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A/n: congrats on meeting your goal. Same requirement for the last answer chapter. 100 votes.

What if Jungkook never ended up with Y/n but he ended up with Taehyung. My Vkook heart. This will be just a little scenario.

Well let's just start this

Jungkook never told anyone he was gay. He didn't want to come out because he was scared of what the world would think so he dated Yuri. He dated her because he didn't want any rumors about him being gay. He also wanted to show his parents that he wasn't gay. He was never happy.

That was until he met Y/n. When he came over to Jimin's house to do a project and the stuttering girl was presented instead of Jimin. When she landed on top of him, he knew she liked him. That's when he had a plan.

He hated Yuri so why not dump her and date this chick instead. So his plan was into action. He dated Y/n and gotten closer to Jimin. Her brothers didn't accept at first but they got to know more about Jungkook.  Jimin introduced Jungkook to Taehyung,

It was love at first sight for Jungkook. He fell hard for the beautiful man name Taehyung. Taehyung and Jungkook quickly became best friend.

Now this is where everything falls down hill, well that is what Jungkook thinks.

One day he was hanging out with Taehyung. The two were playing overwatch and talking. Taehyung asked the young boy about his relationship with Y/n. Jungkook felt the need to confess. It felt like guilt was building up everyday for him.

He was using Taehyung's little sister to get closer to him and to avoid rumors. Jungkook felt sick to his stomach so he kissed Taehyung. Taehyung was shock at first but slowly kissed back.

Did Taehyung have feelings for Jungkook? Taehyung didn't know. Earlier, he confessed to his long time crush but was rejected. Taehyung is heartbroken but the kiss made him happier.

Jungkook always made Taehyung smile. Taehyung would feel weird things when around Jungkook. He knew what it was. It was the same weird feeling he had when he fell for his crush. Taehyung ignored those feelings and stayed loyal to his crush.

During their make out session, Y/n walked in. Her heart shattered and Taehyung saw her. He pushed Jungkook off of him. Jungkook saw her and took a deep breath in.

Jungkook dumped Y/n and confessed his feelings to Taehyung. He did this all in front of the two siblings.

Y/n was a crying mess and Taehyung heart shattered at his sister. He got mad and yelled at Jungkook.

Jungkook went back home with a heavy heart. Y/n and Taehyung were not on talking terms.

The brothers were confused on what was happening. At school Y/n would ignore Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung would ignore Jungkook and try to talk to Y/n. Jungkook tried to talk to both of them.

Weeks later, Jungkook tried talking to Y/n. It didn't work so he made a plan. He got the marching band and at school they would surround the female.

He apologized and got her a stuff bunny. He also told her he would buy her food for a year. She accepted the apology. Jungkook and Y/n talked and he told her everything, to the Yuri to his plan to falling in love.

Jungkook came out. Y/n was happy he came out and encouraged him to be himself. Her encouragement helped him and so he did.

He came out to his parents and they were mad at first but then became understanding. He told some of his friends and the news spread.

Y/n began to talk to Taehyung again. Taehyung apologizing for kissing Jungkook. She forgave him but Taehyung couldn't forgive himself.

Y/n told Taehyung that Jungkook is gay and he likes him. Taehyung felt his heart flip but he didn't take action. He didn't want to date his sister ex.

Y/n encouraged him to date Jungkook but Taehyung said no.

At school Jungkook was walking in the hallways with his head down. Y/n saw this and lifted his head. She said to him "head up! Show them yours proud of who you are!"

Taehyung saw the two talking. He watched Jungkook face lit up, which made him happy.

That night Taehyung went to Jimin for advice. He told him about his crush rejecting him and how he's developing feelings for Jungkook. He also told Jimin that he didn't want to act on it because he's scared it will hurt Y/n.

Jimin told him to talk to Y/n and see if she's really okay with him acting on it. Taehyung nodded but couldn't talk to his sister about it.

Yoongi heard this all. He called for a family meeting and told everyone to confess what's in their heart.

Yoongi's intimidating glare made Taehyung confess everything. The brothers were shocked. They looked at each other and spoke with their eye language.

They shoved Taehyung to Jungkook's house and confess his feelings. By the way it's like 8 at night.

Taehyung was yelling and trying to get out of their grip. Yoongi watch from the house and waved at Taehyung. He closed the door, locking it. Now he can sleep in peace.

Jungkook heard all the hollering outside so he went to check it out. He saw the neighbors next door.

Y/n, Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jimin ran towards the house, leaving Taehyung alone. Jimin yelled at Taehyung to go for it.

Taehyung sighed and confessed.

And like that Taehyung and Jungkook were happily together. Everyone was happy and Y/n was happily with Minsung (or Bambam or Dowoon or idk you can choose that).

Oof! That was just a summarization of that scenario. What a lovely ending! Now back to your show.

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