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"Do you know anything about baking old man?"
Hawks asked, raising a small brow as he glanced up at Enji, who only grunted in response as he scanned through the recipe that was given to him by Fuyumi, his daughter. She had suggested it was a good way to get to closer to whoever he chose to help him. He chose Hawks but was already starting to regret it and they didn't even begin yet.
"No, but I'll learn along the way"
Enji answered, not even sparing the smaller male a glance.
"This is gonna turn out badly."
Hawks laughed, shaking his head a bit as he stood from leaning on the kitchen counter, his eyes glazing over all the pans and other needed items Enji had bought before Hawks even showed up at the door of his house.
"Shut up and just help me, I didn't ask you to be annoying while doing this."
Enji grumbled, a small flame flickering from the tips of his beard in annoyance. Hawks rolled his eyes, leaning over to see what they would need first and grabbing one of the bowls.
"Ah, calm down old man, don't get your tits in a flame."
Hawks huffed, setting the bowl down infront of him as Enji sent him a small glare. He already knew this was going to be hell.

~Small Timeskip~

Hawks was indeed correct about one thing. It turned out badly. Cake batter was almost everywhere except the oven where it was supposed to be, and the amount that did make it to the oven didn't even survive. It was kind of burnt, and the two of them didn't really know how that ended up happening. Hawks could see that Enji was upset about the whole thing and attempted to lighten the mood.
"Hey, could've been worse, it could've gotten up and walked away to become a villain."
He said, chuckling lightly as he poked the burnt cake. Enji grumbled, rubbing his temple as he did his best not to just walk out of the room.
"Hey, I bet it's not even that bad, we didn't taste it yet, here, I'll try it."
Hawks offered, breaking a small piece off of the cake and putting it into his mouth, eating it. That was a mistake. Hawis choked a little at the taste, it tasted burnt and not even anything sweet, it was just downright disgusting. Hawks didn't expect to get the reaction he did however from Enji as he hurried over to spit the piece out. He got Enji to snort. It might not seem a lot but hell was that actually a hard thing to get him to do. Enji shook his head a bit at Hawks.
"If you thought that was actually going to taste good then there's something wrong with you."
He mused as Hawks have a small, but playful pout.
"I just wanted to lighten the mood! Instead you take amusement in my suffering!"
He said dramatically as he placed a hand over his chest.
"I'm wounded old man, I really am."
Enji rolled his eyes and stood straight from the counter.
"Quit being dramatic and get yourself cleaned up."
Hawks stuck his tongue out at Enji but otherwise complied. Enji couldn't lie though, the experience was rather fun, but if course he wouldn't admit any of that to Hawks as he went to get himself cleaned up too, not before throwing out the cake.

Hawksdeavor oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora