The Queen

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[Queen Hawks (Hawks is a female in this one if you couldn't tell already) and Commoner Enji]
(Also Enji is the one who actually goes after Hawks)

It had almost seemed like an average day for Enji, however, it wasn't at all, it was a celebration for everyone who lived within the area of the kingdom. Why was there a celebration you may ask? Well, they had avoided war with another neighboring kingdom, the Queen had gotten the king of the kingdom to sign a peace treaty with her, therefore all the citizens would remain safe and out of harms way. They were severely grateful for their beautiful Queen and her accomplishment. What made the celebration even better was that the Queen would even be joining them with the festivities, which rarely ever happened due to the work she has to deal with everyday to keep the kingdom in it's peaceful place. Enji would be lying if he were to say he wasn't excited to see the Queen again after the last sight he had gotten of her the last special occasion, which seemed so long ago to him now. Enji would also be lying if he were to say he hadn't fallen for the Queen either, she was beautiful after all, the way her blonde hair would shine underneath the sun's warming rays of light, the way her golden eyes looked fierce, but soft and kind, cheerful and childlike even. The way her skin looked so soft, that if you were to touch it the wrong way you might leave a mark, but oh how Enji wished to leave a mark, to be the one blessed with such an opportunity to show that she was his, he wanted her so badly, but if only he could get to her, to talk with her. He was never able to beforehand due to the crowds of people trying to gather around her, share a word or a smile with her, and it always kept Enji away from his chance, farther from his dream. He planned to get to her this time, he needed to get to her this time, else he would be devastated. it may seem silly to see such a large male absolutely head over heels for someone else, but it was something he hoped could happen, after so many wrongs in his life he just needed something to go right. Enji looked to the time, the celebration, well, when the Queen was supposed to arrive at the celebration, was soon, closer than Enji had realized. He got up from inwardly moping on his bed, stretching as he started picking out clothes that seemed most presentable and got dressed, taking a deep breath as he tried to calm his growing nerves. What would he even say to her if he ever did get the chance to get close enough? A simple hello didn't seem enough for someone such as the Queen. He shook his head and sighed, straightening out his clothing before grabbing anything else he might need, if the Queen was interested enough, he would need to be able to possibly buy things from the shops for her, so he also made sure to grab his stash of coins he had earned from his work. He headed straight to the door, not wanting to be late and ruin his chances at getting anything nice today. He gave a small pause however, a pause to rethink if he really believed it would work today, but he ignored it and opened the door, stepping outside and taking a deep breath of the fresh air and laughter from the children running around. Such a positive surrounding gave him a bit more confidence as he looked around, would the Queen be where she was last time? Or would she actually be walking around? He should've looked into it more so he wouldn't be wandering around so aimlessly. There was no crowd forming yet so he couldn't tell by that way either. It was going to be a little more difficult now, but Enji didn't mind too much as long as it didn't ruin anything. He sighed, he supposed he would just walk around till a crowd formed and simply try to squeeze his way past the people, and with how things seemed it was the only good way to go about it, so he picked his direction to start and began walking. People were almost everywhere, no corner was really left untouched as some laughed and spoke, some drank in victory while others, more specifically the children, ran around and played with one another. It was a day off for everyone, and the town was bigger than it normally looked since no one stayed inside, after all who would want to miss such a happy day? Enji tried to avoid the children that always ran in his direction, he didn't want to hurt any of them if they ran into him, and children always are more delicate than your average adult. He looked around at the small shops that opened along the paths, some selling foods, some drinks and some other merch that you could keep at home and enjoy as a memory. He mostly looked to see if there was anything that the Queen might enjoy, but then again it was whatever the Queen picked that he would get her, it was completely her choice, and Enji wouldn't argue at all, he would happily spend his money on her. He hummed lightly to himself, his mind completely to itself as he walked around, not even paying much attention to anything anymore. So he couldn't hear the distant shouting at him, the warning that didn't seem for him. At least, until someone ran into him, and since Enji was much heavier than whoever it was, the mystery person ended up falling back and hitting the ground with a squeak. Enji blinked, the small sound and the light weight matching that of a woman's, which worried him at first when he looked down, but when he saw who it was, he felt as though he was going to have a heart attack. It was the Queen, he had run into the Queen, he made her fall onto the dirty floor in such a beautiful dress. It was like the breath was knocked out of him even though he wasn't the one who suffered the fall. It took him a moment before coming to his senses and panicking, crouching down to her and taking her by the hands.
"O-oh my, I so deeply apologize your majesty! I should've been paying attention to where I was going, are you alright?"
It took her a moment to recover from the temporary shock before nodding her head with a light laugh, letting Enji help her to her feet before fixing her dress.
"Thank you for your concern, but yes, I'm perfectly okay, I was the one who ran into you after all, you don't really pay attention when you play around with the children, sweet little things."
She answered, looking up to Enji with a smile, which immediately made his heart flutter.
"I-I still could've been more responsible, I could've hurt you after all and I would really hate to be the one to cause such a thing to happen, I simply must make it up to you."
Enji mostly just wanted her to stick around him for a while longer, motioning out to the shops.
"I can get you anything you'd like, just please allow me to do this for you."
The Queen was a bit surprised to hear of such a gesture before letting out a small chuckle and nodding her head.
"If it relieves you of any worry then I suppose letting you won't hurt, but I will refrain from asking of anything expensive, I can pay for it myself."
Enji shook his head, frowning a little.
"Please you majesty, I mean it when I say anything, I make good money, so it wouldn't hurt me."
He insisted, and it wasn't a lie, Enji was one of the most financially stable people within the town, so something a little expensive really wouldn't hurt him. Hawks hesitated before nodding once more, giving in to the almost puppy dogged look on Enji's face.
"Alright, if you insist on such, but I hope you aren't lying to me when it comes to your finances."
Enji immediately shook his head, offering his arm to the Queen.
"I-I would never lie to you your majesty! It really is just an honor to finally be able to meet you and after a fall like that I want to make up for it."
He said, almost sheepishly, causing her to giggle as she took his arm to hold. Enji couldn't believe it, but he knew it wasn't a dream which made the moment even better and special to him. He was sure his face was red by now, which was embarrassing but he could pass it off for nervousness, although he didn't know if that was worse or not. He quickly snapped himself out of those thoughts to look down at the Queen with a smile before looking through the shops and leading her along the path to pick out a store she'd like.
"So, what is your name delightful stranger?"
She questioned, looking up to Enji as they walked side by side.
"My name? I-it's Enji, Enji Todoroki your majesty."
He answered, inwardly cursing himself at the stutter that decided to remain with him.
"Ah, that's a wonderful name! Enji, Enji, Enji..."
She trailed off, giggling to herself as Enji's heart pounded against his chest at the sound of her repeating his name.
"I like it. You have the permission to call me by my name if you'd like, it would help us get more accustomed to one another?"
She asked, tilting her head a bit as she eyed Enji. Enji gulped and nodded a bit.
"If you wish for such your majesty.."
He hummed, earning a bigger smile from her.
"Then you may call me Hawks, a strange name I know.."
Enji looked down to the Queen, well, Hawks now as he raised a brow.
"I wouldn't say it's strange at all, it's unique and in my opinion, beautiful, which fits you well."
Hawks blushed lightly at the compliment before covering it with her hand and laughing lightly.
"Why thank you Enji, I'm flattered."
She said softly before pointing over to a shop that seemed to have caught her eye. Enji nodding, smiling to himself that he was able to make the Queen blush as he led her over to the shop. Hawks looked over the selections that the shop had to offer once they had got there. Soon she perked up at one of the selections of wooden figurines that rested upon the top shelf of the shop. It was a professionally carved Hawk, and it wasn't small either, about the size of an actual Hawk, but it looked absolutely wonderful. Hawks then looked to Enji as he studied the wooden Hawk before nodding his head and looking to the store clerk, motioning to the bird. The clerk named his price for it, and it was to be expected of the Hawk to be expensive, which caused Hawks to already start taking her request back, but Enji cut her off.
"I'll take it, here."
He hummed, pulling out his earnings from his pocket and setting it on the wooden table in front of him. Hawks looked pleasantly surprised at being cut off as she watched the money get taken and the wooden Hawk placed down on the table instead. She hesitated before picking it up, running a finger down the smooth wood. Then she smiled, a bright one at that, and it was clear that she was happy with it, and Enji swore he just fell deeper in love with her. Enji thanked the store clerk before leading Hawks away from the front so that other people could go up and buy something.
"I hope you like it, it would go well as a decoration."
He said, glancing to her with a slightly red face. Hawks said nothing at first before chuckling lightly and stopping, causing Enji to at the same time. He was a little confused to the chuckle but that was quickly wiped out of his thoughts when Hawks leaned up to place a sweet kiss to his cheek, his face quickly turning the brightest shade of red there was, his breath hitching a bit. He could've sworn his heart pounding against his chest could be heard by the whole town when Hawks spoke again
"I absolutely love it, thank you Enji!"

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