Our Story

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[Hamilton Au]
(Enji as Burr, Hawks as Hamilton, few changes from actual story)

Hawks looked acrood the field at the man he had thought to be a friend. A small breath just barely passing his lips as he stared, wondering what had gone so wrong between the two of them. He looked up to him, gave him a reason, a purpose, to only get better from the life he had left behind him. Yet here he was, gun in hand, the duel about to start. Only one can win and Hawks didn't know what was better, winning against the man who doubted him or losing to the man who was his purpose. Hawks was already deep in the mud, having ruined his own life on his own. His best friend took his son from him after news spread like wildfire that he had worked for the enemy. It wasn't a lie but it was his job, to get information, yet, no one listened to him. His life was pratically done for anyway, what more could he do to make it worse? He turned around, he knew Enji fid the same. He looked down at the weapon in his hand, getting ready to count to ten and shoot. Did he really want to shoot? Why did he accept the duel anyway? To prove something? But what? He didn't seem to know anymore. He was tempted to look behind him, but what was he to see? A man who seemed to have hated him to the bone.
The first number was spoken, the first step was taken. He clutched the gun tighter in his hand, chewing the inside of his lip.
These numbers almost tasted like poison against his tongue. He was ready, he had to be. Ready for anything.
Everything seemed to be closing in, it was getting hard to breathe.
His shoulders felt heavy, as if every mistake he had ever made was sitting right on them.
What would his son think about him? He could almost see his little Toko sitting on the couch at his friend's residence, recieving the news.
Would his son care? Would anyone care if he were to lose? What was left for him here?
His stomach turned a little, it was tightening. Did he really have to do this? He could call this off if he wanted to. He didn't want to win, he didn't want to shoot Enji.
Enji was his friend, it could all be forgiven, no? They could just drop the duel and go have a drink together, get close- close...closer to Enji, that would be nice...
Closer to him, feeling his warmth against his own...lips against his own...body against-....but he couldn't, this was the end.
Tears pricked the corner of Hawks's eyes, he knew what he had to do. He turned quickly, and raised the gun. He almost smiled at the quick flash of comfusion in Enji's eyes turning to shock and regret, as two gun shots could be heard along with a quick cry of more time. One to the sky, and one...
Pain tore through Hawks's side, his gun that was raised to the sky slipping out of his grasp and onto the ground. Soon, Hawks went down just like it, his knees giving out as he crashed to the ground. Enji looked horrified at what he had just done, watching as Hawks fell to the ground, and as his doctor went running to him to take him away. Enji's gun fell to the ground as he ran over to try and check on the male, but he was only ushered away. Hawks was taken away, and Enji was alone.


It had been three days since Enji last saw Hawks standing. Three days, Hawks had been in the infermary. They managed to save him, get him breathing, but he still didn't wake up. Enji knew it was because of him that Hawks was like this, in such an intensive care from the wound Enji had inflicted upon him. He felt guilty for what he had done, visiting the young man each day of the three. He even shared tears with Hawks's own son, a life he probably ruined because what, he was angry? He was angry and so he took it out on the only one he actually had in his life, and now he might leave too. He once again visited, the fourth day and Hawks was still knocked cold. He took his seat that was always besides Hawks's bed, as close as he could get to him. He looked over his features, he almost looked peaceful, and with that Enji's mind reminded him of the smile he saw on Hawks's face as he pulled the trigger on the poor young male. The smile was nothing but admiration and fear. Fear for what he knew would happen, and admiration for him. Hawks never could seem to hate him, no matter what Enji had done or said to him. He reached over to gently take Hawks's small hand into his larger one, running his thumb over the soft skin. He lowered his head. In shame? Most likely. He was ashamed of what he let take over him, and he wished he could take every moment of it back. Enji's eyes moved back to Hawks's face, saddening at how tired he looked. Hawks never got sleep with how much he worked to get to the top, to make something of himself.  He stood from the chair and leaned over, to get closer, a proximity he never thought to see himself at. The closer he got the more he noticed. Despite the tiredness, the young male was actually...attractive? How had he not noticed before?  Their lips were almost touching, and for some reason he found himself wondering what they tasted like. He had never had such thoughts before, never even for his ex wife. What made Hawks so different? Maybe it was just the guilt...? Or...more..?
Enji shook his head a little at the thought and was about to pull away before Hawks's hand twitched. Enji's breath held for a moment as Hawks let out a small whine. He was waking up. He was waking up. After three long days, here it was, he was waking up. Before he knew it, Enji closed the distance between their lips, and kissed him.
Hawks didn't know what it was, but it felt heavy against him, his eyes fluttered open slowly, the light of the room blinding him. He let his eyes get adjusted before looking to what was on him, his eyes widening when he now knew what it was. Enji Todoroki. Kissing him, and holding his hand. Enji Todoroki. He froze up at the now realized touch, hesitating before he relaxed into it, and kissed back.
As soon as Enji felt Hawks kiss back, he pulled away, flustered, but relieved.
"You...you're okay...."
He mumbled, Hawks looking dazed from what had just happened. He blinked a few times, looking around the room.
He sounded surprised, he had expected to die. He looked to Enji.
"I'm...so sorry..."
Enji then spoke softly, something Hawks had never heard from him before.
"I did this to myself...no?"
Hawks asked, looking down at the bandaged wound. Enji shook his had with a sigh.
"No...if I wasn't so obsessed with winning, this wouldn't have happened.."
Hawks's brows furrwed a little at that, but stayed quiet for the moment.
"I..I wish to restart"
Enji then said firmly, looking to Hawks.
"To restart..? I...a-alright"
Hawks mumbled, looking to Enji's now outstretched hand before he smiled a little.
"Escuse me are you Enji Todoroki sir?"
He asked, taking Enji's hand in his.
"That depends, who's asking?"
Enji said with a light chuckle.
"Oh sure sir, the name's Hawks.."
Said man replied with a small laugh, wincing a little at the slight pain it brought. Enji moved closer to the smaller male, closing his eyes as he cupped Hawks's face with his free hand.
"You know...Hawks...we may not live to tell our stories ourselves...but I would most certainly tell the story of tonight...im staying here with you..."
Enji spoke lightly, not giving the male a chance to say anything before he connected their lips together once more.

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