Sunset and Dusk 2

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"Is there a reason as to why you do not eat with the others?"

"I could almost ask the same for you." He hummed, not yet looking to who the voice had belonged to as he continued to enjoy his meal. 
"I never come with a party of my own, so there is no table set for me. I'm happy enough getting my pay of food for watching the children and keeping them entertained."

There was a moment of silence before the other had come to sit down beside him. "No wonder I constantly see you as alone as I every ball."

"As alone as you?" He asked curiously, finally to look at the figure beside him. He almost choked on his own air when he had seen the flaming star sitting beside him with ease. 

The sun gave a look of amusement, shaking his head gently at the shock of the other as he rested his chin in the palm of his hand. "I hope you don't mind if I share this silence with you? Sitting in front of so many while being the only one at the table is quite...humiliating, though I suppose I did that to myself." 

"O-of course not, you can stay as long as you wish to! My name is Keigo, but the children call me Hawks..." He said, glancing back down to his plate and taking a smaller bite of his meal.  

"You can call me Enji." The male said gently, watching Hawks for just a moment before looking away.  "Do you enjoy watching over the children? You're the only star that had offered when the job had first appeared."

"The children are fun to tell stories to. I wouldn't trade their company for anything else, since their parents are too busy to keep an eye on them." Hawks chuckled lightly as he set his now empty plate beside him. "If you don't mind me asking, what grants me the honor to sit and speak with you like this? I'm sure you're normally quite busy keeping up appearance?"

"Curiosity I suppose. You're a pretty mysterious person in my eyes." 

"Mysterious? Normally I'd be described as the misfit." Rubbing the back of his neck he glanced out towards the crowded room. The children should be coming back any moment when they were finished with their meals.

"Well, consider yourself a misfit no longer, or else that makes me one too." Enji smiled,  placing a warm hand on Hawks's shoulder.

He felt his heart almost skip a beat at the touch, but his next few words were  quickly cut off by the sound of rushing, little feet entering the room.
"Mr. Hawks! Mr.Hawks!"
He smiled at the excitement in their words. 

"Children, do calm down, it's not like we have been separated for long." He chuckled, glancing over to Enji, who he hoped would end up staying. 

"You promised a story about when you were a kid!!" The blonde little boy huffed, making sure he had the seat in front of Hawks this time as the redheaded boy sat beside him. 

"Right, yes, I did." He then motioned to Enji, who had kept quiet the whole time, "However it is quite rude to not greet our new guest."

The children then looked over to Enji, their eyes growing wide when they had also realized who he was. 

Enji gave a small, awkward wave to them, to which a collection of waves had been given back, causing Hawks to laugh. 

"Alright, now for that story, what would you like to hear about?"

Murmuring had spread among the tiny group of starlings before a dark blue haired boy in glasses raised his hand, "Can you tell us a story of when you experienced your first ecliptic ball?"

"Hmm.. I suppose I can." He smiled gently as he leaned back a bit, taking a moment to remember his younger days.

"My first ecliptic ball, let's see...Well, there wasn't a story teller back then to keep watch of the children, and so all the starlings would be allowed to run around and play on the dance floor, but when the time came for the dance, they were made to sit out of the way.  I would always play with this one starling, her name was Mirko. When we got older, she was always my dance partner. I never really bothered with the others, seeing as they had their friends and I had mine, and I was okay with that. In fact, her and I are still pretty good friends today. The ball was, in a way, much similar to this one, and honestly not much has changed either about the looks and scheduling of the different events planed for everyone to enjoy and participate in. I have to admit though, the food has definitely improved," He chuckled as the other children giggled along, "I remember one time, where Mirko and I were playing around, another boy had come up to us, he seemed shy when he did. He wanted to know if he could play with us, and we had no reason to not let him. He opened up after a while and was the most chaotic out of the three of us. It was probably the best ball I've ever had. I was pretty disappointed when he never showed up again."

"Do you ever wonder what happened to him?" One of the starlings had asked, but he couldn't see who had asked it. 

"Sometimes, yes. It's hard to have someone as nice and energetic as that suddenly disappear for the rest of your childhood. I don't think about it too much since I never really knew him, it was only one day."

"Did you even get his name?"

"I did that day, but eventually I had forgotten it." He said, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked out at the children in front of him. It was true, he had only known the kid for that day, so it would be normal for him to have eventually forgotten a lot about him. He glanced over to Enji, who seemed a little off now once he had finished his short story of the past. Maybe he knew about the missing boy?

If he had the time to, maybe he would ask about it later..

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