Date Night

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Doug heads outside and finishes up changing blades on the bush hog with Harry and the boys. After soaking the rusted bolt with solvent and trying again he finally gets the last blade off. "I guess it wasn't cross threaded, just rust." He puts on the last blade and says "alright boys, put all my tools back where they belong." Harry and the Batson boys put up everything and Doug notices Harry staring and two old large Craftsman tool boxes. He sees they say Douglas Batson on the plates but the address is a Florida address. Harry asks "you lived in Florida huh?" Doug nods "grew up in central Florida, and these were in my Father's tool shed. Everything in here belonged to him." Doug opens one of the drawers and pulls out a massive pipe wrench "this dates back to my Father's days as a welder and mechanical contractor. Well over 40 years ago." Harry holds the old pipe wrench and Doug says "that thing has come in handy working on my pivot irrigation systems." Harry nods and hands it back to Doug. Doug puts it away and Harry asks "what happened to him?" Doug says "died when I was nine years old." Harry nods "I see, sorry to hear that." Doug sighs "yeah." His boys approach him and Doug asks "what do y'all want?" Little Doug asks "what else needs to be done?" Doug says "check my irrigation system for leaks and let me know if you find any." They nods and Doug says "you can go hang out with them. I have a date tonight." Harry smirks "really with who I wonder?" Doug says "my old lady." Harry asks "does she get mad when you call her your old lady?" Doug says "I've called her my old lady since we were dating." He heads inside and cleans up getting showered and changes into his black suit with matching black boots. He cleans his old black cowboy hat and Sasha walks in the master bedroom brushing her hair. Sasha says "I'm going to have to kick you out my dear." Doug says "as you wish my dear." He walks out and shuts the door heading downstairs. He watches TV for an hour and about then Katya peers in the living room. Doug looks "what is it baby?" Katya stands in the living room "Your date for this evening." Sasha walks in wearing her black dress, blonde hair done up in a bun and her old favorite red bottom heels. Doug looks her over and Sasha half smiles "I'm ready dearest." Doug says "you're drop dead gorgeous." Sasha grins "well don't die I need a driver." Doug says "as you wish." Katya says "pizza is on its way out here." Doug says "you got somebody to deliver out here?" Katya says "my friend Jenny from school works for the pizza place. She's bringing it." Doug says "well give her a good tip then for driving out here." Katya says "I will." Doug gets up and puts on his black hat taking Sasha by the arm. They walk outside and Doug sees a huge stream of water blasting from one of the pivot systems. Little Doug can be overheard yelling at Willie and Harry shuts down the pump. Doug sighs and Sasha does to. "I guess this means we're not going." Doug smiles "nope, we're still going." Doug calls his son and Little Doug answers the phone. Doug says "I don't care who's fault that is I want that fixed by the time I get back. I should have everything you need in the barn." Little Doug says "yes sir." Sasha snatches the phone "be careful baby, don't get hurt." Little Doug says "we'll be fine Mama, go have fun with Daddy." Sasha says "I love you!" Little Doug says "love you too." They hang up and Sasha gives Doug back his phone. He leads her to the truck holding the door for her. He walks around and gets in then says "you'll have to be my navigator I don't know where this Fancy French place is dearest." Sasha says "if you'll actually listen to me." Doug cranks up the truck and she guides him to the fancy restaurant. They walk in and are seated. Doug says "you made a reservation? When?" Sasha says "last week, I knew I could convince you to come here." She winks and Doug says "you didn't have to try hard that's for sure." He looks around the place and they are handed menus. Doug looks at it and turns it over searching for English. Sasha giggles and Doug says "you're gonna have to order for me." Sasha says "I will darling." The waiter takes their order from Sasha and Doug just nods. The waiter says "I do speak English by the way sir." Doug says "I appreciate that but I figured I'd give her a chance to use her French." The waiter smiles and walks off. He returns with drinks then leaves the two. Doug asks "what did you get me?" Sasha says "steak and fries." Doug says "they have that?" Sasha rolls her eyes "did I not order it dummy?" Doug laughs and he settles down. Doug says "I take it you loved France." Sasha says "I was in love with the country. I wanted to move there actually." Doug smirks "but instead you're here in Dixieland delight with me." Sasha shrugs "it's nice here too." Doug says "I know each place has it's own unique feel." Sasha says "I always loved the place ever since I was a young girl. I wear French perfume and I always have." Doug says "well I love the United States of America." Sasha says "never thought I'd end up over here." Doug says "you don't like it here?" Sasha says "no honey I love it over here. I just never expected to end up over here." Doug nods "I understand." Sasha sips on her glass of red wine and Doug drinks his tea. Sasha says "no alcohol?" Doug says "you didn't get me any." The waiter drops off two small glasses of cognac and she winks. Their food arrives and Sasha holds up her glass of cognac with her genuine half smile "To Batson Farms, may it prosper and outlive the both of us." Doug holds up his "to the love of my life, for without her Batson Farms would have just been a pipe dream and nothing more." They clink their glasses then drink their beverages. They eat their dinner and after a few moments Sasha brushes her foot on his leg. He looks at her and she grins at him. Doug says "you are such a teaser." She says "you know you like it." Doug puts out his hand to her "well before this gets any further darling how about we dance? The music's just right." She smiles taking his hand and he whisks her away.

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