Getting Caught by Mother Russia

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Sasha and Doug head back from the foot doctor in town to the farm in her Explorer. At least that's Doug's plan. Doug says "feel better?" Sasha says "yes even though that shot hurt like hell." Doug nods and keeps driving. Sasha says "wonder what the kids have gotten into?" Doug says "no telling darling, Ana picked up the boys today for us and Katya drives the others." Sasha says "stop stop! I want to go in that store and get something for Ana!" Doug sighs and turns around going back to the said store. Sasha says "what? Can't stand shopping with your wife?" Doug says "I've got a few things I need to do on the farm but I guess they can wait." Sasha says "absolutely, this won't take long." Doug just makes a face and Sasha says "I saw that look!" Doug smiles his smug smile as they get out and head inside the boutique Doug already feeling out of place. He thinks about going back to the car but luckily finds a chair near the door so he sits in it while Sasha shops a young girl asking if she needs any help and assists her. The girl suddenly says "oh you're Katya's Mom!" Sasha smiles "yes I am." She points at Doug "and this is her Father." Doug just nods as he rocks his black cowboy hat on his knee. The girl says "well my name is Scarlett McGregor nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Batson. I'm on the officer team with Katya in FFA." Doug perks up a bit "oh are ya? What position?" Scarlett smiles "President sir." Doug smiles back "I was president my senior year in high school back in little ole Frostproof." Scarlett says "yes sir it's my senior year as well. Where is Frostproof?" Doug says "tiny farm town in central Florida." Scarlett turns back to Sasha "What about you?" Sasha says "oh no I was never in any agriculture club. I was a dancer and spent my time learning martial arts." Scarlett asks "where are you from?" Sasha says "Russia, I moved around quite a bit." Scarlett says "I wondered where Katya got her name from but I didn't want to be rude." Sasha says "it isn't rude as long as you ask politely darling." Scarlett says "that's true, well Mrs. Batson is there anything else I can help you find?" Sasha says "no I've found everything I need. I think Ana will be happy and so will I. You've been very helpful." Sasha gets checked out and they head out of the store. Doug says "I thought you were just getting something for Ana." Sasha finishes reapplying her lipstick using the car's mirror. She smacks her lips "never hurts to restock on makeup my love. Now before I forget let's go in this other store so I can get some inserts for my shoes." Doug sighs and follows her. They end up spending several hours shopping and just to do it Doug drags Sasha into one of the gun stores after being drug into numerous shops in Savannah. Sasha says "why are we even here you have enough Guns at home!" Doug spins the rifles on the turn table "no I don't, besides I need ammo. Never hurts to restock on ammo my love." Sasha sighs and Doug says "congratulations now you know how I've felt the entire time." She just smirks and shakes her head. Doug gets what he needs and they head home finally. Sasha heads inside with her things and Doug carries in more of her stuff as well as his ammo. Katya says "you went shopping without me?" Sasha gives her some lipstick "I found your color, Russian Red." Katya is delighted and kisses her mother on the cheek. Sasha heads upstairs to her bedroom. She hears odd noises and it's coming from the boys room. She creeps over to there listening and hears the sounds of a woman moaning. Her eyes get big wondering what is going on and she stealthily enters the room. She catches her boys watching porn and she gasps. They both jump and Willie rushes to close the site. Sasha says "don't close it I want to see what you're looking at!" She walks up confirming it is porn then makes him close it. Sasha yells at them furiously so loudly that Caroline opens her window next door to listen and cracks up when she hears it. Michael says "God what is Aunt Sasha mad about?" Caroline is dying laughing "she caught Doug and Willie watching porn!" Michael says "oh wow." Sasha says "Oh Pops! I need your belt!" Doug downstairs makes a face "she never calls me Pops unless the kids really screwed up." Doug heads up stairs giving Sasha his belt. "What did they do now?" Sasha says "they were watching porn!" Doug sighs and shakes his head "boys that stuff will destory your life easily and warp your view of women. Most of that is fake anyway." The boys say nothing and Doug continues "people end their relationships because of that stuff, break up or even divorce if they're married. Just imagine you scored with the woman of your dreams, now tell me boys do you want to jeopardize that chance?" They both shake their heads no. Doug says "I thought so, and not only that but boys it's downright ungodly. I suggest you pray for forgiveness." Doug looks at Sasha "alright Mama bear bring my belt back when you're done with it." Sasha bends them both over on the lower bunk bed and whips them both as Doug walks out. He actually flinches with each sound so he moves away swiftly. Doug runs into Katya coming upstairs and Doug shake his head "don't go up there." Katya says "why?" They hear Sasha yell angrily in Russian and Katya says "oh." Doug says "you can come help your old man." She follows him to the barn and Doug takes his boot to his fertilizer spreader a layer of metal coming off due to rust. "The one bad thing about fertilizer is it makes everything rust. I've done my best washing things down but it's not always enough especially if we get alot of rain. That's why I pull a lot of maintence on my equipment. Today we're gonna weld some more sheets of metal on. Yes I'd probably be better off buying a new spreader but if I can make this one last longer it's worth it." Katya just nods and Doug pulls the welding equipment out giving Katya a welding helmet and pulling on his father's old one going to work. He has Katya hand him supplies and after he finishes working he says "want to weld?" She smiles "sure." Doug gives her two pieces of scrap and she attempts welding. After she finishes Doug takes a sledge hammer and bangs on the metal making them come apart. Katya makes a face and Doug says "you're not gonna get it the first time." He shows her on more scrap metal then let's her try again several times until she lays a bead that doesn't break. Doug smiles "that's my girl." Katya lifts up her welding helmet smiling. "Perks of being a Farmer's daughter huh Daddy." Doug pats her back "absolutely sweetheart." They head inside Sasha parading as the queen of her house while her two princes work as her servants cleaning the house while Sasha relaxes reading her book stretched out on the couch. Willie brings her water and she shoos him away back to dusting the house. Doug shakes his head "your mother's other classic form of punishment." Katya smirks "I heard Mama made you clean her entire apartment for calling her chubby back in the day when you were just dating." Doug says "from who?" Katya says "Aunt Ana." Doug sighs "of course." He looks seeing little Doug mopping the kitchen. Sasha snaps her fingers beckoning Doug him self and Katya over. Sasha gives Doug his belt back and Sasha asks Katya "did you ever know of your brothers porn addiction?" Katya says "no ma'am." Sasha sighs "very well then. Why do you look sunburnt?" Doug says "taught her to weld." Sasha smiles "did you do good?" Katya says "not at first but eventually." Sasha smiles then glares at Doug "you should have made her put on sun screen." Doug says "she's fine." Sasha says "whatever."

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