Out of This World 5

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Enji quickly thought over how to approach the question without looking like too much of a douche so early.
"This is Hawks, this is his first day out of testing since he finished it not too long ago. I'm the one assigned to taking care of him."
Yeah, that was a good way of going about it. Toshi tilted his head as both him and Hawks took the moment to study the other. 
"What uh..is he?"
Toshi asked hesitantly, doing his best to not seem rude to either of the two.
"He's a human, complicated little things, but really fascinating, you should have seen some of the discoveries they had made back at the lab, it sure was an experience."
Enji chimed, placing a hand on Hawks's shoulder to bring him a little closer to him as the boy rubbed his arm in embarrassment.
"Well I'm sure you'd share those discoveries with me rather than leave me in the dark right?"
Toshi asked, looking a little excited to learn about the new creature inside of their shared home.
Enji couldn't help but feel a little smug at how interested Toshi was to learn of his little pet, but of course he couldn't make it all about his achievement, so he decided to go a bit off topic.
"Sure, I'll tell you as much as I know, just let me get him situated upstairs. By the way, where's Dave?"
Toshi perked up at the mention of his own pet's name.
"Oh! That's why I was looking for you! I brought him back to the lab this morning because he wasn't feeling too well and I'll be picking him up later today, and I didn't know if you were doing anything so I just wanted to let you know in case you came back and I wasn't here."
He explained, rubbing the back of his neck as Enji nodded already.
"Ah, I see. I hope Dave is doing okay though, he seemed fine yesterday."
"That's what I told them and they said it shouldn't be anything too bad, but they wanted to keep him there just in case it got any worse, it would be easier for them to give him immediate care. I trust them when they say it isn't that bad, probably was just some morning sickness or something."
He waved Enji off a little with a reassuring smile. 
"Anyway, go get Hawks settled in, he's probably tired from everything he had to do, I know Dave was when he first got released."
"Alright, I'll be right back then"
Enji hummed as he glanced down to Hawks as he led him over and up the stairs. That's when he remembered a little thing he didn't think of beforehand.
"O-oh..uh, You'll be staying in my room..and there's only one charging station (Since their sleep is called charging) so you can have it. I'll sleep on the couch downstairs."
Hawks looked up at Enji, his eyes a little wide.
"A-are you sure? I-I could just take the couch instead, after all its your bed."
Enji looked confused  for a moment but then figured it was just what the humans called charging stations and shook his head.
"You will be taking my charging station, that's that, I wouldn't be a good caretaker if I let you on the couch."
Hawks frowned and looked away, which caused Enji to feel guilty.
"I-it's not like I'm that fragile or anything..."
Hawks muttered under his breath, his hair covering his face to the point where Enji was unsure if his human was as upset as he was when he was on the ship.
Panicking, Enji said the first thing that came to mind, which he probably could have thought of something better after he realized what he ended up saying.
"How about we share it then?"
Enji internally gave himself a slap to the face as his face flushed a shade of blue, Hawks's face flushing red at the question.
"S-share it? I-I mean if you want t-to, I-I just don't want to k-kick you out o-out of your bed..."
Hawks trailed off, even the tip of his ears were red. 
Enji could feel his heart pounding in his chest.
"S-sharing it is then! You can have one side and I can  have the other."
Hawks thought about it before he nodded his head.
"O-okay...That's fair.."
Enji gulped and nodded his head, opening the door to his room once they got to it and motioned Hawks inside. He stood by the door,  watching as Hawks stepped inside and looked around.
"Well...Feel free to get yourself comfortable, there should be papers and pens in the desk over there," He said, pointing to the desk in the back corner of the room, "You can help yourself. If you need me I'll be downstairs with Toshi."
Hawks turned back and looked to Toshi, giving him a small soft smile as he nodded his head.
"O-okay, thank you Enji!"
"U-uh its no problem! I-i'll  be going now!"
Enji spoke quickly, leaving a slightly confused Hawks behind as he hurried back downstairs. 
Toshi, who was at the bottom of the stairs listening in practically ran to sit on the couch when he heard Enji coming back down, holding himself back from giving a knowing smirk when he saw the redhead.
"So...fill me in! What are humans like? What's he like??"
Enji walked over to the couch, taking the spot next to Toshi as he let out a relaxed sigh.
"Well, one of the first things they found out was that humans have a better healing factor than us when Hawks accidently cut himself one day during testing. At first they though that was the end for him, especially since he was in a new atmosphere but in two days that thing was gone, all healed up and not a bother anymore. Normally for us it would have taken at least four days, especially with the kind of cut he had. When they asked him about it, he said that the cut wasn't as bad as what he had been through before. On the way here he told me that when he was younger he got his nose broken, his nose! It looks completely fine now right? He said it only took like, six weeks to completely heal up."
Toshi looked surprised, motioning upstairs.
"Only six weeks to fix something like that? You serious?"
Enji nodded proudly.
"Yeah! He also told me that humans fight all the time, like, all throughout their lives all the time. That's how he got the broken nose in the first place."
"They sound pretty brutal, and you managed to bring one here?"
"W-well, he did kill two of my crew who were first sent into the building he was in to search it, but when he was running he ran into me and I just grabbed him before he could do anything else. He was just scared.
"What?? How come I didn't hear about this? Normally everyone is notified when a death occurs among us."
Toshi's brows furrowed in confusement, crossing his arms over his chest.
"They did it because they didn't want anyone to potentially harm Hawks, they needed him alive for their studies and well, for his own well being too."
Toshi frowned but nodded.
"Yeah.. I can see that now, I'm sure they would have done the same with Dave if he did anything like that too. Plus..Hawks doesn't seem that bad at all."
Toshi shook his head, replacing his frown with a smile.
"So does Hawks have anything he likes to do? Like how Dave turned out to like building little things with any scrap he found around the place."
Enji himself smiled.
"He said he likes to draw, I don't know how good he actually is but I'm sure we'd get to see once he's more used to being here."
"You think he and Dave would get along then? Cause I'm sure Dave would love to see how his ideas would look before he actually makes them so that he'd be able to save more supplies if it doesn't work out."
Enji thought before he chuckled.
"They'd be an unstoppable team. I'm sure they'd get along with one another regardless though. Dave's like a little scientist himself, so I wouldn't be surprised if you started seeing him keep notes on Hawks like how he did with you and I during his first week here."
"True true. Did the lab give you any lists on the kind of stuff Hawks eats? Cause you're probably going to have to go to get him used to this stuff if he doesn't eat any of the things we do." 
Enji perked up at the mention of food and dug around in his pocket before pulling out the list he was given from his pocket.
"Well, I was told humans were omnivores, so they eat meat and plants, so he should be able to eat the stuff we have here (Gonna make this note now, meat from Earth is very, very different than what these guys call meat.)."
Toshi looked a little unsure but shrugged.
"I mean I guess so, but at the same time, he's from a planet we barely know anything about. I heard him calling the charging station a 'bed' so, what they consider food could be very different from what we do."
Enji did take that into consideration, but he read down the list of the foods that they had given to Hawks during his stay at the lab, what he did like and what he didn't were listed.
"It says here he ended up liking the cooked mutant chick and a few other things."
"He likes the mutant chick? The cheapy stuff? I woulda thought that humans preferred more expensive tasting stuff?"
Enji shrugged as a response towards his friend.
"I'm just reading what the paper says. He also needs to stay hydrated so I need to make sure he gets a lot of liquids like water."
"Yup, there's the expensive stuff.."
"Actually," Enji grinned, "Since it's a part of his must haves in order to survive, they're gonna send cases of it every morning for free. So the food is the only thing I actually have to pay for unless he gets tired of having so much water, and since it's cheap we won't be losing so much."
"Oh...I guess then everything you save from the drinks is going to go into clothes for him then?"
Toshi asked, leaning closer to Enji to be able to see the list himself.
"Yeah, or anything else he would want to keep himself occupied. I plan on bringing him to the market tomorrow to start getting him the clothes, but with how small he is there's only a few shops that would work for him."
"True... If you want I could go with you?"
"Thanks but if Dave still isn't feeling well you should stay with him. If he's feeling better though the both of you are welcomed to join."
Enji said with a small smile as he continued to read down the list. 
"We also have to make sure he gets warm clothing for when our frost hits, but otherwise it's comfortable clothing for any other day."
"That's easy at least. For a complicated creature he's pretty simple when it comes to caring for him."
"I mean, I'm not complaining."
Enji sighed, leaning back into the couch more, letting himself sink into it.
"Well, I gotta start getting ready to go get Dave, time sure does fly. I'll pick up some mutated chick on the way back though so that Hawks can have something to eat for dinner."
"Thanks Toshi, better to get it sooner than wait till dinner to get it."
"I know, I'm the best."
Toshi joked, nudging Enji playfully before he stood to go get his jacket.
"Don't push it!"
Enji called out after him, but he still had a smile on his face as he did.

Well, part 5 is finally here after the little mishap that happened two or three days ago. 
I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next chapter as always.

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