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[College Au]

"For todays assignment I will be giving you all a writing prompt which is due by the end of the week before you guys go on break and will be presented infront of the whole class. Write as much as you believe you will need to get your point across. The prompt today is to describe how love feels."
As the professor spoke Hawks looked up from his notebook. Describe how love feels? Hawks chewed the inside of his lip, how exactly would he describe it? Well, he knew what love felt like, he was feeling it now as his eyes glanced to a certain red headed boy in his class. He had a huge crush on him and never really could bring himself to fess up. Maybe this assignment would be an opportunity for him? He didn't know other than the fact that he suddenly had the urge to get started on it. The professor gave the rest of the class to them so they could get started. Hawks looked down to his notebook paper, blank as he had a pencil in hand. How would he ever start it? 'Love is like..', would that be even be considered a start? Hawks sighed, he didn't know. He put the pencil to the paper and slowly started writing whatever felt right. Before he knew it the bell had rung which meant the end of the class, and school day since English was his last class of the day. He frowned a little as he packed his things up, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and leaving the class, but he always did slightly pause whenever he passed the red headed boy's desk, his breath almost always getting caught in his throat. He was really amazing. He shook his head a little and left the classroom to head home and finish the writing.

[Timeskip to the end of the week, Friday]

It was the last day before they went on break, which also meant presenting what they have written for the prompt they had been given before. Hawks ended up writing little by little before it became more and more over the days on what he felt that love had been like, what he was feeling whenever he looked at the redheaded boy.
"Alright class, who would like to go first?"
The professor asked, looking out to the class and all the heads that had quickly went down. Hawks looked around, he knew by now that no one else was going to offer to go up, so he raised his hand instead.
"Hawks, come on up."
Hawks stood from his desk and he could already feel all the eyes on him, even the redhead's. Hawks stepped up to the front of the class and looked down at his paper, letting out a small breath.
"Start whenever you're ready."
He was ready as soon as he out the first word on the piece of paper. He closed his eyes for a quick moment to calm down his nerves before he opened them and casted his look down to what he had written.
"Love is like drowning."
He said firmly, glancing up to the class to see their small surprised looks.
"Your throat goes tight and you don't know what to do. You feel as though it's going to kill you and it's an instinct to fight back because we're scared of what may happen if we don't. That's how it feels to be in love. Scared and confused. Love has no bounds and neither does the ocean. For me the blue eyes are the raging ocean that I fell into, and i'm scared that i'm going to fail. However...this drowning isn't a bad thing at all. It's a good kind of drowning. The air you're sacrificing is the air you're willing to give to the one you love because you want to make sure they can breathe. That last reach you try to give to touch the surface again is the reach you're trying to get to be able to touch and love the one you want. To feel them. The air is your lover. You need them. It's painful, losing the ability to breathe while your heart is pounding in your chest. Thats love. The pain you are willing to give to make sure the other is alright. The good kind of drowning. The kind of drowning i'm going through right now. I'm drowning for you."
He said finally, locking eyes with the same blue ocean, and red hair of the boy. The room was quiet before the class started clapping and Hawks tore his eyes away to look at the professor who smiled and gave a proud nod.
"That was very well done, have yourself a seat."
Hawks nodded his head and almost trudge back in his seat, avoiding looking into the blue ocean eyes. He seated himself as told and kept his head down. The next person was called up and the class continued. Hawks had barely been paying attention, worrying over the fact that he had basically confessed his love, and as he said before he was scared. Scared of what the answer might be. Something hit him from the side of his head. He looked up and glanced down to see a crumbled piece of paper on the floor beside him. His brows furrowed in confusion before he reached down to pick it up, uncrumbling it and looking to what was writting.
'I'm drowning too  -E.T'
Hawks stared at the message, and then the initials. He knew those initials well. His head snapped up to immediately look over to the redheaded boy, it was almost an instinct to him to do so. His breath almost hitched when he saw he was watching him. As soon as the redhead noticed Hawks looking, he gave him a smile. That smile only made Hawks fall deeper and give in to the water more. Enji glanced to the professor before looking back to Hawks and making the motion towards the door. He wanted to talk after class. Hawks gulped and nodded, giving his own smile back. Hawks was happy he was drowning, they both were. Drowning for eachother, and now they were going to live happily in the water.

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