Out With The Living, In With The Dead

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~Human! Enj x Ghost! Hawks

Living alone can of course cause you to see some things you otherwise wouldn't have noticed living with someone else, but those things could never add on to some of the things Enji has seen in his apartment since he had first moved in. Things like notes written on sticky notes that he hadn't even touched all over the fridge, reminding him of things to do during the day like pick up groceries or do the laundry, and he swore up and down that he never wrote them.

Other things had consisted of things moving around. like the time he placed the remote to his tv under his pillow, like he always had, and the next morning he found it neatly placed next to the tv instead. One time he left a few empty cans on the counter top in the kitchen, promising himself he would throw them out once he returned home from teaching his college classes. When he came home, they were already in the recycling. 

And, like any non-thinking adult when things like this started to happen...he got someone to do an exorcist (He clearly didn't realize that that was the completely wrong procedure for handling the possibility of a ghost). Once it was all said and done, Enji thought he could finally relax inside his own home, at least till the next morning when he found another note, this time directed at him. 

All it read was:

Enji couldn't tell whether he should be pissed off or embarrassed. Now he was just being mocked by whatever else was in the house with him. He sighed, crumbling up the note and tossing it into the small trash bin. He needed to think of something else to do, but he had no clue on how to handle the situation properly, and he didn't know anyone who even had a chance of understanding either. He walked to the living room and sat down on the couch resting in the middle of the room. Maybe he could try talking back to it? That might work. What if it didn't though..? Would it only make whatever else in here upset? For all he knew it was already pissed off at him for trying to get rid of it. First, he would have to figure out what exactly is living with him, then maybe he could give it something in return for its forgiveness? He could always look it up, these days you could find steps or information for just about anything, 

It would have to do, the faster he could figure it out, maybe the faster this thing could leave him alone to be at peace instead of creeping him out all the time. Enji leaned back into the couch cushion behind him, arms crossed over his chest as he thought. What if the thing didn't want to leave though? Would Enji really have to find a new place to stay that's close to his college? Or would he actually have to end up sharing this place? He frowned slightly at the though of it. 

His phone dinged in his back pocket. He pulled it out and looked to see what the notification was about. It was just Toshi. Enji looked almost relieved and checked what the message was about. It was only Toshi asking if he was able to come over to hang out like they used to, and at what was currently happening, Enji didn't say no. 

Toshi had been Enji's friend for as long as the male could remember, and it was only relieving to him when he found out that his friend was even going to teach at the same college he was. Of course, Toshi did have his moment where he annoyed Enji to no extent, but in reality he wouldn't change it for anything else seeing as Toshi was the easiest person Enji could find himself actually talking to. When they first met, they were both small kids, and Enji had actually 'accidently' pushed Toshi to the ground when Toshi had pinched him, only playing around. To Enji's surprise, he was quickly forgiven since Toshi was impressed, and that's how they had eventually become friends. 

Lately though, since work had been so busy, they haven't had the time to talk or hang out, so it would be nice to be able to do so again and just forget about work for the time being. 

Enji decided he would at least get them some drinks while Toshi was on his way, and made his way to the kitchen. On the fridge was a new note.

This one read:
'Do you hate me?'

Enji blinked in surprise as he looked at the note before he rolled his eyes, taking it and shoving it into his pocket. He sure as hell wasn't ready to talk to whatever this thing was, so he was just going to keep the note on him for later use. He shook his head and opened the fridge, sighing as soon as he saw that there were already to drinks pushed up to the front from the box they were originally were in. What was this thing trying to pull?

He took the drinks though, not wanting to upset the thing and closed the fridge, walking back to the living room and putting the drinks down on the coffee table. Before forgetting to do so however, Enji hurried off and went to grab his laptop. While waiting for Toshi, it wouldn't hurt for him to start his research at least. He walked back, laptop in hand and sat back down in his spot on the couch. He opened it up, logged in and almost immediately typed into what was happening to him, just to see if anyone else had witnessed the same thing as he did. 

Different websites had popped up after he had entered his search and Enji was almost surprised at how many people seemed to have been actually haunted by some sort of thing in their homes. 

Sighing once more, Enji already knew that it was going to be a long search, and he figured, since Toshi was going to be here soon, he could help him as well to speed things up.


Wowee I'm not dead quite yet lmao

So obviously there will be a part two to this new au of mine, so as always, look out for that and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

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