug nearly empty in the fridge!" Doug laughs even more and Sasha says "seriously?! Just enough to cover the bottom of the damn jug!" Katya shushes her parents from a distance which only makes her Father laugh even more. Sasha glares at her daughter who simply folds her arms and makes a face. Sasha sighs then says "ok shut up Doug." Doug grins and Katya smiles unfolding her arms and turns her attention back to the pinball machine as Doug runs to beat out Willie's score. The restaurant by now is mostly empty and Doug offers his hand to Sasha "care to dance my dear?" Sasha half smiles and takes his hand being led out and they begin slow dancing despite the ruckus coming from the kids. She puts her arms around his neck and he has his around her sides the two of them locked together. Doug smiles looking down in her blue eyes "I still know how to soften you up." Sasha says "lucky for you." She giggles and he says "what can I say I'm the luckiest man alive." The kids stop playing pinball and watch their parents for a bit then Willie asks "how do they go from arguing to this within 10 minutes?" Little Doug shrugs and Katya sighs "they know how to work each other. What buttons to push. Daddy loves to irritate the hell out of Mama but he loves her immesnley and vise versa." Little Doug smirks "y'all remember when they argued over a pair of his jeans?" Katya and Willie snicker and Katya immiates her Mother "put those back I'm donating them to the church's clothing store!" Little Doug says "these are my favorite jeans!" Katya says "you've worn holes in them! They look terrible!" Little Doug says "so you're gonna let the church sell them to a homeless guy?! Make him look terrible?!" Katya laughs "then she tried to pull them off of him and away from him and they started yanking back and forth screaming at each other before they ripped." Little Doug says "you did this on purpose!" Katya says "shut up! Idiot!" The kids all laugh away receiving glares from both parents who overheard them. Doug looks back at Sasha "I'm still sore about that you know." Sasha says "oh well, I don't give a shit. They were horrendus jeans." Doug sighs rolling his eyes and Sasha raises an eyebrow cocking a smile. "You know I'm right." Doug says "I wasn't going to go into town with them." Sasha says "whatever." Once finished dancing Doug leans her over and plants a kiss on her lips as he always does to top off their dances together.

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