Night Guard 2

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Guess who's back from the dead??? Like finally??

  It had been two days since Hawks had last seen the best from their encounter behind the stage. He wasn't able to get to work the day before due to some family issues popping up.
Walking into the establishment of the pizzeria, Hawks sighed, looking around in hopes that the bear wouldn't appear too suddenly in front of him. Slowly, the male made his way to his designated office, the only place he'd be safe in, even though it did fail him two days before. Once at the door, he stepped in and plopped down into his chair, leaning acroos the desk in front of him to pick up the tablet that rested on top of it. His shift started in only a few minutes, so he needed to get himself readied for the night ahead of him. Even by now he still questioned why he ever took the job, but then again he remembered that he needed the money, especially more than ever since the events of yesterday.
  With nothing much to do Hawks simple closed his eyes to get a breather. Something inside of him almost wanted to meet the bear again, to question him of what was actually going on around the place, but the more logical part of him, although small, warned him of what might happen if he did run into the bear again. He didn't really feel like getting injured on the job, especially because the establishment never offered any type of insurance to injuries related to the work, so it wasn't something Hawks wanted to risk.
  The alarm of the shift starting broke Hawks out of his thoughts, causing the man to sigh and open his eyes, pressing the button on the tablet to turn it on. So far none of the animatronics had moved, which relieved Hawks of course, but he knew that it wouldn't last for long. The other animatronics weren't very much on Hawks's eyes though, he was mostly eyeing the bear that stood perfectly in place with the microphone in hand. Squinting at the screen Hawks huffed, if the bear were to come around, why not at the start of the shift? To make things easier on him? Or did the bear just enjoy working up the prey? It was probably the most logical thought Hawks had come up with, and he wasn't going to debate on it either.
  "Why couldn't any of you just be a normal robot?" Hawks wondered out loud to himself, he knew that he wouldn't get an answer, but talking to himself helped eased his mind. He hated the silence as much as he did the job, he was a vocal person and being restrained on that was a tiring thing. Flipping through the cameras, he made sure to check in on the fox, also known to the kids as Shouto, to make sure he wasn't going to leave the cove anytime soon. Thankfully he remained tucked away in the curtains of the cove, and didn't seem like a problem at the moment. He continued on with the cameras before returning the view to the stage only to see that the rabbit, Natsuo, had left. He must've just left the stage due to Hawks not seeing him on the other cameras while he was flipping through. Gulping, Hawks flipped through the cameras once more, but his concern only grew when he still couldn't find the rabbit. Hawks glanced towards the door to his left, hesitation clear on his face. He stood from his chair and slowly walked the door. He reached out a shaky hand to press the light switch, which immediately emitted a light into hallway. Hawks was only greeted with the one and only rabbit in front of him. Yelping, Hawks made a quick motion to slam his hand onto the button below the light switch to close the door. The door closed with a loud thud before the rabbit could even think to move. He hurried back into his seat, grabbing the tablet to check on the cove only to see that the fox had decided to peek his head through the curtain, staring up at the camera mischieviously. Hawks shook his head, checking back up on the stage. The chicken, Fuyumi, was now gone and wandering about the pizzeria. The only one who remained still was the bear, Enji, which still struct Hawks as odd seeing as the robot wanted so badly to talk again.
  Setting the tablet back down on his chair, Hawks went back to the door on his left to turn the light on in the hallway. The rabbit had left so he was able to open back up the door. He ran a hand through his hair, even though he didn't really do much at all, the intensity of the night already tired him. Especially because once more had he forgotten to take his daily dose of coffee to energize him for the night. He really didn't get paid enough for this. The sound of pots and pans being slammed against one another could be heard from the kitchen across the place. At least Hawks knew where one animatronic was for the most part. Deciding to ban himself from sitting down with the fear of him falling asleep, Hawks simply picked up the tablet and stood towards the back of the small office, checking on the stage for the last time. The bear was now gone, which didn't surprise Hawks too much. He hung his head in defeat, all of them were off in different directions somewhere around the place and it only really took a matter moments before one of them gets their hands on him and hes done for. He lifted himself up onto the desk, getting seated as comfortably as he could with the situation. Kicking his legs, he checked through the cameras, making sure the fox stayed in the cove and that the