What is love? Part 2

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~The child au, but continued so they're now in highschool~

Sadly not all good things could continue. Hawks, due to his financial situations at home, had to move before he could even go into middle school with the other children, therefore seperating him and Enji, his 'husband', and best friend. It hurt to leave amd he never did forget the little red headed boy, he never could. They both had cried on Hawks's last day, hugging eachother and not wanting to let go. That day especially wasn't forgotten when Enji had given him a goodbye gift before Hawks left for good. The gift was a little bracelet that Enji had made, the beads saying 'wife' on them. Hawks wore it everyday, all the way up to where he is now..highschool.
Hawks had managed to convince his parents to let him move in with a friend of his from his old home that he managed to keep in contact with, and there he was, moving in with his friend Miruko and her parents.
Today was Hawks's first day of highschool. Since he had moved in later into the school year, he was lucky to have Miruko show him around the building, as she claimed she knew it so well.
Hawks was already dressed and ready to go, bracelet still around his wrist as he waited by the door for Miruko, who came practically tumbling down the stairs.
"Ready to go punk?"
She asked with a grin as Hawks rolled his eyes.
"I wouldn't be at the door if I wasn't."
He said with a smug look, opening the door to head out.
"Oh shuddup, it was an innocent question."
Miruko laughed, calling out into the house that the two were leaving before heading out with Hawks.
"Hey, you asked me of all people,you should've had it coming."
Hawks pointed out to her as the two started walking.
"True, I'll give you that."
She hummed, elbowing the boy.
"Anyway, do you plan on joining any clubs? There are plenty to choose from."
"Depends on what they have, although I'm hoping they have a dance club or something like that, my old school used to have one and it was the best thing that ever happened."
Hawks said with a grin, looking to Miruko.
"I bet there is, but if there isn't, knowing you, you'd make one."
She laughed, shaking her head.
"I totally would though! It'd be a great addition, don't you think?"
"I think it would. Like I said though, I think there is one, I wouldn't know though cause I don't go to those trash school pepp rallys or the games, they're always so boring unless you're actually playing."
Hawks raised a small brow.
"You're not doing any of the sports?"
"Oh no no I am, football is back in season and I had already signed up a bit after school had started."
Miruko said with a chuckle.
"Ohh, makes sense. Since you'll be a part of the big bad female jocks, I get a free pass to the table right?"
"Of course! How could I leave my favorite brat alone at a different table?"
Miruko asked, placing a hand on her chest and faking offence. Hawks laughed and shook his head gently.
"Hey! I'm not a brat! I appreciate the free table pass though, I'll use it like no tomorrow."
Miruko rolled her eyes and wrapped an arm around Hawks's shoulders.
"Hey, you're with me now, I'll take care of ya here, don't worry."
"I'll take your word for it Miruko."

~Small timeskip to class~

After arriving to their first class (Hawks's schedule was made to be the same as Miruko's so that his time there would be easier and more comfortable), Miruko had went to her seat as Hawks stood at the front, waiting for the teacher to tell him what he needed to do as more students filed into the class. As more students came in, one caught his eye. A boy, very well fit, with...bright red hair. A small pang went in Hawks's chest as his mind flashed back to his Enji, causing the male to sigh softly at the memory.
His thoughts were interupted when the teacher walked into the room.
"Ah, the new student I see, come along, more into the middle of the class so you can introduce yourself to the others."
He said, ushering Hawks to the desired spot. Hawks gulped as he did so, feeling the eyes on him already.
"Hello..my name is Hawks, I uh..just moved back to this area after having moved out when I was little. I'm currently living with my best friend Miruko and her parents..and uh...thats..thats all.."
He said, looking to the teacher.
"Wow, its great that you decided to come back, I'm sure its great to be back home. As for your seat in this class, you'll be seated near the back, the empty seat right over there."
The teacher directed, pointing over to the empty seat right where he had said it was. Hawks nodded his head promptly and walked over, taking a seat. Throughout the class he felt..uncomfortable..as if someone was..watching him? He glanced out the corner of his eye and he was surprised to see the redheaded boy staring at him, watching him. Hawks gulped and turned his attention back to the teacher. What's the boy's problem? He didn't know. If there was a problem though, he didn't want to find out.

