Argument #1

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Hawks already wasn't in the mood today. He had another meet up with Dabi and he didn't even show up. He waited for about an hour before he decided to just up and leave. Coming home didn't make it any better, and all he wanted was for it to better, but no. Instead, Enji was there to greet him, and instead of a soft smile or soft look like he was normally greeted with, it was a stern look, almost a scowl. Hawks let out a sigh, he already knew this was going to be bad.
"And where were you?"
Enji asked, crossing his arms as Hawks walked in and shut the door behind him.
"At a meeting, why?"
Hawks looked to him, meeting Enji's gaze.
"A meeting for what?"
Enji asked once more. Hawks raised a small brow, a light scoff escaping past his lips.
"What does it matter? It was for work, you don't see me questioning your work, do you?"
Enji grunted, reaching behind him to his back pocket and pulling out a little journal, holding it out to show Hawks.
"This little thing here says otherwise."
Hawks immediately recognized the little journal. Its what he used to keep track of his meetings with Dabi, it was a requirement his agency had given him.
"Where did you find that?"
Hawks asked, his face suddenly growing serious much to Enji's surprise.
"Between the cushions of the couch, I was cleaning."
Enji's eyes narrowed a little as he watched Hawks who took a step forward to try to grab the journal out of Enji's hand.
"Enji, give it to me now."
Hawks kept his voice low, holding out his hand.
"I think...I'll hold on to it. After all, thid is quite the discovery, and I don't know if you can even be trusted. You're meeting up with a villain Hawks. Are you even a hero?"
Enji grunted, glaring down at Hawks.
Hawks was taken aback by this. Enji questioning his place as a hero? After all they've been through together? After Hawks saved him? kind of hurt, and that was evident on his face.
"Who the hell do you think you are to question my job as a hero? You don't know anything old man!"
Hawks growled as he reached to grab the journal once more. This time, he was able to snatch it out of Enji's hand, but it only caused Enji to growl in return.
"Listen here boy. I refuse to let you of all people, an annoying little brat, speak to me that way!"
Hawks's patience was running thin, tempted to just leave and go to his apartment.
"If I'm so annoying why do you even keep me around then?! You make me out to be such a burden and it isn't fair! You don't see me doing that to you! I dont call you annoying, I don't make you out to look like an idiot in public! Ive been lectured and yelled at by you and it doesn't even seem like you actually care about me! In the public eye you're so cold...."
Hawks ended up trailing off, he didn't know what else to say. Well, he did but he didn't want it to get worse. He wanted it to get better, why couldn't it just get better? Enji stayed silent. Of course he did. Probably thinking of what else to say, maybe it'd make Hawks feel worse. Hawks felt something run down his cheek. He brought a hand up to touch it. It was wet. Wet? Was it a tear? Had he started crying? He didn't know, nor did he care.
"I'm really not in the mood for's bad enough that he didn't even show up. I'm sorry Enji, there you heard it. I'm sorry! Sorry for doing my damn job! I have to gain the trust of the villains in order to keep everyone in this damn city safe! I have to hang around people that could try to kill me at any moment! People who I despise having to be around! It's not my fault Enji, im doing my job! And if I'm so wrong for doing that then I'm sorry!"
Hawks could feel his own frustration start to spill out, in the form of words and more tears. Here he is. Number two hero, breaking down out of frustration in front of the number one, his childhood hero. Was it pathetic? He had hoped not. Enji was still silent. Hawks huffed and turned to leave back out the door, coming here was a mistake, he should've went to his apartment instead and let off the steam there. He should've kept  the journal at his apartment.  What was he thinking in hiding it here? He had his hand on the doorknob before a hand had grabbed his arm. He closed his eyes, only more tears fell. He knew who it was, he just didn't want to face him.
"Hold on."
Enji finally spoke. His mind churned at the different things he could say next, he wanted the best response.
"Just....stay here."
He mumbled, pulling Hawks away from the door dispite how stiff the male was. He pulled him into a hug.
"I...I'm sorry..."
It was awkward to say it, he wasn't one to apologize and it was clear he wasnt.
"I didn't understand and...and that was my mistake.."
He added on. Hawks sniffled as he rubbed at his eyes before he hugged Enji back.
"I just...I hate it there...but it's my job and it hurt that you question me like that..."
Hawks said softly, resting his head on Enji's chest as he sighed.
"I know I know...I'm sorry...I'll make it up to you.."
Enji rubbed Hawks's back gently, it was almost awkward little pats, but he wanted to do better than that. He knew he could be better than that. He was trying to be better than that. Enji knew he had messed up, coming onto Hawks like that so quickly, but just as he had said, he didn't understand. Hawks being a double agent...he had to accept that, and now hope that Hawks always made it home safe and nothing happens to him whenever he leaves for those stupid meetings. Now he was just praying that his little bird would stay safe instead of being mad in the first place at the secrecy. He understood that part now too. If anyone else were to find out, they would've acted out on it out of fear. He understood, and felt bad for what he had said. He would make it up, he wasn't just saying it to help Hawks not only feel better. He wanted to make the situation better. He pulled back from the hug a bit to lean down and gently kiss Hawks, who kissed back. Enji will learn to understand more.

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