Till Death Do We Part

721 25 18

Trigger Warning: Blood/Gore (Maybe, idk) and Suicide


In the ass crack of the morning, there was nothing.
Silence is a normal thing when you have a decent enough camp to keep away from the walking freaks every day. 

Enji let out a light grunt as he sat up from his sleeping bag, his tent reflecting the space it holds in a light orange color as the sun shone through the fabric. It was another day of surviving enough to get to the next day. 

He stood from his spot, walking over to the table he kept to the farther part of the tent, a rifle sitting perfectly on top of it, as well as a small M36 sitting beside it. He picked up the rifle, slinging it over his back as he stuffed the M36 into his side pocket. It was quite easy to get ready for the day when it's been the same for a year or two now. 

He stretched slightly before he opened the tent up to step outside. His brows furrowed a little when he found a dried up blood trail right smack outside before he looked a little panicked. He followed the trail around his little camp before letting out a sigh of relief. 

"Hawks! You almost scared me there for a second, I thought you got hurt." He said, shaking his head as he watched the younger male eating out of the corpse of another survivor. At this point, Enji couldn't even tell if it was a male or female, as it was already mostly eaten. 

"I see you caught another scavenger. Good job. C'mon, finish up, we're gonna go for a walk." He left Hawks for a moment to continue eating as he went over to a box he kept right to the side of the tent. 

He opened it up, and inside were a bunch of little things. First, there was a muzzle, to keep Hawks from biting him. There were also a thick pair of gloves to keep him from scratching and tearing, and a collar and leash to bring him with him wherever they go. He first grabbed the muzzle before he looked over to Hawks. 

"Hawks, come here! Hey!" He called out, clapping his hands together to try and get the other's attention. There were a few groans and moans but eventually, Hawks's attention was taken away from the body and to Enji. He groggily got up and limped his way over. 

Once he was close enough, he quickly put the muzzle on while doing his best to keep Hawks's hands away from him. Once that was done, the gloves were put on, which were the easiest thing to do. 

He ran a hand through his hair before Hawks practically fell on top of him, causing both to fall over, letting out more groans, which caused Enji to laugh a bit. 
"Someone is being a little affectionate today." He teased as he added on the collar while he had Hawks still. 

"Let's go for a walk okay? Today's the big day." 

He gently pushed the other off of him before he helped him back up when he himself was back on his feet. He grabbed his end of the leash and they both were on their way. 

It wasn't always like this. 

They had first met when the whole zombie outbreak had started. Hawks was...amazing. He was the leader of his own little surviving group as Enji was of his own. After a while of trading goods with one another, they made a deal to combine their groups and work together. After that, they were closer then ever. All those nights, just the two of them, they were a bliss to him. 

Of course, all good things come to an end. The people in charge of the gate were a little too careless on their shift, and some of the dead had gotten in and started infecting people almost immediately. 

It was hell. 

He and Hawks, as well as a few other survivors were making their escape through the back of the camp when one of their youngest had gotten tripped by a crawler. 

Enji saw it as too late for the kid, but Hawks had seen otherwise. He ran back to go them.  Instead of the kid getting bit, it was Hawks. 

The bite was kept hidden from the rest of the group, but as soon as Hawks had started to get more sickly, Enji knew they had to leave or else they might have killed him. 

Ever since they had left, Hawks and Enji stood together, even after hawks had...

It didn't matter. Enji didn't love Hawks any less, and he knows he's still with him, even if all he can do is kill, eat, and make noises. 

Lately Enji just wasn't feeling as alive as he had been before. Everyday was the same thing, wake up, eat, sit on his ass, and sleep. The only thing he looked forward to was seeing Hawks so lively in the morning, 

Today was the special day though. Their anniversary from when they first got together. It'll be their anniversary for when they go out together. 

He smiled to himself as they continued walking, Hawks letting out an almost whine of a moan. 

"We're almost there, don't worry. You've never complained about walking this much before, did you not rest well last night?" He asked, glancing back towards the pale and bloody male. "I told you late nighters aren't any good for your health."

Even after everything, he was still taking care of him. 

Eventually they reached a clearing. There was a blanket laid out with two chairs on top of it with a view of the lake ahead of them. It was something Enji had made while Hawks was resting back at their camp as a surprise. 

"Here we are! Just for you!" 

He lead Hawks over to on of the chairs and sat him down in it, using the rope rested beside the chair to tie him down into it. After that was done, he went to his chair and sat down, not before grabbing the nail gun that sat beside his chair. 

"This way, we're going to be together even after we moved on, isn't that just beautiful?" He asked with glee in his voice as he reached over to hold Hawks's hand. He lined up the nail gun, and pressed the trigger. 

Pain seared up from his hand all the way to his shoulder as he let out a small yelp, while Hawks otherwise felt nothing and groaned. 

He closed his eyes for a moment before he opened them and reached into his pocket for his M36. The gun was already loaded beforehand, so everything will run smoothly from there. 

He pointed the gun at Hawks's head, clearing his throat. 

"Hawks, from the moment I met you, I knew you were the only one for me. We've been through thick and thin together, even after that dreaded day where life tried to take you from me. You've kept me company, and you've kept me safe. You're all I've ever wanted and more." He said, tears building up in his eyes. "In our next life together, I hope I can marry you.  I love you, so goddamn much, I hope you know that..." A loud bang could be heard, ringing out through the trees. 

He sniffled as he then brought the gun underneath his chin, closing his eyes as the tears fell down his cheeks. "I'll be with you forever, I hope you're there waiting for me." He put his finger on the trigger, and soon enough another loud bang echoed on past. 

It was quiet that day again. 


Back again to write some sadness!!
Haha no perfect good ending here, but the best ending there was for them. 
I hope you guys enjoyed it! I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

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