Quit Clowning Around 2

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Out of all the hardships of letting the younger creature remain in his territory, Enji could say that the hardest part was keeping the boy's emotions at bay. Enji quickly had found out that Hawks was prone to outbursts and a violent temper when things didn't go his way when he had to pull the boy off of a victim he was eating, which wasn't a bad thing until you consider he was in wide public. As soon as he was pulled off, you could tell Hawks was pissed when his eyes had turned a orangish color.
At least that wasn't the worst of it. 
Another moment that Enji could clearly remember as if it had happened the day before, was when the newest losers club had come back just to beat the hell out of Hawks just so they had something to gloat about. Sadly, Enji had become a part of the situation when Hawks ended up shifting in order to fight back, but in the process with his destructive behavior, was injuring himself, and clearly wasn't caring, and Enji, who would rather keep his property alive, had to stop him before he got himself killed. 
That was a while ago though, and Hawks was back to tip top shape for the time being, and as far as Enji could control, he planned to keep it that way.
After just finishing a successful hunt, Enji decided to be nice and bring some parts of the body back to Hawks to make sure he had eaten something for the day, plus, it would be a first step towards Hawks actually liking him instead of being forced to. 
When he arrived back to the center, Hawks was no where to be seen. 
Enji furrowed his brows as he looked around. He would have definitely seen Hawks if the boy decided to leave to do his own hunting, so him leaving was a definite no in possibility.
He called out, walking further into the center to place down the remains he had brought back with him.
It was muffled, but it definitely had belonged to Hawks, which only confused Enji more.
"Where the hell are you?"
He asked, huffing as he couldn't sense Hawks anywhere nearby. 
"I'm over here old man."
Hawks then popped out of a nearby broken and abandoned dresser. He was in one of the drawers? What the fu..?
"What did I tell you about calling me that?"
Enji growled lightly as he walked over to the useless dresser, tilting his head to try and see if the drawers were just hollowed out on the inside. They weren't.
"How did you even get in there?"
Hawks gave a sharp toothed grin as he slowly climbed out, unfolding his body from the small containment. 
"It's easy stuff, what, you aren't flexible?"
Hawks teased, standing back up and dusting off his clown clothing once he was completely out.
Enji only responded with a glare, the answer clearly obvious, that didn't mean he wasn't impressed though, and kept the flexibility in mind for future purposes.
"What were you doing in there?"
"Just practicing, that's all."
Hawks shrugged before his attention was caught by something else. The smell of blood.
"Did you bring something back?"
He asked curiously, looking up to Enji. 
Enji motioned over to the remains of the victim from earlier that day.
"Yeah, but it's for you, I doubt you ate anything yet so I decided to be nice just this once."
He explained, rubbing the side of his neck.
"Really? Like, no joke?"
Hawks hurried over, eyeing it as he stood next to the small pile.
"Of course! I'm not going to starve you, you're mine and you need to eat!"
Enji scowled, crossing his arms over his chest.
"What the hell do you take me for?"
Hawks rolled his eyes and didn't waste time in digging in. To tell the truth, he was starving. Sure, hunting was easy, but with those Losers running around he already knew they'd be a pain in the ass to deal with, so he needed to up his game before going out again, so he just kind of ignored his hunger. Maybe if he was tolerable enough, Enji would keep bringing food back for him so he'd have more time to prepare. Hawks inwardly grinned at the thought of it. Maybe if he wanted to go a little further...No no, just being tolerable would be enough. 
Enji watched Hawks enjoy the meal he had so graciously been given as he took the time to simply take in details about him. 
The boy was obviously messy when it came to eating in a comfortable setting, blood was already all over him, and it wasn't an exaggeration. He looked cute though, stuffing his face as if it was a murderous Thanksgiving. He probably would look even cuter if he even had a costume change...maybe Enji could arrange for that, but the costumes and clothing would only be for him to see and for Hawks to enjoy wearing. 
Enji must have been staring for too long because he soon noticed Hawks looking back to him weirdly. 
"Like what you see or something?"
Enji smirked.
"What if I do?"
Hawks blinked and looked away, thinking on a good thing to say next.
"Oh uh...It's just weird...with the staring."
He muttered, shaking his head at his poor ability to keep a conversation going. Enji found it amusing as always.
"Oh how did I ever manage to be lucky enough to be given such a cute and small thing like you?"
He mused, slowly making his way up to Hawks.
Hawks lightly scoffed, but kept his head down as he simply nibbled on one of the bare bones of the remains out of nervousness. 
"Shut up...I'm not even that small.."
"Compared to me you are, small, vulnerable, cute.." He leaned in once he was behind Hawks, close to his ear, " And mine~."
Hawks shivered at the comment, a blush growing from his cheeks to the tip of his ears as he swatted Enji away from him.
"Q-quit that!"
He whined, rubbing his ear as he turned his body away from Enji when the older male circled his way in front of Hawks's eyesight.
Enji only laughed at the boy's attempts as he raised his hands in defense.
"I'm only playing around~ No need to be so uptight about it."
He said, sitting down next to Hawks, but respectfully keeping his distance as to not anger or upset the younger male.
"You and I are going to get along just fine, alright? It's not like I'm touching you or anything."
He hummed, leaning back on his hands as he watched Hawks from the corner of his eye.
Hawks frowned slightly but nodded his head. He knew Enji was right. Maybe things won't be so bad..
Another part to Quit Clowning Around is finished! I actually like this au so there might be more added in the future 
Also, Out of This World should be returning next chapter!
See you in the next one!

Hawksdeavor oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें