Starting a legacy

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After the war ended Doug recovered in the hospital and went on to receive the medal of honor. He retired from the Army to Sasha's delight. Ana decided she was through with military life and retired also. Doug looked online and found some land outside of Savannah Georgia that became available. He talked it over with Sasha who smiled and gave her approval of Doug's ambitious plans. She had her doubts but she also knew it was Doug's dream and that it would be a lot of hard work but a fun lifestyle too. They told Ana what they were gonna do and offered to build her home next to theirs. She accepted the offer so they gathered up everything and headed down to Georgia with Doug's truck and a trailer loaded down with Sasha and Ana following in their cars on Interstate 95. Construction begins on the houses and Doug decides to build the barn him self to his liking bringing in his former Ghosts paying them and Sasha helping while Ana drives Doug's truck back and forth between the local hardware store getting supplies for them. Until their houses are finished they stay in an apartment in Savannah. Doug decides to take Sasha and Ana down to river street one evening and they freely shop and browse the stores and candy shops before walking into a restaurant called Spanky's where Doug and his grandfather used to stop each year headed to his grandfather's high school reunion. Doug tosses Ana his keys deciding to have a couple beers and Sasha drinking her favorite red wine. Ana says "I thought you two were going dry." They both smile and Doug says "it was temporary." Katya now seven months old her blonde hair showing she looks around the dark restaurant curiously. Ana six months pregnant now with her twins. Sasha pulls Katya from her seat making kissy noises and getting Katya to smile. Doug smiles watching Sasha talk in a baby voice to Katya in Russian. With a kiss to the cheek Sasha puts her baby back and Ana plays with Katya a bit. Doug sees Sasha look behind him and make a half smile and wave. Doug says "who are you waving at?" Sasha says "the girl you introduced me to in Kentucky. Was her name Moriah?" Doug makes a begrudged face and whispers "why would you get her attention?" Ana makes a confused face "you alright Doug?" Doug says "tell you later." Sure enough Doug turns around to see Moriah followed by a tall cowboy in a gray Stetson hat. He waves and Moriah says "well hey how are y'all doing?" Doug says "we're just fine, doing alright how about you?" Moriah says "I'm good thanks." Doug says "I'm sure you remember Sasha my wife now and this is our friend Ana." Ana says hello and Doug smiles with pride. "And this is the prettiest little girl in the world my daughter Katya." Moriah says "aw she's beautiful!" Doug says "just like her Mama." Doug shakes the cowboys hand "Calvin right?" The cowboy simply nods not saying a word. Moriah says "Calvin be nice will you?" He says "sorry it's been a long day on the road." Doug says "where ya headed?" The cowboy says "a ranch in South Carolina to pick up a bull we bought then we're headed back to North Florida." Doug nods "sounds good. Im opening up my own operation outside of town here." Moriah says "oh yeah?" Doug nods "yep gonna run some cattle and plant cotton, corn and onions." Moriah says "well I hope it goes well for you." Doug says "thanks. Hopefully one day you'll see Batson farms in the stores." Moriah says "yeah we'll have to keep a look out for your stuff." Doug nods and Moriah says "well it was good to see yall again, take care now." Doug and Sasha say "you too." Moriah and her cowboy husband go to the other side of the restaurant and Ana leans in "is she an ex girlfriend or something?" Sasha says "he wishes." Doug gets irritated "what good would that do me? Id still be married to you." Sasha says "you say that as if it's a curse. Why do you look at her with pain in your eyes?" Doug says "because I'm reminded of how stupid I was back then it's embarrassing. I never had a chance with her anyway. Why are you so jealous?" Sasha makes a face and Doug pulls out a fat cigar "I'll be back I'm going outside." He gets up and walks out across the street over to the river lighting up the cigar puffing on it. He hears foot steps seeing Ana having followed him outside. She says "you alright?" Doug blows smoke and says "no." Ana makes a concerned face and Doug says in a frustrated manner "why is she so freaking jealous of her my God the woman never wanted me!" Ana says "because she loves you and perceives her a threat if Moriah ever changed her mind. I tried to explain to her she's got nothing to worry about but you really need to do so your self." Doug turns to Ana and says "what I want to know is why she got her attention in the first place." Ana says "she wanted to see how you would react and see if you still loved her. A part of you obviously still does I could see it too." Doug sighs and plops down on the bench by the river. Doug takes another puff and blows a cloud of smoke up towards the moon. "That's the terrible truth, and it seems I can't do anything about it. I wish I could just flip a switch and turn it off but I can't." Ana says "well we meet people in life that do that to us. We fall for them but we can't get over them no matter how much we try. Although I'm not in the exact same boat as you for me that man was Alex." Doug nods and says "he used to could blow smoke rings with cigar smoke." She smiles and says "yes he was talented." Doug sighs and says "that woman has been nothing but good to me. She dosent deserve to feel jealous because of an old flame that should be put out."  Ana says "just reassure her Doug. Shes been done wrong in the past that's why she gets jealous over you. It hurts her feelings that you'd still harbor love for Moriah." Doug says "I gave her my vows to always love her and her alone." Ana says "and she knows that which is why the way you looked at Moriah hurt." Doug hangs his head "I'm a terrible husband." Ana says "no you're not, you just haven't dealt with your past like you should have." Doug sighs and Ana says sternly "look at me." Doug looks and Ana says "you go in there and make Sasha feel like the only woman you'll ever want in the world. Forget Moriah is even there. You want to know how to put out an old flame like her? Stop giving it fuel, forget it existed. Feed the fire for Sasha only. You couldn't have Moriah because God had someone better in mind for you. So don't look at it as a failure because it really isn't. You were steered on the right path to Sasha." Doug takes one final puff then nods putting his cigar out and walking up to the stand buying one rose. He looks back at Ana winking at her who just smirks wondering what hes up to. He walks in hiding it behind his back. He finishes off his beer and shot of whiskey then he grabs one of Sasha's full glasses of wine clanking it with Sasha's who's giving him a irritated look taking her wine. Doug orders a replacement and Sasha finishes off hers. "What are you hiding cowboy?" Doug pulls the rose out biting down on it and puts his hand out. He winks at Ana who cues the music on her phone. "Care to dance my love?" Sasha grins and says "sureee!" Doug can't help but laugh a bit at Sasha slurring her words. Sasha says "what's so funny my dawling?" Doug says "just you my sweet valentine." Ana looks at Katya and says "I guess I get to babysit your mommy and daddy too." Katya turns her head then smiles. The restaurant is mostly empty now the wait staff making their smiles as they start stacking chairs. The playlist throws in Frank Sinatra's "Rain In My Heart." Doug says "this is the song I will sing if you ever leave me or if I lose you." He spins her around on the old wood floor waltzing as the song plays looking hard into her blue eyes. He dosen't even notice Moriah scoot past them to go to the bathroom as he is totally focused on his wife. He takes the rose out holding it behind Sasha's back as he sings along tugging on her heart strings. As the song finishes he dips her and kisses her there. He looks in her eyes and says "promise me you won't give me reason to sing that tune seriously." Sasha hugs him tight and says "aw Dougie! No no I would never do that to you. I promise." He hugs her and says "good." He kisses her forehead and Ana calls out "get a room you drunkards! There's children here!" Doug and Sasha burst out laughing. Ana turns to Katya"what are we gonna do with them?" Katya smiles and giggles. Doug and Sasha take a bow but Doug stumbles falling and Sasha trips landing in Doug's lap. They keep laughing and Ana puts her head down somewhat embarrassed but laughing at the drunk couple. Sasha turns to Doug and she kisses him. "Mmwah! I love you!" Doug says "I love you too." Ana shakes her head "ok I think it's time to go home love birds you can fan the flames there if you want but Katya and I are tired." Doug says "alright Dragon Lady take us home."

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