Ticking Off The Wife

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The next morning Doug gets up repeating the same routine with Sasha and his baby girl in the kitchen. Doug finds the paper hornets and rubber band Sasha has been using and smiles taking them. He whispers to Katya. "Watch this." He aims right for her butt and pops her making her squeak. Katya giggles and Doug snickers with her. Sasha turns around "you two are trouble makers!" Doug says "never leave your weapons unsecured." She turns around back to the stove and he does it again making Katya giggle again when Sasha squeaks. "Stop it!" Doug says "payback sucks huh. At least I don't aim for your head." They hear a knock then the door opens Ana and her babies strolling in. Ana says "I knocked this time happy Doug?" Doug says "yes thank you." She smirks and says "oh Lord you got her hornets." Doug feels one hit him and turns finding Sasha with more. "I always keep backup hornets and a spare rubber band." She pops him in the arm and he pops her belly. She runs out then grabs a fly swatter which Doug takes as his que to run. She runs him out of the kitchen then he circles around running back into the kitchen grabbing his last biscuit and running back out with Sasha steady spanking him with the fly swatter. Ana laughs along with Katya and Ana says "oh some things never change." Sasha says "get to work crazy man!" Doug says "get back in that kitchen crazy woman!" Ana's eyes get big and Sasha says angrily "come here I want to talk to you!" He runs out the door with Sahsa hot behind him cussing in Russian as Travis and Mike watch from Travis's truck and Ana out the window. She grabs him by the collar and forces him to turn around smacking him hard across both cheeks. She points and says "say anything else like that to me and you'll really be sorry!" Doug smirks and says "I love you." Sasha looks at him and folds her arms as she thinks, then she smiles and says "I love you too, thanks for lunch and dinner today I'm looking forward to what you're gonna make." Doug goes to say something and she presses her finger on his lips "it's either that or no sex for three weeks the choice is yours. You have until noon to have something ready and if it's not ready by 12:01 then my legs are crossed." Doug says "very well then." He gets up and Sasha turns around heading back inside to a cheerful Ana who was egging her on at the window. Doug walks over to Travis and Mike and says "either one of you have anything smart to say?" Mike says "yeah I'm staying single." Travis laughs and says "no comment." Doug says "alright boys well finish bailing hay for me and stacking it I'm headed to the grocery store." Travis says "you're making lunch?" Doug sees his half smile and says "boy say something else go ahead." He shakes his head and Doug says "alright I'll be back." He gets in his truck going to the store getting some burgers, hot dogs, chicken and French fries ready to be fried as well as a few gallons of peanut oil. He then stops getting the propane tank filled and heads back to the farm chopping wood for the grill and pulling out the turkey fryer to use for French fries hooking up the propane and lighting it up and starting the grills fire. Sasha watches him curiously sitting on their porch as he throws meat on the grill and starts frying French fries. Ana walks down to him and says "nothing healthy?" Doug says "nothing wrong with beef or chicken. Fries are another story." She smiles "well don't expect any help from us setting up inside either." Sasha rocks in her chair and looks at her watch. "Better have something done in 20 minutes!" Ana walks back up and sits next to Sasha. Doug takes a few things off the grill setting things up inside the house putting out the plates and silverware. He walks back out finishing up and taking everything inside calling in Mike and Travis too. Sasha looks at her watch and then to Doug "well you're a lucky man it seems you have two minutes to spare." Doug just smiles and says "you didn't think I could do it did you?" She just smiles back at him and gives him a chilling look "you're very lucky I actually love you." Doug says "ladies and gentlemen dig in." Doug says grace then they eat lunch. Sasha and Ana leave the cleanup to Doug and he enlists the help of Travis and Mike to get it done faster. As they head out Sasha grabs him "your new time is 6:01 or I'll be crossing my legs for awhile." They haul off hay to the feed store then Doug pulls maintence on his tractor that afternoon. He gives Travis and Mike the rest of the day off and sets a timer for 5:30. When it goes off he stops what he's doing and heads inside cleaning up then heating up leftovers setting out three plates. Sasha and Ana walk in seeing the food. Sasha checks her watch seeing its 5:50. She says "well done Doug." Ana just smiles trying not to laugh. They eat and Doug is left to clean up again while Sasha and Ana sit in the living room. Doug eventually joins them and Ana says "well I'm actually impressed you made lunch and dinner without our help." Doug says "in the wisdom of The Duke a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." Sasha says "sometimes a man needs to know when to shut the hell up." Ana laughs and Sasha cuts her eyes at him. "You'll be very sorry if you disrespect me like that again." Doug says "I'm sorry my love I only ment to be joking this morning." Sasha says "mhm sure a woman's place is in the kitchen I know your thought process. You're just lucky I like cooking." Doug gets up and Sasha says "where are you going? I'm not done talking to you!" He steps out anyway and comes back in with roses behind his back. He gives them to her with a fancy chocolate bar and she cuts her eyes at him. "Think that's gonna soften me up?" Doug says "yeah." She unwraps the chocolate eating it then she finally smiles abit "you know me too well." She smells the roses then sets them aside. "I'm still mad at you." Doug says "I know I'm an idiot." Sasha says "yes but you're my idiot." Doug smirks and she does too. She says "come sit on the couch." He does and she puts her feet in his lap "you know what to do, I've been on them all day." Ana says "oh it's the apartment all over again Doug when are you gonna learn?" Doug just shrugs "probably never." Ana laughs and Sasha jabs her toe in his stomach "I didn't say stop." Doug says "yes dear." Ana says "see Alex wasn't stupid enough to say things like you do." Doug says "well my name's not Alex now is it?" Sasha jabs him again "don't get smart with her." Ana says "I think you just like making Sasha mad." Doug smiles "really what gave you that idea?" Sasha digs her foot into his stomach "what did I just say?" He just smiles at her and she rolls her eyes. Ana laughs and then says "alright well I'll leave you two be good night." Sasha says "night my darling." She takes the twins and heads next door. Sasha says "you are just asking for it today." He winks at her and she half smiles winking back at him. "You're making breakfast in the morning just so you know." Doug says "Alright then."

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