Taking It Easy

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Doug and Sasha swing together for most of the afternoon well into the evening with nothing else really to do with Doug recovering. Doug looks at Sasha and half smiles seeing she's fallen asleep on him. Caroline and Katya play in the yard much like they used to do when they were little. Little Doug and Willie come out and walk over to their parents. Doug signals them to be quiet and nods towards they're sleeping mother. Little Doug says "Aunt Ana wants to know what you want for dinner." Doug says "if there's enough food left to make chicken and yellow rice that will be good." They nod and head inside. They tell her and Ana smiles "well that's my specialty, you two can help me." Sasha wakes up and yawns then sits up straight. "How long was I out?" Doug says "five days." Sasha says "shut up." Doug chuckles and he says "a couple hours, I let you sleep because you looked tired." They watch as a few choppers land in the pasture parking for the night and the men heading to their tents. Only a few remain now that some of the flooding has subsided and they can get in closer to town. The team of Ghosts come up to the porch and sit watching Katya and Caroline wallow around in what used to be a round bale of hay. Jarrod shakes his head "Caroline is definitely my brother's kid." Doug smirks "yeah she even threw her brother into the dryer and turned it on a few times when they were little." Jarrod just laughs a bit awkwardly remembering his older brother did that to him. Mike says "we'll be leaving tomorrow." Doug says "well I appreciate everything yall did while you were here." James says "we had plenty of help, that woman next to you is scary with a sledgehammer." Sasha giggles and Doug raises his eyebrows "what were you hammering?" Sasha says "I helped tear down the barn along with the rest of the family." Doug says "ah I thought you said a bulldozer was used." Sasha says "we had to pull it apart first to salvage your tools and everything." Doug says "oh ok." He looks at his Massey Ferguson now beat up and scratched up. "Does the tractor still run?" Sasha says "yup I parked it there." Doug says "that's good." Doug asks "where is all my stuff?" Sasha says "I rented a storage unit to put everything in until we get back to normal." He says "alright." Sasha says "I've been taking care of this place don't worry alright? Just chill out with me." She hugs on him and they keep rocking in the swing. Soon Katya sits next to Sasha and Caroline comes up but is grabbed by her Uncle Jarrod for a knuckle sandwich to her head. She laughs and squirms out of his grip. They play fight but she takes a shot at him hitting him in the manhood making everyone else laugh. Doug says "and that's why you don't fight your niece even if it's fake fighting." Jarrod says "you cheated!" Caroline says "no I won Uncle Jarrod." He stays on the porch floor for a good 10 minutes before getting back up. Caroline sits on Katya's lap swinging with Doug and Sasha. Michael comes outside having watched from the window. He says "She likes hitting men in their nuts on purpose." Jarrod says "I know." Caroline just grins "means I won't get hurt by any man!" Sasha says "unless he has protection darling. Remember what I taught you." Caroline leans back and Katya says "you're squishing my boobs." Caroline pushes her self into Katya. "Stop it ouch you bitch get off!" Katya tickles her to get Caroline to stop. Caroline jumps up laughing "hey easy!" Katya leans back and breaths a sigh of relief. "Go bug Michael or somebody." Caroline grins "as you wish." She says "hey Mikey! Come here!" Michael looks up and is tackled by his sister. Doug shakes his head "where does she get all this energy from?" Sasha shrugs and Ana comes out seeing Caroline wrestling Michael. "Enough you two! Dinners ready." They all head inside Doug inviting the men in and they have dinner leaving no leftovers behind. After dinner Michael and Caroline hang out with their Uncle who's telling them crazy stories about their cousins and Father. Travis, Jack, and James head outside to spectate a Rap battle between Mike and another Marine around a campfire. Doug walks around back checking the generator that's powering the entire house. Sasha comes up "thank God for this thing." Doug says "glad I bought it now?" She nods "you had me convinced when you said it