Midnight Bite 3

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Recap from the last part:

Hawks nodded his head and pulled the bigger plate closer to him, being careful as to move the smaller plate out of the way so it wouldn't fall and break.

"Y-you wanted to know about my nickname right?" Hawks asked, watching as Enji sat down in the main seat next to him.

"That's right." Enji hummed, leaning on the table to almost get closer to the younger male.

"Okay.. So it all started like this..."


"When I was younger, I had a really big interest for birds of any kind, but most specifically for the predators in the bird family, like vultures, eagles, and even hawks." He started, taking a bite to eat after his pause. "My family wasn't exactly poor, but they weren't exactly famously rich either. We were well off. So, for my 15th birthday, my father bought me a little red-shouldered Hawk, a young one so that I would be able to train it into adulthood. It was a good bird, was supposed to live a good amount of time too, about 20 years alone. It ended up dying after a neighbor thought it was gonna attack him while the bird was out for his daily flying exercises and shot it up." Hawks sighed at the memory of him screaming for his father while holding his beloved bird in his hands.

"Did the neighbor suffer any sort of consequence?" Enji had asked, looking a little pissed that someone had done that to a young kid at the time, but Hawks didn't notice. 

"Other than my father beating him half to death, no, he didn't. As upset as I was, I didn't really hate him, I felt bad for him. He was old, and losing his mind, so he couldn't help it. Anyways, after my bird died, the neighborhood kids started calling me Hawks because of how gloomy I still was about it. Eventually I just got used to it, but changed the reasoning behind it over the years with how much I wanted to leave town and see other places. They started calling me Hawks because of how 'free' I wanted to be, and that's been the meaning behind it ever since I left home for the first time." Hawks hummed, stuffing his cheeks full of food after he was done with his explanation, closing his eyes to just savor the taste of the well made food. 

While Hawks had his eyes closed, Enji showed a clear distaste for the people mentioned in Hawks's past. The fact that Hawks didn't even hate the old man especially ticked him off. How could this man be so forgiving? If Enji admitted what he had done in his past and present, would he be as forgiving to him? Would he still look at Enji with the same happy, smiling face he did before? He grunted lightly as he moved back to sit upwards. 

"Such an interesting story teller you are, have you ever thought of writing before? I'm sure you'd be quite popular among the scholars." Enji chuckled, watching Hawks from the corner of his eyes as the younger male became flustered.

"I-I never thought of writing being a career choice for me. I only have a certain amount of money for food, where would I get enough for the needed materials of writing? I would have to get a part time job down at the town for that kind of stuff, and without my carriage..." Hawks rambled on, rubbing the back of his neck as he thought over about it. 

Enji couldn't help but smile. "There would be no need for a part-time job, you'd be risking your own health depending on what the job is. If you stay a bit longer with me, I can give you whatever you need for it and even help you. Of course, you don't have to stay here if you don't want to, but it also gives you time to fix you carriage up." He proposed, remaining calm and collected despite the many thoughts running through his head. 

"O-oh! You're too kind Enji! You've been doing all of these things for me and I haven't done a single thing for you yet!" Hawks exclaimed, looking to Enji when he set up the offer. "Please, if there's anything you want me to do for you just tell me, I'll feel bad and like a burden otherwise."

"Anything?" Enji inquired,biting his lip and holding himself back as he thought over those words. "I'll keep your offer in mind, but for now, you're my guest, and it's my job to take care of you while you're in my home, so you don't have to worry so much." He reassured. 

Hawks pouted a small bit, but otherwise agreed, nodding his head as he relaxed his body. "When the townspeople see how kind you are I'm sure you're going to have all the women over you, no doubt. Who wouldn't want to marry a kind gentleman as yourself?"

Raising an eyebrow, Enji spoke, "Would you want to?" He questioned, folding his hands neatly on the table in front of him.


"Would you want to marry me? You said 'who wouldn't want to marry you', so would you want to?" Enji asked again, almost eagerly this time. 

Hawks's face then grew a bright shade of red when he realized how weird his wording might have sounded. "W-well I m-mean..- I-i- uhm..."

Then, laughter erupted within the room, and it belonged to no one other than Enji. "Ah, I was just joking! No need to get so worked up, it's alright, I know what you meant."

Letting out a sigh, Hawks chuckled nervously a bit after. He had finished his food, and all that was left was the red medicine in the smaller bowl. 

"However, I'm not sure that they'd still want to marry someone like me, but that's alright as long as I have some sort of company with me." Enji hummed in response. He noticed that Hawks had finished and smiled. "Now that you're finished, why don't you take the medicine now? It really would be a shame if you ended up sick in the morning."

The red medicine almost resembled that of blood, and after thinking that, Hawks grew a little reluctant to actually drink it. He gulped as he picked up the small bowl and brought it up to his lips. There was a bit of a distinctive smell to it, but Hawks couldn't put a finger on it to what it was. He pushed his thoughts aside as he then started drinking it, not noticing Enji watching him the whole time. 

Once he was done, he set the bowl down and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Nothing seemed off at first, but then he started feeling dizzy, He brought his hand up to his head to hold it, groaning a little at the sudden feeling as his vision blurred a bit.

"Hey Enji...-" Hawks had started, but he never got to finished his sentence because his vision blurred so badly that he ended up putting his head down on the table and in the end knocked out. 

Enji stood from his seat and walked over to Hawks's, moving the plate and bowl out of the way as he then leaned down to pick the younger male up. He leaned in close to Hawk's neck and sniffed it. 

The smell Hawks had given off was like nothing he ever experienced before in his years of living. If he could, Enji would do anything to keep the sweet smell around him since he found it so addicting, and it was highly possible that his blood was even better. 

Enji smirked to himself as he left the room and walked towards the guest room, walking in and towards the bed to gently set the boy down and tucked him into it. 

Since the boy agreed to stay with him longer, he had time to slowly keep him forever, and he was a hard person to keep saying no to, so the fact that Hawks hasn't declined anything he had given him yet, things were already looking to go Enji's way.

He just had to make sure the boy didn't figure anything else out. If not, he might have to take a more violent measure.


I honestly forgot I never finished this Au yet, whoops. Next chapter will be another requested/suggested one so I'm pretty excited for it!

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