Imaginary 4

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By the time college came around for Enji, Hawks could already see that he was having none of his excuses when it came to why he shouldn't follow  behind Enji and stay with him in the dorm rooms.

It was made clear that Enji definitely could care less if he was caught talking to Hawks by his dorm mate. He even made it clear that he wouldn't care if he was caught by any one else either during the day.

"They're going to put you in therapy if they catch you basically talking to yourself." He remembered himself telling him.

"I don't care."

And that was the end of it for that day.
When the time finally came for Enji to leave for college, Hawks had no choice but to go with.

It was more of a relief when they had arrived when it was found out that Enji's dorm mate was none other than Toshi himself. Hawks felt much more comfortable that way, and it was noticeable too when he caught Enji giving him an almost knowing smirk.

Maybe it wasn't as bad as Hawks thought it would be.

Hawks had found himself getting a lot more comfortable with being around Enji throughout the day, and found it a lot more fun to walk around with him. Almost as if he was really right there like any other college kid.

From as much as Hawks could see, Enji was enjoying his college life. He had gotten more friends, none of which he remembered the names of, was good at his studies, and was definitely popular.

Then there was another more noticeable was the increasing interaction between Enji and the girl from highschool, Rei. The two had gotten closer, and it was clear as day to Hawks that Enji had a liking to her.

The two of them were actually talking now. Eating lunch together as Hawks kept himself a distance away as to not bother them. At times like that there wasn't much Hawks himself could do other than wait for Enji to be finished with whatever task or conversation he was having at the moment. He never minded. He knew Enji had a life still outside of him, in fact, it was exactly what he wanted in all honesty.

However for some reason anything with her always hurt. Not a lot. Just a little bit. He never knew why, and he never wanted to know why. It was better left off unknown for him.

Something felt wrong though. As he watched them, something inside of him began to hurt. Then, the pain started to spread to the rest of his body.

Was he going to disappear? He started to look panicked, but then he noticed Enji wasn't even looking at him. Enji wouldn't know. Enji wouldn't have to know.

Why was it happening so suddenly? Everything seemed to be going fine, everyone was happy. Why was he hurting so much?

Hawks looked back to Enji. He was smiling, and even laughing a little bit as he talked with Rei. He watched as they grew silent again, Enji fumbling with his hands. He watched as Enji leaned over to Rei, and the next moment her face turning red.

Hawks looked away and hurried out of the area. If he really was going to go, he didn't want Enji finding him last minute.

He looked down at himself as he wandered around for a good hiding spot, seeing his hands slowly fade in and out. Barely noticeable at first, but getting faster the more time goes on.

He huffed to himself as he just walked through a random locker and sat himself down inside of it.  He leaned his head back as he took in a deep breath.
Everything still hurt, but it was now becoming numb to him.

He closed his eyes gently, hoping Enji wouldn't be angry with him. Hawks knew this would happen but what else was he supposed to do when he first revealed the truth to Enji? Who knew what Enji would even do if he found out about what was going on...

He has good friends. He has Toshi, and Rei. They were going to take care of him, as he would as well for them. Enji was going to be alright.

Without knowing what would happen next, everything turned to black.

He was an imaginary friend.
He was a guardian.
And Enji didn't need to be guarded anymore.


At first, there was nothing.
No sound.
No smell.
No sight.

When you live a long, happy life, you are greeted by silence. It's a break from all the noises and overbearing a things you had to go through when you were still alive.

It's a gift.

Then, a nice, calming light slowly makes its way into the nothingness. It's a beacon, calling you to the afterlife, the next chapter of your soul.

Then, from cold, it turns warm. Comforting, and loving.

He didn't know how to handle it. It was all so...ethereal. Beautiful, warm, and welcoming.

He lived a good life. Rocky and hellish in the middle, but slowly turned out alright in the end.

His children grew up, and had kids of their own. Families of their own with people that they loved.

There was also forgiveness, and love.

Life turned out good for him.

"Hey, are you just gonna stand there or say hi to an old friend?"

That cheeky voice, he knew it all too well despite the amount of years he had to go without it.

He huffed a small laugh.

"You're an asshole you know that? You didn't even say goodbye."

"Well...let me try to fix it with being the first to say hello."

He shook his head before running over to the other, he felt younger again.

He hugged him as tight as he could.
"I missed you, Hawks."

He could feel Hawks hug back, just as tight, as if he'd disappear again, and run his fingers through his hair just as he did for him when he was still a kid.

"I missed you too Enji, I missed you too."

And with that, Enji smiled when he felt Hawks place a soft, loving kiss to his head as they kept each other company once more.

Sorry this came so late but here it is nonetheless 😭
Imaginary is officially over!
That just leaves Midnight Bite left before I start any new AUs and such.
Question time!
Which au would you like to be a stand alone story apart from the oneshot book?
The story itself would be changed to be made different from what's already in this book, but if there's any specific one that you think would survive as a stand alone, let me know!
See y'all in the next chapter 👌

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