I Trick You!

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Katya finishes the back rub and lays back down when she hears the door knob turning for the bathroom. Doug pretends to be asleep and Katya takes the remote for her self watching TV. Sasha opens the door letting her two boys out both clearly unhappy. Sasha says "you'll thank me later." They climb on the other bed and Sasha sighs going back in the bathroom to get a shower for her self. Doug's pretending falls through and he actually ends up going into a deep sleep. Katya decides to try her luck nudging and poking him. It's entertaining to her that she hasn't awoken him yet. When Sasha comes back out pulling her night gown on she looks at Katya funny. "What are you doing to your father?" Katya says "seeing what will wake him up and what won't." Sasha smirks "if his guard is down he sleeps hard you need a train horn to rouse him." Sasha grins "flip him over if you can." Katya attempts to but her father is too heavy. Sasha helps her flip Doug on his back and the boys watch curiously. Sasha gets her makeup out and tells Katya to record on her phone. Katya giggles as Sasha begins applying the stuff to Doug's face making Katya giggle the entire time. Sasha says "hush hush now." The boys can't believe their mother is pranking their father in this manner. Sasha finally puts lipstick on him and she makes kissy noises. Sasha puts everything away then slaps his stomach hard waking him up surprisingly. "Jeeze woman how many times have I told you don't do that?" Sasha says "it's the only sure way to wake you up. Go take a shower you've sweated all over me and the bed!" Doug says "I did?" He feels around and Sasha snaps "go shower!" He jumps "alright fine jeeze already." He gets up and Sasha winks at Katya and her sons. He goes in the bathroom and looks in the mirror. "Who let Caroline in the room?" Everyone laughs and Doug comes out glaring. Sasha grins "silly Dougie, I trick you!" Katya smirks "Caroline approves though." Doug says "I better not see that video on the internet." Sasha says "why not? Might win us a prize from somewhere!" Doug rolls his eyes and Sasha makes kissy noises as she follows him into the bathroom. "You're just so adorable now!" Doug grunts making Sasha giggle more. "Oh come on lighten up Dougie you had it coming!" Doug washes the makeup and mess off of his face and he says "what's got you in such a joyful mood?" Sasha half smiles "I decided I would be the fun parent for once." Doug says "uh huh only to get at me." She batters her blue eyes at him "how can you stay mad at me?" She makes a pouting face and Doug says "and you wonder why I spoil Katya so much she learned every trick from you." Sasha half smiles "she's a good girl." Doug says "yeah, the boys are sometimes and other times well." Sasha shakes her head "anything to impress Caroline even if it means my wrath." Doug says "she's just using them for her dirty work." Sasha smirks a bit "she reminds me of my old self back in Russia I had others do my bidding in trickery as well." Sasha then looks at him "if it bothers you so much why don't you get Caroline about it?" Doug shrugs "let them learn the hard way to look out for themselves. Besides it's entertaining." Doug decides to grab at Sasha to tickle her while she isn't paying attention making her Yelp with laughter. "Stop it!" Doug says "but why?" He chases her and the kids look at their parents puzzled. Sasha rushes around the side of the bed on her daughter's right side "help me your father is nuts!" Katya gets in Doug's way so he says "sorry baby but you're too much like your Mama." He tickles her to get her out of the way but Sasha moves swiftly again hiding behind her two boys. "Protect me." The boys look at one another and Doug says "make your choice, hand her over or deal with your old man." Katya says "you two are something else." The boys look at each other then their mother. She half smiles knowing there's a good chance they will let their father get her. The boys decide to take it a step further turning on their mother and tickling her them selves. They restrain her and Sasha sighs as she's nearly out of breath from laughing "alright I give up." Doug ruffles the hair on his sons "good job boys I'll take it from here." Suddenly however Katya jumps up on him from behind and Sasha grins "always watch your six." Doug says "girlie you better get off you're gonna make me hurt my back again!" He falls forward on the bed and Katya's chin hits his head making them both grunt. Katya gets off rubbing her chin and jaw. Sasha decides to bargain with her sons. "If you let me go I'll make you your favorite dinner." Willie asks "when?" Sasha says "tomorrow evening at your Granny's house." The boys look at each other and nod letting her go "we accept." Sasha says "good boys." Sasha gets up and tries to tickle Doug but nothing happens. She rubs his head and feels the knot that Katya's chin inflicted. Sasha looks at Katya "congratulations you've knocked out your father cold." Katya looks horrified and says "oh God I'm so sorry." Sasha says "relax you got him off my case." She scrunches her fingers all through his hair which would normally get him up but it doesn't. Sasha says "yeah he'll be out for awhile." Katya says "how do you know?" Sasha smirks "let's just say your Dad and I were playing rough and I accidentally conked him on the head once." Katya says "I need not ask more." Katya keeps rubbing her jaw and chin. Sasha says "hurt your self bad?" Katya says "I don't think so but I have a bad headache." Sasha comes over and feels her daughter's chin, jaw, and forehead. "Didn't bite your tounge or anything right?" Katya says "no, my teeth are sore now." Sasha gets ibuprofen from her purse giving it to her with some water. Katya says "thanks Mama." Sasha kisses her forehead "you're welcome." The boys shift their father so he isn't hanging off of the bed and they pile in the other bed with their mother and Katya watching a movie. Both boys mess with the buttons on their mothers night gown. Katya scoffs "little babies you still do that?" Little Doug says "you still sleep with a teddy bear!" Katya sticks out her tounge and he does it back. Sasha says "now now you're all my babies." She looks at her husband to see he hasn't moved. One by one each kid falls asleep on Sasha and she kisses them on their foreheads. She gingerly slides out from her children going to the bathroom. Doug slowly awakens but he can't move or speak. Sasha comes back out of the bathroom and takes his wrist checking his pulse. She feels it slowly increase and her touch rouses him enough to be able to move. He takes a deep breath and turns looking up at her. She half smiles running her fingers through his hair and on the knot on his head. Sasha says "she got you good you were out for two hours give or take." Doug says "yeah." Sasha sits on the side of the bed rubbing his neck. He presses his face into her right thigh while she rubs his neck relaxing it. Sasha half laughs "you might as well be my fourth kid doing that." Doug says "you see Sasha you've been married for 17 years I haven't." Sasha makes a perplexed face and Doug says "I'm your first kid." Sasha rolls her eyes "you're full of shit." Doug chuckles and Sasha shakes her head half smiling. She gets up pulling the sheets over her sleeping children giving them one more kiss each on their heads. She comes over and kisses Doug's head. Doug says "even though you're mean sometimes you really are a blessing." Sasha says "only because you make me mean." She gets in the bed with him and Doug kisses her hand before saying a quick prayer over his family. Sasha says "you didn't ask God for anything I noticed. Why?" Doug pulls her closer and puts his finger on her heart "because he already gave me what I desired deep down in my old heart." She smiles lovingly and they kiss good night. He says "I love you." She says "I love you too."

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