Chapter 41

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"AND TELL THAT STUPID BOY TO SUCK MY DI-." I closed my door before hearing anymore of Arisa's bad mouth. I smiled at Jimin, Who was looking surprised at Arisa's words.

"Let's go," I said, breaking his surprised face.

"Yeah, sorry," Jimin mumbled and drove to Hoseok's dance place. I was at Arisa's house for 2 days. It was tons of fun and lots of tears were shown. Oh and Minsung made a visit. Arisa fell in love with him and kept flirting with him.

"How was your day with her," Jimin asked. I chuckled.

"It was a lot of fun! Remember Minsung! He came to visit. I saw him before but it was nice seeing him again," I said.

"That kid who was a total nerd," Jimin asked. I nodded and opened my phone for him to see how Minsung looks now.

"This is him now," I said, showing Jimin the picture on my phone. There was a red light now, so Jimin looked. His jaws dropped.

"Plastics surgery," Jimin said and began driving again. I giggled.

"Your just jealous that Minsung is hotter than you," I said, staring at the picture.

"Yes and your jealous that I'm hogging Taehyung away from you," Jimin smiles.

"Yah! I don't care about you hogging Taehyung anymore," I crossed my arms. He's talking about when we were younger. I was in love with Taehyung.

You know when you promise your siblings that you will marry them but you didn't understand love because you were like 5 or 4. That's what happen with me and Tae. I promised to marry him but got mad whenever Jimin takes Tae away. This was when I was like 4.

"Sure. Taetae! We are gonna get married," Jimin said, mimicking my voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Taetae! Stop playing with y/n! I miss you," I said, mimicking Jimin's voice. Jimin chuckled and lightly pushed me. I laughed with him.

We arrived at Hoseok's dance place. Jimin cursed under his breathe and hurried out of the car. I shrugged and followed him.

Jimin entered the practice room and I sat outside. I know guest aren't allowed. Now what do I do? I opened my phone and watched YouTube videos.


An hour has passed now. I turned my phone off and stood up. I guess I'll go outside to get some fresh air. I look back at the door where Jimin entered. He will be fine without me.

I turn around and bumped into someone. The person screamed. She was holding a Starbucks cup and I bumped into her, making it spill all over her clothes. I heard the door to the practice room open.

"You damn bitch! You know how much these clothes are," the girl screamed. I looked at her face and mentally groan.
The leech is here. Why is she here!

"I'm so sorry," I bowed but Yuri scoffed.

"Damn bitch you better be! Now I want 800,000 dollars right now," Yuri crossed her arms. I stood straight and gave the the wtf face,

"Woah! Lady! My sister is not a bitch. If your gonna create a scene then please leave," Hoseok stood in front of me and glared at the girl.

"Oh. Haha! We were just playing around, right.....Sarah," Yuri faked a laughed and looked at me. That's not even my name (if your name is Sarah then just change the name).

"We saw everything. Now leave Yuri.
Nobody wants you here," Jungkook spoke, making my heart race. Yuri scoffed.

"Jungkookie! Don't treat me like that," Yuri was about to hug him but he stepped away.

"Please leave or I'll call security," Hoseok says. Yuri scoffed again and walked out of the place.

"Y/n, you okay," Jimin asked.

"Better then ever," I giggled. My eyes tried to avoid Jungkook's gaze on me.

"Well guess practice is over. Go ahead and go home now," Hoseok patted my head and went back into the room.

"Let me get my stuff and we can go home," Jimin followed Hoseok, leaving me alone with Jungkook. I gulped and avoided eye contact.

How long has it been since I last talked to him? A while. Did Yuri and Jungkook break up? He pushed her out of the area. Beside why is he even here? If I knew then I wouldn't be here.

"Y/n, how have you been," Jungkook asked. Ugh! Why talk to me?! Why can't you just go back in with everyone else! Please stop staring at me. I turn to him and put on a fake smile.

"Perfect," I said, sadly. Why did I said it sadly?! No, show that you don't need him. Show him that your happier without him.

"That's good to hear. I miss you," Jungkook blurted. I gulped and broke the eye contact. No! Don't say that. Please say you miss me being friends.

I miss you too. I want to jump in your arms. I want you to hold me. Your making me weak.

"I'll go back in," Jungkook whispered. I admit, I'm stupid. Stupid in love. I know I'm cheesy.

I jumped and wrapped my arms around Jungkook's back. Jungkook was stunned and slowly looked down at me.

"I hate you! I hate you for hurting me.
I hate you for making me weak," I cried, making his shirt back. He chuckled.

"Hate me all you want. I deserve this but I want you to listen to me," Jungkook said. I nodded for him to continue.

"I never want to hurt you. I never would cheat on you. I let my words out without thinking," Jungkook quietly said. I let go of his back and stared at it. 

Was I wrong? Did I overreact. Yes and yes.

"Y/n! Let's go no-," Jimin said, walking out of the room. He looks at me then Jungkook. His eyes widen and fire was in his eyes.

"JUNGKOOK! DONT EVER GET NEAR MY SISTER," Jimin yelled and scoped me in his arms.

"Wa-wait! Jimin, I need to talk to him," I said but it was too late. Jimin put me in his car and got in the drive seat. Dang, he's fast.

He began to drive and I pouted. Can't believe I ruined our relationship. I should of listen before coming to conclusion.

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