Sinners and Saints

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Suggested by: EndHawksFoEva

Priest!Enji x Demon!Hawks


Being a part of the church ever since he was a young boy, he followed every word they preached, every move they approved, and every good deed they praised. He followed them perfectly enough that as soon as he turned twenty five he became a priest for the very same church he grew up with. 
Since then everything in his life seemed perfect. Teaching the children the same thing he was taught, and teaching them to always love, and be kind to one another and teaching the adults similar things.

He never brought it upon himself to speak of demons, especially to the young children as he never intended to strike fear into them. If they do wrong, they will be taught and learn when it happens is always what Enji himself believed. They are supposed to love after all, not fear. 

He supposed it first started when he passed by the graveyard on his way home after his session at church had disbanded for the day. It seemed like any other day, after all he passed by this graveyard everyday, and nothing ever seemed off about it. He'd see a few people who'd come to visit their dead relatives, but never any who seemed like this particular young man. 
The young man in question was just sitting upon one of the graves, a particularly average sized one with no flowers or even wore-down grass by visitors. Enji considered it rude with how casual he was while on it, as if he had no respect for whoever was laid to rest there. He had to do something about it. 

"Excuse me, young man! It is awfully rude to be sitting upon a grave of all things. Have you no respect for the dead?" He made sure to ask in a calm tone so that he himself didn't sound threatening to the stranger. 

For a moment, a look of surprise flashed upon the stranger's face, but probably only because Enji was the only one to call him out on what he was doing, which he admittingly was proud of. The stranger then looked over to him, and for some reason everything about it had seemed off putting to Enji. The way the stranger had smiled showed many secrets hiding behind it. 

"Ah, my apologies sir. I uh...Was simply visiting an old pal, and we would always sit together side by side almost just like this." He said, hopping down from the top of the grave. He stayed still for a moment, just simply looking at Enji before he ended up moving closer. "Ever since he...y'know, it's been quite lonely."

Enji watched as this stranger walked up to him, and only then noticed how small he was compared to him. He knew he was a giant, but he never really realized just how small people could be compared to him until this stranger. He felt bad for the male, and it was clear in his expression as he pursed his lips, thinking on what to do about the situation.
"Well, if you ever need to speak with someone about your loss, there is always a place for you at my church. We have a big meet on Sundays, but it's always open to those who really need it."

The stranger seemed to almost strain a chuckle after Enji finished speaking before he held his hand out to him. "My name is Hawks, what's yours sir?"

It was a peculiar name, but Enji had no place to judge it and took Hawks's hand in his to shake it. "Enji. Enji Todoroki."

"Ah, Enji. What a nice name." Hawks said brightly. His name sounded all too sweet rolling off of the tongue of the other male. 

He let out a light cough as he pretended to look at the time. "Well, it is rather getting late, I do have to get home and get rested for tomorrow. Do get home safe, will yo-" He looked up, and Hawks was simply gone. No where to be seen. His brows furrowed as he gulped. 

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