Sleep 2

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[Another chapter for the Sleep au]

He looked up from the darkness of his room, Enji wasn't there, he had his own room, after all, they weren't together...yet. His eyes scanned the dark room, over everything he owned that resided inside of it. He wasn't scared of the dark, no, the only thing to fear was what was inside of it. He slung his legs over his bed, his bare feet touching the cold wooden tiles of his floor as he pushed himself up to stand. The most noticable thing was the dresser on the other side of the room. He could almost feel something there and it made him anxious. He walked over, his steps were quiet and light, even his breathing was hard to hear. He stopped infront of the dresser, looking for just a moment before he pulled it open, checking inside. Nothing. He closed it and decided to look behind it. There it was. It was weak as it tried to squirm away from Hawks's sight. He grunted lightly and reached out to pick it up, it squirmed more to be free. Luckily it was the only one there. Hawks watched it before he dropped it to the floor, watching it slowly crawl before he lifted his foot and stomped on it. A small screech had emitted from the creature as it was squished between his bare foot. He sighed at his decision but it was better than the creature being alive. He lifted his foot, there was a black stain on the tile that he'd have to wash off later, he mostly cared for his foot however. A black, thick liquid dripped off of his skin as he left his room to go to the bathroom and wash it off. He turned on the light and stepped inside, going over to the tub and turning the water on. He made sure the water was hot, warm and cold water wouldn't work when cleaning the liquid off, he knew that from experience. He bit his lip as he stuck his foot into the burning water, holding in any noise that might sound like a whine of pain as he watched the black drip off of his foot along with the water into the drain. He held it there for a few seconds longer, just to be sure it was all off before he took his foot away and shut off the water. His foot was bright red from the heat being against his skin, he rubbed it gently for a moment before going to the sink cabinet to look through for anything that could help the burn. He managed to find some gel for burns and went to work on putting it on. The bottle was somewhat empty so he ended up taking the last bit of it, but he could always go to the store in the morning and get more. He closed his eyes in relief once the gel was on, setting the bottle down ontop of the sink and resting for a moment against it, lowering his head.

Black, black everywhere, dripping from the cieling, dripping from him. He was covered in it, it hurt. It's hold on him grew tighter as it spread around his body. He cried, screamed for help. Enji came running in, concern and urgency in his eyes as soon as he saw the scene. Enji hurried over to grab him and roughly yank him away from the liquid surrounding his legs and feet. Enji looked to the muck on the ground, glaring at it before he stomped his foot over a section of it, almost rattling the whole room before flames bursted from the spot where his foot was, spreading quickly to the rest of the liquid as it screeched and writhered away into nothingness. Hawks was wheezing as the tightness around his throat got worse. Enji ran to the bathroom, almost kicking down the door and throwing Hawks into the tub. He turned the hot water on while the little boy sat in it, crying out even louder at the burning sensation of it. Enji almost felt bad for what he was doing but he wouldn't stop it untill it was all gone, he didn't want Hawks to get hurt...or even die. He used his hands to help rub some of the much off with the hot water. It didn't effect him since he was used to the heat. Once it was all off and down the drain he pulled Hawks out and stripped the boy of his now soaked clothes, a deep frown on his face as he went to treat the burns on the crying boy's body.
"I'm sorry but it was the only way to get it off of you...I'm sorry.."
He mumbled to Hawks, rubbing the boy's skin gently to try and ease the pain.
"I-it hurts! I-it hurts..!"
Hawks wailed, tears streaming down his face as he never felt so terrified in his life before. He was traumatized by the experience.
"I know I's going to be okay, you're staying in my room tonight with me.."
Hawks sniffled and nodded his head, shifting to tightly hug Enji's much larger form.

Hawks opened his eyes. Of course he would remember that. It was something he never could forget, an experience that finally made him think he was going to die. Which if Enji wasn't there to save him, he would've. He sighed softly and went to stand straight before he looked into the mirror and saw Enji standing behind him, leaning against the doorway of the bathroom.
"You alright in here? I heard the water.."
He trailed off, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly. Hawks nodded his head as he turned to look at Enji.
"Yeah, I'm alright. You're gonna have to go through my room again though, found a little one behind my dresser. I was just washing the remains off."
He said, taking a few steps closer to Enji as the older male sighed.
"Again? Alright, I'll get to it in the morning, you can stay with me tonight."
Hawks smiled at the offer and nodded his head, yawning.
"Sure thing."
He replied easily as Enji led him back to his own room and let him inside. Hawks immediately felt at ease, which only aided in his sleepiness. He was brought over to the bed, Enji laying down first before Hawks tiredly flopped on and curled up beside the male, closing his eyes and sighing. Enji didn't mind the closeness between them before his eyes shut aswell. Nothing was said before light snores were heard from below him. Good, Hawks fell asleep. He thought over what he could use to keep the little creatures out of Hawks's room for good, after all he didn't want them to keep coming and get stronger. He didn't want a repeat of the last time the strong ones got in. He relaxed, at least Hawks was the safest with him, they wouldn't dare to crawl into this room. He let out a stiffled deep yawn before he soon let sleep take over his body.

[There will be more parts with this, don't worry!]

Hawksdeavor oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang