Sleep 4

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Bet ya'll thought I forgot about this-

"N-no please! I-i didn't mean t-to break it! I-I can fix it!"
He cried, backing away as quickly as he could. It was difficult to move considering the cuts that had been inflicted on his hands.
"You little-! Get over here! You're not going to get away with this!"
The shadow got only closer, and it terrified him.
"N-no! No!"

A sharp breath was inhaled, eyes snapping wide open. Hawks sat up and looked around his surroundings. He was in the living room. Had he fallen asleep? did he even get here?
"Hawks? You're awake?"
Came a voice from upstairs. Looking over, Hawks saw that it was Enji and let out a small sigh of relief.
"Yeah, I'm up."
"Are you alright? You look a bit pale there."
Enji pointed out, walking down the steps and heading over to him to check on him.
"Yeah yeah, I'm okay, I promise."
He said with a small reassuring grin. Enji raised a bow of suspicion but let it off the hook.
"Why don't we go outside? Maybe being inside so much is affecting you."
Hawks ran a hand through his hair and shrugged.
"I suppose we can, I just need to get dressed in better clothing."
"Then go get dressed."
"So demandingg.."
Hawks playfully complained before getting up with a light grunt. He stretched quickly before heading upstairs to his room to get dressed.
Once in his room, ge went to the closet to choose his outfit for the day, which ended up being a loose t-shirt and a pair of black jeans with red sneakers and a black beanie. He stripped of his other clothes before getting changed into the new ones.

"Hurry the hell up, you're wasting my time."
"I-Im sorry.."
He whispered, shamefully looking down at the floor as the man stood infront of him.
"Tch, you should be."
He whimpered when he felt pain in the side of his head. The man had hit him.
"I-i'll do b-better next t-time.."

Hawks blinked away the small tears that had formed at the memory. What was going on with these all of a sudden? He barely knew who the people were in them anyway..
He sighed, shaking his head as he finished getting dressed and headed back downstairs to meet up with Enji.
"Ready to go?"
Enji asked, his arms crossed.
"Ready as always."
Hawks said with a smirk, Enji rolling his eyes and opening the door for him to get out of the house. Which he did, and Enji followed, shutting the door behind them.
"So, where to?"
Hawks asked, turning to the older male.
"Wherever you'd like to go, we can just walk around if you can't think of anything."
Enji answered simply.
"Hm, walking around doesn't sound bad, maybe something will catch my eye eventually."
Hawks shrugged, quickly choosing a random direction and walking in it.
"Are you sure you're alright? You know its my job to-"
"To protect me, I know. You remind me everytime."
Hawks said, glancing to Enji.
"I told you, I'm alright, its nothing to worry about."
"I'm serious Hawks."
"And I am too. I. Am. Fine. Okay?"
Enji grunted, looking away from Hawks.
Hawks felt a little bad by his slightly harsh reaction, but he had gotten tired of being babied by the older male so much. He could take care of himself, and he never did get much of a chance to show it before.

"Hah! Stop acting all tough, you're still weak!"

Hawks gulped at the voice. Where did it come from? He looked around, nothing seemed out of- there. He saw it. A shadow? Normally those wouldn't bother with him, but there it was, almost completely hidden within the alley ahead of him and Enji.

"Weak weak weak! You're babied because thats what you are! A baby! A useless little bag of flesh that depends on others to care for it~!"

Gritting his teeth, Hawks grabbed Enji's sleeve to turn the corner before they passed the alley.
"Hm? Why'd we turn down here?"
Enji asked, huffing.
"Well, we're walking around randomly, plus, I hate that alleyway we were gonna pass."
Hawks explained quickly, not wanting to go into detail about it as he continued walking, as far as he could get from the alley.
Why were they even talking to him? He thought they had given up on him a long time ago with Enji always being around him. So...why now of all times would they be speaking to him?

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