could run our A/C." Doug says "oh how did the fuel tanks come out?" Sasha says "they're fine no damage." Doug says "good." He suddenly grabs her and kisses her leaning her over. She giggles as she kisses him back. Sasha says "Doug do me a favor." Doug says "yes my love?" Sasha says "wait until you're healed before you get crazy with me." Doug says "of course." She kisses his cheek "I love you." Doug says "I love you too." They head back inside where he sits in his chair while Sasha continues reading her book on the couch. Katya sits on her Dad's lap. "Hi Daddy." She grins and Doug says "how much do you want?" Sasha hearing him laughs "oh she's got you wrapped." Katya's dog also jumps up and Katya grabs him. "Can we get a friend for Mikey here? Please?" Sasha just shakes her head and Doug says "honey we have enough animals on this farm." Katya says "what about if Michael gets the dog?" Doug says "then that's between you, him, and his Mama since it'll be in her house." Katya says "alright." Sasha says "wow you actually told her no." Doug says "she's still working around me." Katya just smiles and Doug says "come here and scratch off my beard." Doug grabs her rubbing his beard all over Katya's cheeks. "Stop it it's prickly!" She laughs then screams "this is cruel and unusual! Mama!" Sasha says "Doug enough." Doug finally stops and pokes Katya in the side "thanks sweetie." Katya says "you're not welcome Daddy." Doug just half smiles and hugs her. "You know I love you." Katya says "Love you too." Doug smells her hair "not only do you look like your Mama but you smell like her." Sasha says "yes I've noticed my blueberry scented shampoo getting used up quickly. Someone is wasting a lot of it." She eyes her daughter and Katya just half smiles. Sasha says "don't play miss innocent with me. Your Daddy can't save you." Katya says "I just like it and how it smells." Sasha half smiles "I know it's amazing. I'll buy extra next time I'm in the store." Sasha looks at Doug "see? I can be the cool parent too I'm not mean." Doug just half smiles at her. They hear Caroline and Michael errupt with laughter and Doug says "I wonder what story he told them." Sasha shrugs and keeps reading. Doug says "look at you getting all educated reading." Katya giggles and Sasha says "means I'm smarter than you." Katya says "that's a romance book! That's not educational." Doug laughs and Sasha says "I like these stories!" Doug says "they're all the same." Sasha says "I usually think of us in these books." Doug says "oh do you?" She nods "mhm this one is about a Russian girl who married an Irish boy in New York during the Great Depression and he fights in World War II." Doug says "alright I'll give that one a pass." Sasha says "would you like to read it when I'm done?" Katya smirks and looks at her Daddy. Sasha says "yes or no? I think you would like the history." Doug says "I guess I'll give it a try. Is it real?" Sasha says "yes actually, their granddaughter wrote this." Doug says "oh ok." Ana says "I'm gonna ask you for your man card now." Doug looks at Ana "where did you come from?" Ana grins "I've been in the hallway listening." Doug says "I like history alright?" Ana says "mhm." Doug rolls his eyes and Ana says "keep it up I'll sick my daughter on you." Doug says "oh God." Ana smirks and Sasha smiles behind her book. Doug says "I'll just give her Katya's allowance." Katya says "hey! Not fair!" Doug says "life isn't fair deal with it." Katya says "fine I'll sell her something of yours then and get my allowance anyway." Katya says "I'll sell Willie to her as a slave." Sasha says "you will do no such thing!" Katya laughs "I'm joking. I'll sell her potatoes for her potato gun." Sasha says "you better not steal them from my garden." Katya says "I won't." Katya gets up and heads upstairs. Caroline yells from the kitchen. "I win! Suck it Michael and Uncle Jarrod!" Doug gets up and goes in the kitchen seeing Magic the gathering cards all over the kitchen table. Doug says "what are you nerds playing?" Caroline says "a game I'm amazing at playing." Jarrod says "I know you and Alex played this Doug." Doug says "we did. Good times, a lot simpler back then too." He winks at Caroline and Michael "don't grow up too fast." Michael says "my sister never will." Doug says "only time will tell son but it wouldn't surprise me."

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