Chapter 42

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Jimin stormed into the house. I followed him, just in case he does something stupid. Jin, Yoongi, and Taehyung was home.

"Woah calm down," Taehyung said, rubbing Jimin's back. Jimin's muscles became relaxed and he looked at me.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you or say anything to you," Jimin asked with worried. He saw me cry but it wasn't a sad cry. I mean it was but it was also with a little bit of joy.

"I'm fine," I said. Although I'm a little mad. I wanted to hear Jungkook's story but Jimin had to jump in.

"What's going on," Jin asked, looking between me and Jimin. Jin the gasped and ran over to me. He cupped my face.

"What happen?! Jimin! You were suppose to keep her happy," Jin said, still cupping my face.

"I did but Jungkook talked to her and when I came out she was crying," Jimin explained. Jin sighs.

"I'm sorry for not protecting you. Ignore whatever he said. You deserve better," Jin said, still cupping my cheeks. No, I deserve him! I made a mistake.

"I'm tired of this. Y/n, I'm shutting you out from Jungkook. When your going out then one of us have to go with you. I'm taking your phone too," Yoongi said and grabbed my phone from my back pocket. What is this?! Locking me in my home.

"You can't do that! I need freedom," I said, pushing Jin away and trying to get my phone back.

"Well I'm tired of seeing you cry over a teenage boy and you did break a house rule. We still have to punish you," Yoongi said, coldly but in his heart he doesn't want to do this.

"He's right. You break a rule we will ground you and no more phones. This isn't just for you to stop meeting up with Jungkook," Jin explained in a soft voice. I'm still shocked at what happen.

I understand I broke a rule but this is a little to much. They can have my phone but can I at least go outside by myself.

"You can take my phone but take away my freedom is too much," I said, looking at Jin.

"And I'm trying to keep you from shedding another tear," Yoongi said. He's making my blood boil. This really isn't fair.

"I'm not shedding any tears and mind your own business. You don't know why I'm crying," I said. Woah, who knew I would talk back. Arisa really is rubbing off of me. That's a good thing. Yoongi and Namjoon would always tell me to not let people step over me.

"Yes I should mind my own business but how about you stop making us worry about you. You dated a guy behind our backs! He could of done anything to you and we wouldn't know. I'm tired of hearing you cry at night. This is why I'm doing this," Yoongi said.

"Taking away my freedom will make me happy again. Great. I'm feeling happy again," I said and stormed upstairs into my room. I can't believe I said all that. That was a new y/n.

"That was harsh and stupid," Taehyung said,

"Got a better idea to make her forget about the boy next door and to punish we for breaking a rule," Yoongi said, rubbing his temples.

"I think it's a good idea. She will understand. That's what we taught her. To understand the situation before doing something harsh," Jin said and went to the kitchen.

"I think we are being a little hard on her," Taehyung said.

"We spoiled her enough. It's time we teach her what happens if she breaks a rule," Jimin said.

"She's a junior now and we are teaching her these now," Taehyung said, shocked.

"No, Jimin got it wrong. It's to keep her safe. She's knows what happen if she breaks a rule. She's a well mannered child," Jin explained, eating a bag of chips.

"She's smart but she's blinded by love. You know the saying, love is blinding," Yoongi said, leaving the room.

"I'm pretty sure it was love can be blinding," Jimin said.

"Love can be blinding? I'm not blind though," Taehyung said, confused.

"We will explain later," Jimin chuckles.


This is stupid. I'm rapaunzel. Great. I pouted a little. My head keeps spinning on Jungkook's story. I need to know more. I want to know why was Yuri with him. I want to know why he lied and said she wasn't. Does he still forgive me?

So many questions and no answers until I'm ungrounded. No I'm not sneaking out. I'm in enough trouble. Thinking about Yoongi's word makes my blood boil now.

I never asked them to worry about me. I could take care of it myself. Or can I? I can. I always take care of my feelings by myself. They lead me to the right path.

A knock interrupted my thoughts.

"Y/n! Dinner is ready," Taehyung yelled happily and walked away. Let's just hurry and eat dinner then go back in my room. They want me to become rapunzel then I'll be the rapunzel.

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