A Familar Face And Dares

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Doug walks back outside to welcome Elvira and her young son Daniel as Katya, Caroline, Michael, Little Doug and Willie all stare out the window in the living room. Sasha half smiles laying on the couch as she still sees them like little kids that would look out the window waiting for Doug to come back and seeing who could spot him first. Sasha says "you kids are something else." They all look at her some puzzled the rest just smile as she smiles back. Michael whispers something to Caroline making her say "you're on." Caroline leaves and heads around back grabbing some candy to prey on the boy. She rounds the corner of the front porch Doug and Elvira unloading the car. She says "psst!" The boy looks and she says "hey kid you want some candy?" Katya says "oh my God look at her." Little Doug and Willie burst out laughing as Michael smirks having dared her to do it. The boy yells "stranger danger stranger danger!" Caroline quickly hides but Doug says "Caroline come here." Elvira looks concerned "what in the world?" Doug sighs "the kids around here love to pull any kind of stunt." Caroline comes out and the boy hides behind his mother. Doug says "Daniel meet Caroline she'll be your new neighbor for a little while." Caroline half smiles and waves at the boy giving him the candy. Doug says "everyone else is inside." When they turn around Michael is grinning and Caroline mouths "fuck you bitch." Michael sticks his tounge out and flips her off Caroline returning the finger. Katya just shakes her head in dissapointment "you're both immature I have to babysit you two when we go anywhere." Michael says "oh relax you and your brothers are the same way." Katya says "no we are not I don't make them do stupid dares." They quiet down when Ana comes out of the office greeting Elvira and following them into the living room. Sasha sits up on the couch and Elvira hugs her kissing her on each cheek Sasha doing the same. Doug says "I thought you were Russians not Italians." Sasha says "shut up ass." Katya comes over and hugs her cousin Daniel "hi I'm your cousin Katya." He just shyly says hi. Little Doug and Willie fist bump him "and we're your cousins Doug and Willie." He just nods and Willie asks "you play PlayStation?" Daniel lights up "yes!" The three boys run upstairs and Sasha yells in Russian "no running inside this house!" Caroline flicks Michael behind his ears and he swats at her. Katya says "stop it!" They settle for a bit until Caroline does it again Michael turning swiftly but Caroline grabs him putting him into a headlock. Ana rolls up a new paper and hits both of them "stop it! Break it up!" They settle down finally and Ana asks Sasha "where is the red wine?" Sasha says "in the top middle cabinet. Bring me a glass too please." She looks at Elvira "want some?" Elvira declines and just sits on the couch next to Sasha. Ana leaves and Katya says "you two are terrible you litteraly drive your mom to drink." Caroline shrugs "I would too if I was her." Sasha laughs and Katya says "wow." Caroline says "what? It's good for her! Haven't you read about red wines benefits?" Sasha grins "all true." Doug just sighs and sits back in his recliner. Soon Caroline says "let's go get ice cream!" She looks dead at Katya "you know you want to." Katya says "very well let's go." Caroline claps and Michael follows along. Ana coming back asks "where are you three going?" Caroline says "to get ice cream." Ana says "and you didn't ask if I wanted some?" Caroline says "well do you?" Ana half smiles "I'm alright. Be careful now." They leave and Ana heads back to the living room giving Sasha her glass. Doug smirks watching the three of them pile into Katya's red Ford truck. "They can't get rid of her." Sasha giggles "no she sticks right with them as their favorite third wheel." Elvira half smiles watching the truck throw up dust down the dirt driveway then she sighs and wipes her eyes. "God what am I gonna do for my son? I'm so lost right now." She starts breaking down and Sasha takes ahold of her rocking with her while Elvira sobs on her shoulder. "I was so stupid to even Marry that cheating bastard and..." Sasha puts her hand over Elvira's mouth "stop it. Beating your self up is not going to help you or your little boy." Elvira pulls away and puts her face in her hands "Sasha I'm lost I don't even know where to start." Sasha hugs her "take it easy and breathe. I know it's a mess right now darling but you've got to stay strong for your sons sake." Elvira just sighs and Sasha says "why don't you come to Church with us this Sunday?" Doug half smiles "yeah it'll be a good time. My old friend Preacher Man is coming to preach a revival." Elvira looks up "is he the one who officiated your wedding?" Sasha nods "yes, and he is a wonderful man of God if you have questions he'll have an answer or can point you where to look in this old book." She holds up a Bible and Elvira nods "alright then I'll come." Meanwhile sitting in Leapolds ice cream in downtown Savannah Caroline observes the long line of people waiting. She listens to a group of boys talking but can't understand them completely but they obviously have been looking at her. Katya smirks "you have admirers." Caroline rolls her eyes "they have baby dicks not interested." Michael says "my God Caroline just say what comes to mind why don't you." Caroline grins "it's great I surprise my self sometimes." Katya says "I dare you to give them a seductive look." Caroline says "fuck you Kat now I have to do it." Michael smirks as Caroline turns and catches the group oggling her. "Hey!" They all look and she seductively licks her ice cream making them get excited. She freaks them out however when she crosses her eyes before rolling them back in her head. Katya laughs "oh my God they're Russian. They think you are a devil woman or an alien now." The group get their ice cream and leave quickly. Caroline says "ok Kat, now I dare you to lick Michael's face like a dog right here." Katya makes a face and Caroline lightly kicks her "I'm waiting." Katya sighs and does the dare making Caroline laugh. Other customers are giving the trio all sorts of looks now. Michael says "enough madness." He gets up and puts a quarter in the vintage record player playing a song from the 1950s. He puts his hand out to Katya. "May I have this dance." Caroline grabs it making a scene "why yes I'll dance with you!" Michael says "I'm going to throw you off that suspension bridge over the river." Caroline says "shut up and dance with me bitch wad." Katya facepalms "what are we going to do with you?" Caroline says "bite me." Katya says "ok." Biting her arm to Caroline's surprise. Michael spies the employees looking at them and says "alright cut it out or we're gonna get kicked out." He twirls his sister around several times dancing with her until Caroline goes back for a second helping of ice cream leaving Katya and Michael to dance their cares away. Michael says "let's ditch her now we have a chance." Katya says "I can't do that to her I love her." Michael says "what do you have the hots for her?" Katya says jokingly "maybe." Michael rears back and Katya laughs "kidding my love I only sweat for you." They kiss each other only to be interrupted by ice cream being shoved between their faces thanks to Caroline.

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