Out of This World 6

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The house was rather silent after Toshi had left to go pick up Dave and some mutant chick for Hawks, and Enji could say he was rather bored. Hawks hadn't come downstairs yet, so It was well assumed that the boy was doing rather fine on his own upstairs but Enji couldn't help but be curious as to what he was doing all alone up there. 
Curiosity had gotten the better of him and in the end Enji ended up getting up from his seat and headed towards the stairs. He hesitated, what if Hawks didn't want him up there yet? Or wasn't comfortable in being in the same room alone with Enji? 
Enji lightly chewed his bottom lip as he contemplated what to do next but in the end shook his head and walked up the stairs. It wouldn't be a bad thing to either of them if he simply poked his head in to see if his human was alright, and if it was bad, that would be a good excuse to save himself from having his human getting mad at him.
Once at the top of the stairs, Enji headed towards his room- well, his and Hawks's room now he supposed, not that he minded of course. 
He didn't immediately step inside however once he reached the metal door, instead, pressing his ear up against it to listen if anything was going on. It was silent, which almost worried Enji.
He gulped before gently pushing open the door and looking inside. 
Hawks was there, on the charging station (bed), back facing the door as papers were scattered around him on the sheets. 
Enji tilted his head slightly as he walked further into the room, circling the station to see the front of Hawks. He was 'sleeping' as Enji recalled Hawks saying before, and by god did the boy look breathtaking. Enji crouched down so that he was close to face level with the resting male and he didn't need anything else to realize how infatuated he actually is with his little human. Everything about him was nothing like he ever saw before, and it made it all the better. His eyes trailed down to Hawks's lips, and for a second, Enji's heart and mind almost both agreed on what to do. He held himself back from doing so, but to give himself some relief, he leaned forward, brushing the hair from in front of Hawks's face to the side, and gave a light peck to the boy's bare forehead, his face heating up in the process. 
Backing away almost immediately, Enji covered his face with his hands, in shame or in embarrassment, he didn't know, it was probably both for all he knew. How could a simple human make him feel such things? He felt weak for the first time, and to tell the truth he almost liked the way it felt.
Oh god what was this human doing to him? Enji smiled from beneath his hands, and slowly uncovered his face, just to be sure that Hawks had remained asleep and hadn't seen anything that had happened. 
Thankfully he didn't. 
Letting out a small sigh of relief, Enji stood and looked at the papers that had surrounded the boy.  He carefully leaned over Hawks and picked up one of the stray papers, looking at what was on it. 
He almost gasped in surprise when he realized it was actually sketches of him on the paper and little notes written alongside of them. 
His eyebrows scrunched up as he read through the notes. Some were observations, others were some of the things Enji had told Hawks on his own. 
The sketches were almost realistic too, down to the detail of the scar on his face. Once again, he was impressed, and once again, he fell a little more for the human.
He picked up another paper, and on this one was a drawing of Miruko with the words 'Thanks for taking care of me'. 
Enji smiled softly at how cute he found it. Another paper had sketches of Toshi on it, and a blank one only had the word 'Dave' written on the top. 
He set the papers back down in their places around Hawks and looked back down at the smaller male. He thought long and hard on what he was going to do next.
He gathered up the papers and placed them aside where they would be safe, and did what he never thought he would do. He climbed into the station and laid down beside Hawks. He kept to his own side though, extremely rigid and stiff, afraid that if he would move then Hawks would wake up and he'd have to explain why he was there so early. Although his body was stiff, he felt so...giddy on the inside. Almost like emotional adrenaline for his brain. He felt Hawks shift, and for a second he thought his heart dropped from his chest to his feet. He kept his eyes on the ceiling though, afraid that if he looked he would be done for. What he didn't realize was how much closer Hawks now was when he shifted, and Enji could almost physically feel the heat of his body on him. He closed his eyes, keeping himself from thinking about it. The more he thought about it the more he would want to look and check.
To keep his mind off of it, Enji thought of different excuses he could make if he was caught.
Like, he was simply tired, or he wanted to make sure his human would be alright, or maybe that he randomly collapsed and that it just so happened to be in his room, right next to Hawks.
It only took a few seconds for him to realize how stupid that could actually sound to any logical person or thing if they were to hear him say it. 
After so much thought process, Enji was actually beginning to feel tired, and before he knew it, he fell asleep, not before Hawks once more shifted in his sleep, even closer, and this time, sleeping Enji was a lot more comfortable with it.
It was also good blackmail for Toshi when he got home half an hour later with Dave and the food and saw the two cuddling up against each other.
So Im not dead but I might as well be, school is already killing me and its only the second week ;(
Anyways, I'll see ya'll in the next chapter!

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