Let Me Be Your Doctor 2

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Suggested by: yeahboi57

Sick!Hawks x Enji
It was a while ago when Enji had gotten sick, and Hawks loved spending the whole time with him since he got to see such a fun and cute side of Enji.
Now, it just felt like ages ago as Hawks walked around in his apartment, sick.

He hadn't eaten yet, since he didn't want to risk throwing up even though he kept the bathroom door open in case he needed to anyway.


Hawks took his phone out of his pocket to see that he had a message. Unlocking his phone, he looked to see that the message was from Enji.

E: Where are you? Did you forget you're on patrol today?

Hawks sighed at the reminder that he couldn't be there, but he had already gotten it taken care of as soon as he woke up feeling like shit. Another hero had been nice enough to take over his patrol so that he could rest, but apparently Enji had never been given a heads up about it.

H: Can't go, I'm sick, I'm sorry if miss me

Hawks watched as the three little dots showed up, showing that Enji was typing. It disappeared for a minute or two before it came back up, and then Enji finally texted back.

E: Have you eaten anything?

H: Nope, didn't bother in case my body decided to reject and eject

He could almost see Enji's reaction once he had sent his text, which made him feel a bit better after he laughed at the possibilities. He moved to his couch and sat down, resting his head on the back of it.

E: I'll come over after I'm done here, rest up.

Hawks smiled a little as he turned his phone off and set it down, shifting on the couch so that he was laying down. He closed his eyes, deciding a nap was the best choice, and a faster way that he would be able to see Enji later. Soon enough, he knocked out.

A few hours had passed and Hawks was knocked out cold, meaning he didn't even notice the apartment owner open the door up for Enji after Hawks didn't respond to his texts or knocks on the door. Enji at first didn't know where the other was, so he took to setting down the bag of food and meds down in Hawks's kitchen.

He finally found Hawks on the couch after he had first check the bedroom and pressed his hand against Hawks's forehead to see what his temperature was. He sighed when it was a lot warmer than it usually was.

Enji went back to Hawks's room to grab the blanket from his bed and brought it back over to Hawks, laying it down on top of him. He made sure to grab the thinnest blanket from Hawks's room so that he didn't overheat the poor boy and make him feel any worse.

He thought over waking him up or not, but decided to let him have a few for minutes of sleep. So, he went back to the kitchen and unpacked the bag he had brought. There were very few things Enji knew how to make, and soup was sadly one of them, so he bought a lot of instant soup. He didn't know if Hawks had a particular favorite one, so...he got one of each different kind the store had. Since as far as he knew, Hawks hadn't eaten all day, he decided to not be picky and grabbed a random one, following the instructions on making it

Once that was done, Enji grabbed the needed meds for Hawks and a cup of water and went back over to the couch, crouching in front of the sleeping male and nudging him gently to wake him.
"Hawks, get up, I brought you some things that'll help."

The other male stirred in his sleep at the nudging, a whine escaping past his lips before he ended up waking up after hearing Enji's voice. "Enji...?" He mumbled, "How did you get in..? The door wasn't unlocked..."

"The apartment owner let me in after I told him you weren't responding to texts or knocking." Enji explained, gently ruffling Hawks's hair with his free hand.

"W-wait you were texting me? I-i didn't hear anything I'm sorry.."

Enji shook his head as he watched Hawks carefully sit up. "It's fine Hawks, you aren't feeling well so I wasn't going to be angry at you responding or not." He said, handing over the cup and meds to him.

"I have soup waiting for you in the kitchen, so finish that up while I go get it, okay?"

Hawks nodded his head as Enji got up and left. He sighed to himself as he put the meds in his mouth and then drank the water to help wash them down. He somehow felt worse than he had this morning.

Enji soon came back with the bowl and sat down next to him, almost snickering when he remembered Enji smacking soup onto him when the older male was the sick one. Hawks went to take the bowl from Enji, but was a little confused when Enji only moved the bowl away from him.

"I'll do it. You need to focus on not overworking yourself and moving your mouth to eat."
Enji said, huffing. Hawks decided not to argue about it and rested his head on Enji's shoulder instead, eating whenever Enji had brought the spoon to his mouth.

"I feel like I'm being spoiled.." Hawks hummed as he ate another spoonful Enji had given him.

"You are, that's why. So let me just spoil you, okay?" Enji responded, giving Hawks the last spoonful of soup before setting the bowl aside him, and hugging Hawks close. "I want you to feel better, so I'm going to spoil you, and take care of you until you do."

Hawks laughed a little as he snuggled up close to Enji, letting out a happy sigh. "Alright then, spoil me as much as you want, I won't complain." He then closed his eyes and simply relaxed as Enji rested his chin on top of Hawks's head, gently rubbing the male's arm with his thumb.

They both felt better about it in the morning.

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