Triumph And Defeat

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The days and weeks pass on by as Doug is still slowly rebuilding his barn mostly just by him self while his hired help does everything else to keep the farm running. His turnover is unfortunately high with people quiting after only a week and in some cases just a few days unable to handle the job they say. Doug just nods his regular understanding nod giving his half smile and a hand shake wishing them the best. Sasha helps him when she can but she has a lot on her plate as well. The kids arrive home from school all headed inside to throw their book bags in their rooms and come up with the next excuse to go out on a Friday night. Sometimes the Mothers allow it other times they don't. Doug usually just tells them don't do anything stupid when they do go out. His sons head outside knowing what needs to be done with Willie walking with absolute pride and joy in each step he takes and a grin on his face. Doug says "son what's got you so happy?" Willie says "I asked out Hanna and she said yes!" Doug laughs "Good God son you act like she agreed to marry you." Willie shows his father a picture of the blue eyed blonde girl and Doug asks "where is she from?" Willie says "she's German, they moved here last month and I've been talking to her for about a month." Doug says "well I ain't sure how your Mama will react but just be glad she ain't Ukrainian." Willie says "why?" Doug smirks "ask her I dare you." Willie says "I'm not stupid Dad you tell me." Doug chuckles "pay attention in history class and you'll know." Willie says "oh!" Doug says "yeah." Doug says "you could tell Hanna about how your great grandfather possibly cut down her great grandfather with a sword in World War II." Willie says "again I'm not an idiot." Doug says "I'll tell the story then or better yet your Mama will!" Willie says "no!" Doug laughs madly and Willie shakes his head "you're a mess." Sasha says "I agree." Willie jumps "where did you come from?" She giggles and kisses his forehead. Doug says "aw look you still get Mama's sugar." Sasha says "hush old man." Doug says "then I guess I won't tell you about our son's new girlfriend." Sasha gasps and looks at Willie "and who is this mystery girl?" Willie turns red "Hanna." Doug smirks as Sasha folds her arms now beginning to interrogate Willie. "How long have you known her?" Willie says "a month." Sasha says "only a month and you asked her out already?" Doug laughs "oh my God you and I only knew each other a few hours and you agreed to a date with me." Sasha says "I had prior knowledge of you!" Doug says "by what a few days?" Sasha sighs and looks back at her son "where's she from?" Willie says "Germany, they moved here a month ago." Sasha says "what do her grades look like?" Doug grins trying not to laugh. Willie says "she has a 4.0 GPA." Sasha says "good, may I see what she looks like?" Willie shows her a picture and Sasha half smiles "she is very pretty. When do I get to meet her?" Willie says "uh." Sasha says "uh is not an answer." Willie says "soon." Doug laughs "leave the poor boy alone darling my Lord." Sasha says "alright sweetie you run and do your chores now." Willie says "yes ma'am." He rushes off and Doug shakes his head smiling at Sasha. She looks at him "shut up." Doug says "I didn't say anything dearest." Sasha sighs "I just want the best for them." Doug says "I know sweetheart. They're good judges of potential girlfriends I think." Sasha raises an eyebrow "no they are not." Doug smirks "that's because you run off half of them. Don't tell me you already hate Hanna." Sasha says "I will determine that when I meet her." Doug sighs "poor girl dosen't know what she's got coming." Sasha half smiles. She walks over hugging him then gives him a quick kiss. She hangs onto him and looks up in his tired green eyes "I love you." Doug smiles down at her "I love you too my Queen." Little Doug pulls the tractor around and Doug spots the trail of oil behind it. Doug sighs "great." Sasha looks and says "I'll leave you to it. What do you want for dinner?" Doug says "I don't know surprise me." Little Doug gets out saying hi to his Mother and grabbing his father "it's leaking hydraulic fluid." Doug looks over the old tractor and sighs "yup I see the busted line, God why the hell do they put this shit in the most God forsaken spaces? These engineers don't know shit about working on these damn things." Little Doug just shrugs and Doug goes through his tools in the half built barn. He pulls out all the needed tools and the extra line he keeps on hand knowing these types of repairs are bound to be made. They work for about an hour and a half replacing the line and refilling the tractor with hydraulic fluid getting it's front lifting arms and back implement lifts and ports back online. Doug wipes his brow with his shirt sleeve and hands his things to his son to be put away. Doug tries to get up but he's stove up from working on the barn all day. Doug says "buddy I'm gonna need a lift." Little Doug comes over and helps pull his Father up. Doug sighs and leans on the tractor "God I hate getting old." Little Doug just half smiles but Doug recognizes hurt behind his sons blue eyes. Doug asks "something wrong?" He shakes his head and Doug says "you've been very quiet today something isn't right." Little Doug sighs and Doug says "come on son I can't help you if you don't spit it out." Little Doug says "I got rejected by a girl." Doug says "oh I see. Who is she?" Little Doug says "Penny, one of Caroline's friends." Doug says "well there's your first mistake any friend of Caroline's is bad news." Little Doug says "everybody else but me gets to have someone! Even when I did I got screwed over!" Doug says "you'll kill your self comparing your self to others." Little Doug shakes his head "what am I supposed to do?" Doug says "you are to live your life as God intended. This is a matter you have to leave up to God, believe me I've been in your shoes. I had my fair share of letdowns before I met your mother." Little Doug angrily kicks away a rock and shakes his head. Doug says "Doug look at me." He looks up at his father "I speak from experience, and besides you're young and still a teenager. I didn't meet your Mama until I was in my 20s. So you've got time. When the time is right God will release her to you whoever she may be. So until that happens try to enjoy your self and the day given to you as best as you can, alright?" Little Doug finally nods "ok." Doug pats his shoulder "plus you don't have to deal with your Mama grilling you like she is Willie." Little Doug just half smiles and they walk towards the house. "I know it sucks now but it'll work out. God won't leave you hanging he knows what you need and when you need it." Little Doug just nods in understanding. They get inside just in time for Sasha sees how greasy and dirty they both are and says "don't come in with those shoes! Leave them outside!" Doug just smirks "as you wish." They leave their boots on the porch and Sasha walks over to little Doug pulling his dirty shirt off. "Mama!" Sasha says "you're just like your father I just got you this shirt and it's nasty now!" Doug chuckles as Sasha walks off to the laundry room to try and scrub out the stains. He smiles then sighs "what a woman I tell ya your Mama is something else." Little Doug says "you married her." Doug laughs out loud and high fives his son. Sasha yells from the laundry room "what's so funny?!" Doug says "just a lame joke my love!"

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