Out of This World 3

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It had only been a couple of hours since the ship had landed on it's assigned deck and only a couple of hours since the human was rushed into testing.
As Enji predicted, he was put in charge of the human as a sort of 'consequence' of what happened.
Little did his superiors know, Enji was hoping just that would happen.
After having followed the scientists into the laboratory, Enji stayed back and watched as they gave the human a sort of sedative to make sure he was asleep and to keep him from struggling.
Stripping the boy of his clothing, discarding it to the side for another worker to take and study on its own, Enji subtly tried to take a peek of what the boy had looked like underneath the clothing.
It was a shame that so many were crowding around the human that he couldn't see anything.
Glancing away, Enji failed to watch as they started hooking the human up to one of their testing tubes, placing him inside and closing the door as it started to fill with one of their specially designed observant material.
The material helped the workers scan and observe the vital signs of the human, as well as give an X-ray of anything inside the human body, surprisingly not just the bones, but even organs and nerves if they so wished to view them.
To say the least, the scientists seemed terrified at how complicated the human body turned out to be, and scared of every beating and moving organ the screen would show.
Enji found the human to be....absolutely fascinating, probably even more than he had before.
He couldn't wait to bring the human home with him.

~Timeskip a couple of weeks of testing~

Most people wouldn't expect Enji to seem so happy, normally because the male was so straightforward and looked so angry all the time.
Yet today, there was something different, as if he was looking forward to something.
He had the right to after all.
Well, the engineering crew finally designed and created their newest technology that would help the human understand and speak to them, and Enji wanted nothing more than to hear the human speak...and to maybe hear him say his name, Enji wasn't picky.
That didn't matter as Enji pushed through the doors of the laboratory, immediately catching sight of the human sitting on one of the observing tables in nothing but his underwear.
The human had looked over to him and immediately jumped, almost giving that same look of fear he had given Enji back on the planet.
Enji felt a small pang of sadness through his chest as he raised his hands up, almost in surrender as he looked around for the main scientist currently in charge of caring for the boy.
As if she was summoned by thought, Miruko walked through the doors from across the room.
"Ah, Enji, I didn't expect to see you until after everything was done."
She said, giving a teasing smirk to Enji.
Enji decided to pretend the smirk never existed.
"I decided to come by early, see how it's done."
He muttered as an excuse, crossing his arms over his chest as Miruko rolled her eyes before looking to the human and giving him a smile, and to Enji's surprise, the human gave her one back, a small, cute and shy one.
"I see you two get along..?"
Miruko glanced back to Enji.
"We would have to, or else nothing would get done around here. Plus, this human is a complete sweetheart, it's hard to not get somewhat attached."
She explained, shrugging as she started preparing the needles beside the table.
Enji grunted, almost jealous that she had the chance to get to know the human before he did.
"So how does this whole thing work? Where's the machine?"
Miruko laughed.
"Oh, simple-minded Enji. The machine is in this newly created serum. We're simply going to inject it into the human, it's painless and much easier."
Enji scoffed towards the insult but kept himself from snapping back, instead of shaking his head.
"Just don't forget that once all this is done, I'm going to need every result on the care list for him, since he'll be staying with me after all this."
"Right, because this is supposed to be a punishment for you. However, something tells me it's really not."
Miruko teased, sticking the needle into the syringe and tapping the human's arm to show him where the shot is going to be.
The human nodded and closed his eyes as she stuck the needle in and pushed down on the top of the syringe.
The human let out a light whine but otherwise seemed fine.
Taking the needle out once the serum was completely gone from it, Miruko placed the syringe back where she had gotten it from.
"Now all we have to do is wait a few seconds for it to actually kick in."
Miruko then looked to Enji.
"Have any more questions on how it works?"
Enji shook his head as they waited patiently.
After the few seconds we're up, Miruko turned to the human.
She started off simple.
The human seemed almost startled that he could now understand her.
Enji held himself back from letting out an audible gasp.
The human's voice sounded wonderful..he could listen to it all day if he could.
Miruko smiled.
"My name is Miruko. This is Enji. Do you have a name?"
The human nodded his head.
"I-its.. It's Hawks.."
Hawks..what a peculiar name.
"Do all humans have names like yours?"
Enji then asked curiously.
Hawks shook his head.
"N-no...most of them have pretty normal names..."
Miruko mumbled to herself, keeping a mental note to write down later.
"Is there any special meaning to your name?"
She asked.
Hawks shrugged.
"N-not that I know..? I always rethought of it as freedom..like the Hawk..a..uh..bird."
"A bird?"
"It's an animal..? We have plenty of birds on Ea-w-wait...where exactly am I? H-how far am I from home? A-am..am I gonna get killed after this? A-after what I did to two of those...um..."
Hawks slightly rambled in a sudden panic, Enji almost chuckled at it.
"No no, nothing like that is going to happen, you aren't going to get killed. In fact, once we're done running some more tests, you are being placed under Enji's care and will be living with him."
Miruko said quickly, placing a hand on Hawks's shoulder.
"I-i will?"
Hawks asked, looking to Enji with almost wide eyes.
Enji gulped under the stare but nodded his head, giving an awkward smile.
Hawks hesitated but got off the table he was sitting on (With Miruko's help) and walked over to Enji.
He twiddled his thumbs before loosely hugging Enji.
"U-um...thanks E-enji..."
Enju felt as though his heart we're to explode out of his chest, might even have a tear in his eye at this rate as Miruko snickered in the background.
This human will definitely be the death of Enji.

Whew, part three finally out!
Not much to say this time but I'll see ya'll in the next part 😂

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