rabbit and chicken were as far from the office as they could be. By now he didn't care for the whereabouts of the bear, if he truly wanted to speak with him he wouldn't take the chance to kill him immediately, right? Hawks took a risk on that part, ignoring his logical side of the thought as he normally did with anything else. After everything was checked off with the cameras and positions, he set the tablet down on his lap and looked out to his rather empty and boring office. Yeah, it kept him safe, but it was practically the definition of plain, the most color it has is the posters hanging on the walls to the side and the little cupcake that sat above the computer screen that didn't even seem to work. Hawks simply assumed that the computers were used as decoration rather than working equipment, and that his boss was just plain cheap when it came to expences for the workers. At least Hawks wasn't one of the day workers, having to deal with pushy parents and annoying little kids with snot on their faces. But then again it was probably a better position to be in when compared to the nightshift and the robots that kids love trying to kill you every passing minute. Kids are brats though, and its nothing that Hawks would like to deal with. Or maybe Hawks didn't like the job in general, either way, there was something Hawks always just didn't like about the place, and it grew after hearing about the murders that had taken place. He almost couldn't believe that the pizzeria just pushed away the facts of the murders taking place inside the building and continued business, yet here he was, working for them nonetheless.
  A small knock at the side of the door on his right broke him from his thoughts, causing him to jump a little when he realized it was none other than the bear, well, the bear but human.
  "Now, if you don't mind me questioning, I thought I had clearly said I'd be seeing you yesterday? But to my surprise, you weren't in your office at all. Care to explain?" He spoke, his face showing that he was anything but pleased.
Hawks shrunk back onto the desk a little as he watched the male walk into the office and cross his arms. In the whole day he was gone from the job he had forgotten how much larger the bea- Enji, was compared to him.
"S-something came up, I have a life outside of this place y'know." He answered, cursing at himself for already studdering his words.
  Enji raised a small brow, taking a step closer to the smaller male. "Something came up? Conveniently at the same time I request to see you in this office that night?" He questioned, his gaze sharply on Hawks.
  Hawks gulped and nodded his head. "I-i'm not lying! It's family issues and none of your business alright?" He muttered, pulling his knees up to his chest as to avoid any closer proximity between the two of them.
  "Tch, watch your tone with me boy. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen hm? I'll let it slide today, seeing as its family, but if its anything else there's going to be a problem, understand?" Enji grunted, respectfully keeping the small distance seeing as Hawks looked uncomfortable.
  "I-i understand.." He softly said, looking away from the man in front of him.
  The two were quiet for a moment, nothing being said as they both seemed to think of what to say next before Hawks spoke up.
  " are you able to turn human?" He questioned.
  Enji straightened a bit at the question, clearing his throat before he answered. "Well, I'm actually not so sure myself, but I do believe that since my soul is bound to the suit that it can somewhat return to it's original state to before I was killed, but again, somewhat, due to the additions to my body."
  Hawks nodded a little in a bit of understanding. He was still confused, as to the whole process but he wasn't about to dig too deep into it.
  "Are the others..?"
  "The same like me? Yes, they are, they just choose not to in front of the guard for obvious reasons." Enji explained, his stern expression from before softening into a normal one.
  "Then how come you did for me?" Hawks asked curiously, tilting his head a little as his eyes went back to Enji.
Enji grunted and shook his head. "That's an answer for another time. Be grateful though, it keeps the other four from coming around here."
Hawks blinked, "Four? I thought there were only three others?"
  Enji paused for a moment before huffing. "I don't have to explain that to you either. Now never mind the others and me, why did you take the job?"
  "Because I needed the money? I have bills to pay or else I'd get kicked out of my house onto the street." Hawks huffed, setting the tablet, that was still on his lap, beside him.
  "Resonable enough." Enji grunted. He looked around the small office.
"It really is pitiful in here compared to the rest if the pizzeria."
  "Well the boss doesn't care for the employees much, just wants us to make the money for him, he just happens to have to pay the employees." Hawks sarcastically spoke, more so to himself.
  Almost cracking a small smile to the smaller male's sarcasm, Enji shook his head.
"We have plenty of time till your shift ends correct?"
  Enji said nothing for a moment before he suddenly drew in close to Hawks, hands on either side of Hawks on the desk, shocking the male.
"Let's get to know eachother a bit better, hm?"

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