Jae's birthday

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"Y/n, your phone is annoying," Jungkook whined, wrapping his arms around me. I groan, not ready to get up.

Jungkook and I just got back from our honeymoon and we are so tired that we skipped dinner. That should show you how tired we are. I mean food is so important!



"Y/n," Jungkook mumbled. I smacked his hand off of me. If he gonna complain then don't touch me. I sat up on the bed and reached for my phone.

Jae is texting me at three in the afternoon. Jungkook whined and tried to wrap his arms around me. I grabbed my pillow and smacked him with it.

I opened my phone to see what he wants.


Jae: I'm old😭😭

Jae: but still gorgeous 😍😆😍

Jae: hoe wake up

Jae: wish me a happy birthday

Jae: I know your back in Korea

Jae: don't make me run to your house

Jae: oh 😏😏 Ik, going for round 120

Jae: I expect to be the god father

Jae: I see you Y/n

That's creepy but happy birthday!!

Jae: good your awake! And thank you

Jae: party at the club by my house. We getting drunk af.

Jae: invite your man 😉😉😉😉

I don't wanna! He's being annoying 😑😑

Jae: stfu and invite that bitxh

Okay!! What time

Jae: 10, no need for present. Your presence is a good enough present for me

I turned my phone off and got out of bed. Great party at Jae's! Jae's party are considered to be fun for many people but as for me, I'm not a party person.

"Y/n," Jungkook whined, reaching out for me. I glared at him.

"Why are you so whiney," I asked, going to my closet and pulling out new undergarments.

"I don't know," Jungkook mumbled, falling back to sleep. I smiled at his cute self sleeping.

"I'll get banana milk ready for you," I whispered, heading to the bathroom to shower.


"Good morning darling," Jungkook said, kissing my head. I smiled at him.

I was sitting on the couch eating chips and watching The Goblin.

"You know it's 6:30 right," I chuckled, pointing at the clock. Jungkook's eyes widen.

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