Harry Jackson Jr

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One evening a young man nearing 24 drives into the city of Savannah. Having recently buried his Mother who died from cancer he was given a furlough by his superiors in the Air Force, but he would rather be flying right now instead of driving. Outside of the Air Force he doesn't really have any friends and dosen't know of any relatives due to his Mother's  disconnect from most everyone in her past. He pulls into the parking lot at the local Russian restaurant curious about the food served there. He looks around seeing an old blue F-150 with a horse trailer behind it parked. He walks inside sitting at a booth alone. The server comes by taking his order and he sits looking down at his phone scrolling through old pictures he found of his Father. He comes across one saved showing his Father and Doug Batson (Harry Jr having only seen pictures is curious whether Doug is still alive or not.) Both men in uniform posing in front of their B-2 Bomber. More pictures show the men with the Bomber and later their F-22 fighters. He's personally read his Father's records and knows exactly how he perished. Having frequently visited his Father's gravesite the Air Force emblem and American Flag on the headstone always made him smile. He finally decided to join up when he was kneeling at his Father's grave praying on whether he should join or not when the sound of a fighter jet blasted through the sky above. He immediately looked up and around but it was too cloudy to see. Nevertheless he took that as his sign. He hears a loud scream followed by a girl yelling "Caroline stop!" He looks up to see a red headed girl giggling and an angry dirty blonde girl. With them and three boys, an older red headed woman, an older blonde woman and a red bearded cowboy with his arm around the older blonde. Young Harry looks back at his phone and scrolls through more images. He finds a picture of his parents at an Air Force ball along with Doug and Sasha as written beneath the picture. He looks back over at the family and sees the younger blonde girl looks just like the one in the picture. He deduces the older woman could be pictured on his phone but he isn't sure about the cowboy who has a red beard and a distinct scar on his face, both of which are missing in the picture. The cowboy finally removes his black cowboy hat and sets it aside having forgotten his gentleman manners. He looks over at the lone Air man and nods, Young Harry nods back and about then his order arrives. The classic beef stroganoff. He digs into his meal and Doug beckons the waitress over to him. "Yes sir?" Doug says "give me the Airman's bill." The waitress smiles "certainly sir." Sasha half smiles "well aren't you feeling generous tonight." Doug says "it's only right. I remember how it was living on military pay." Doug pays both tabs and they sit around lounging while the kids all gather in the arcade room.  When Harry asks for the bill the waitress smiles "Mr. Doug paid for your meal. He's retired military himself actually." Harry says "I'll have to thank him then." He gets up and walks towards the Batsons. Sasha nudges Doug and he looks up seeing the young airman approaching them. Doug stands up and extends his hand "thank you for your service. I once wore that uniform my self." Harry nods "and thank you for yours and your generosity tonight." Doug in his head recognizes the face as Harry but knows he's dead. Doug says "son what's your name?" He says "Harry Jackson Junior sir. I believe you flew with my Father." Sasha gasps out of disbelief and Ana raises her eyebrows then mouths "wow." Doug says "my God son how did you ever convince your Mother to let you join the Air Force?" He shrugs "she didn't like it but supported my decision." Doug asks "how's she doing?" He lowers his head to hide his eyes welling up "I just buried her last week. It was cancer." The handshake turns into a hug and Sasha's face saddens knowing her self how it is to loose both parents early on and Doug having lost his own Father at an early age. All of the kids look on with curiosity from the arcade. They all hang back and then Caroline says "Katya go see what's happening." Michael says "no I will." Katya says "it's either all of us or we all stay here." Doug let's young Harry go and Sasha gets up hugging him tightly. Harry notices the others coming up so he straightness him self out and Doug easily recognizes the wrought iron will in the young man. Doug says "kids this is Harry Jackson Jr. His father was my wingman in the war." The kids all introduce themselves and Doug asks "son where are you staying?" Harry says "I just got into town." Doug says "we have an extra guest room at the farm." Harry says "I'd rather not impose." Sasha says "please you wouldn't be imposong. I insist especially during this time. You shouldn't be going through this alone." Doug says "there's plenty to do on the farm as well. I can always use the extra help even if it's just for a short period of time. I'll pay you." The young airman says "alright, I'll accept your offer." He puts out his hand and Doug shakes it with a grin. They all head out Sasha of course dragging behind as she tells her Aunt and Uncle who run the place goodbye. The kids hang out with Harry in the parking lot pestering him with questions. They finally make for the door and Ana says "you know you two really do have hearts of gold. Opening up your home to him, poor thing." Doug says "don't let him hear you say that." Doug looks at the young man from a distance "he's turned out like his Father in so many ways even having what I call the wrought iron will. By God that boy has done his parents proud to be dawning that Uniform. Anyway I can help him keep making them proud I'm gonna do it." Ana looks puzzeled "how do you see that about his will in such a short period of time?" Doug says "that boy has done everything in his power to become like his Father and more, much like I did." Doug smirks remembering when him and Harry Senior argued over a bar tab "and good God was his Father stubborn as hell at times."

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