~Timeskip to a couple days after Hawks's first day~

"Hawks! Hawks!"
Was shouted down the hall to the blond boy we all love. Hawks turned his head to the voice, closing his locker and raising a brow.
"Could you be any louder when calling my name Miruko?"
He asked, watching as said girl hurried towards him.
"Oh come on, you deserve to be noticed. Anyway! You have dance practice today right?"
She asked, tilting her head.
"Yeah, why?"
"Okay, how would you feel if I told you I possibly got you a date somehow?"
Hawks blinked. A date? Already?
"What? How the hell? I haven't even been here long."
"I don't know! This guy came up to me and started asking me about you and of you were doing anything. I of course told him of the possibility of your practice but he really wanted to see you so I told him I could ask you for him and he agreed. Therefore I got you a date with a good looking boy so you better go."
Miruko explained, crossing her arms with a proud grin.
"I mean...I'll go but theres no chance that I'll actually date him, I'm doing it to be nice, that's all"
Hawks said, shaking his head gently.
"It was so weird though! It seemed as though he knew you."
"Eh? That's impossible, I've only been here for a few days and the only person I really talk to is you."
Miruko shrugged.
"I dunno, I'm just saying, it seemed like he did."

~Timeskip to after practice cause Im really lazy~

Practice was over, and Hawks was once more in his comfy clothes after changing back into them in the changing rooms of the gym where they practiced. He hadn't seen the boy Miruko had set him up with just yet so he figured he still had time to calm down after all the hard work that was accomplished that practice. He stepped outside, since it was later in the day the breeze outside was much cooler than what the morning gave him every day, and was much better to help him cool down and relax. He leaned against the wall of the building and closed his eyes, letting out a small sigh of air.
That was a new voice.
Hawks opened his eyes to be greeted with...the red haired boy?
"Oh, you must be the one Miruko talked with"
Hawks said, not moving from his spot as the other boy got closer.
"Yeah..yeah thats me.."
The boy trailed off, causing Hawks to tilt his head slightly.
"Something wrong?"
"Huh? No no, nothings wrong, its just...good to see you again."
Now Hawks was confused.
"Again? What do you mean?"
The boy paused, his brows furrowing.
"You really don't remember me?"
He asked, getting closer to Hawks to grab his wrist, the wrist with the bracelet. He held Hawks's wrist up to face level and gently kissed the bracelet
"I made that for you, and you forgot about me?"
Now it all came back to Hawks. He remembered. No wonder the boy was staring at him during their classes, no wonder he reminded himself so much of his past..it was-
Enji smiled, now that Hawks had remembered him he had the right to.
"I missed you so much, but you're back.."
Enji mumbled, running his thumb over the old beads.
"I never thought you'd actually be back.."
Hawks stood silent for a moment nefore he tightly hugged Enji.
"O-oh my god..How could I have forgotten? You look so different! A good different! You got a lot bigger, still bigger than me I see."
He playfully joked as Enji hugged Hawks back.
"Hey, I mean..what good of a husband would I be if I couldn't keep my wife safe?"
Enji chuckled, resting his chin on Hawks's head.
"Hey, I can defend myself!"
Hawks huffed, but a grin still broke it's way through.
"I can't believe it..You're really here..I..That...That makes me so so happy.."
Hawks mumbled, keeping close to his favorite redhead.
"I wouldn't have it any either way.."
Enji said, sighing in relief to have his favorite person back.
Pulling back a little, Enji looked down to Hawks with a smile.
"I'm so glad to have you back, and this time, I'm not gonna let you go that easily.."
He aaid before leaning down, and kissing Hawks, who, after a moment of shock, kissed back.
After all, even if they weren't actually married...til death do they part..
Whew, there you go guys, part two of What is love. More chapters on the way, enjoy!

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