Chapter 21

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"YAH, I TOLD YOU TO STOP THIS," Jimin said, pushing Jungkook to the lockers. Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue and eyed the short guy.

"I'm trying, okay," Jungkook said, earning himself another push to the lockers.

"Trying! She's your god damn psycho girlfriend! Control her," Jimin growled. Jungkook pushed Jimin, making Jimin fall to the ground.

"She's an ex," Jungkook said, walking away. Jimin got up and jumped on the bigger man. Jimin thought Jungkook would fall or something but instead it looks like Jungkook is giving him a piggy back ride.

"What are you doing," Jungkook asked, stopping in his tracks. Jimin punched his shoulder, hoping it would hurt. Instead he injured his little fist.

"F-ow," Jimin cried and kissed his hand. Jungkook rolled his eyes and began walking again.

"Jungkook, You better tell her to stop. If she messes with my family then she's getting herself into hell," Jimin threaten.

"Make her go through hell. I don't care. She means nothing to me. Another thing, she's only doing this to ruin y/n's life," Jungkook said, walking to his class.



I walk into school with Taehyung. My eyes widen when I saw posters all around the school. Taehyung followed my action.

The posters had Namjoon and Jin in it. Yuri is also in it. Namjoon and Jin are on both sides of Yuri. It looks like they are speaking to her.

"What kind of rumor did she say this time," Taehyung said and looked at me. My mind went straight to Jungkook.

"I thought Jungkook said he will take care of this," I said, feeling a little down.

"Y/n! There you are! Please tell me your brothers didn't have feelings for me," Yuri walked up to me and clung onto me. A group of students were following her. She looks like she was crying. I looked at the girl with anger. She already ruin Yoongi's teaching life, even though he's probably happy.

I remembered how Yoongi didn't want to eat dinner last night. He kept his promise and he was smiling at me. He made Hoseok yell at him for being lazy. He acted the same but skipped dinner, which made me worry. He didn't come out of his room this morning either.

"Y/n, it's okay. I know it's true. No need to say," Yuri said, wiping her tears. Something in me snapped. My brothers have always protected me but now I wanna return the favor.

"Yuri, your an idiot. Your an attention seeker. If I were you and was touched like that then I wouldn't say it out loud to the whole school. I would tell my parents so they can report it to the principal and the authorities. I think you are spreading false information. My brothers are not that type of person and would not touch a student inappropriately," I said and left the crowd stun. I pushed Yuri off of me and walked away from the crowd with Taehyung following.

"Who knew my little sister had that kind of voice," Taehyung complimented. I smiled proudly.

"Put it on the headlines! The good quiet girl became a boss," I giggled. Taehyung took out his phone and pretended to record me.

"Ms.Kim! How did it feel to speak out," Taehyung said in his reporting voice. I pushed my hair back.

"It felt amazing," I said. Taehyung gave me a thumbs up and we spilt ways to get to our class.

When I entered my class, I felt small again. All eyes were on me. I went to my seat and Jae turns to me.

"Mr.Kim 1 and Mr.Kim 2 became a victim with Mr.Min. I'm starting to think Yuri is a whore," Jae said, handing me that poster that was posted on the walls. I nodded in agreement.

"I called her out," I said, feeling my confidence, again. Jae laughed. I  looked at him weirdly.

"That's a good joke y/n," Jae said, taking the poster back and throwing it away. I shook your head.

"It's true! I did," I said, lowkey wanting to be praise by Jae. Jae never praises me. He teases me instead.

"Whatever," Jae said.

"DID YOU GUYS HEAR," Arisa ran to us and showed us the posters. We both nodded. I didn't need to worry about anything because I called out that leech.

"Why am I always the last one to know about something," Arisa sighs. She walked back to her seat and class started. Most of the students stared at Jin in disgust. Jin heart broke. He thought he was the most handsomest person you will ever see.


Class ended. I walk out of class with Jae and Arisa. A boy with curly black hair came to up to me. He put on a smile, which was kind of Cute. I turn around to see if he was smiling at someone else. Nope, it's for me.

"Y/n, I heard what you say this morning. You are so brave. Your words made me become brave and I reported Yuri," he said and bowed. My eyes widen. Arisa and Jae looked at me for answers.

"No need to bow......Dowoon! What do you mean by report," I said, seeing a name tag pin on his shirt. Dowoon smiled at you. He's the news paper person, that Taehyung mentioned. Taehyung really was right.

"I reported her to the principal for threatening me and spreading rumors," Dowoon said. I mentally danced in your head.

"Threatening? What is happening," Jae said.

"You didn't believe me," I said, teasing him. Now he will have to beg for answers.

"Does that mean Yuri is expelled or gone forever," Arisa said, slowly knowing what's happening.

"I'm not sure about that," Dowoon said.

"I hope," Arisa sighs.

"What is happening," Jae said, annoyed. Arisa and I skipped away. Jae looked at Dowoon but he was gone.

Time skip

"Wait, explain it again! I don't believe you," Jae said. I rolled my eyes. School was over and Jae and Arisa came over to my house for answers. Taehyung and Jimin were also listening but they were playing video games. Yoongi was still in his bedroom and Hoseok was grading his paper.

"I explained to Yuri what she should of done. My words inspired the newspaper President Dowoon to tell the principal about Yuri's doing. She made him take pictures of her flirting with Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon. She then spread it around saying they were sexually harassing her. Dowoon also told the principal about how she's creating the rumors. Dowoon got 3 days of dentition and Yuri is probably expelled," I explained once again.

"I don't believe that," Jae said, running his hands through his hair.

"Well believe it! I was there," Taehyung said.

"My best friend is finally a Social eggroll," Arisa said, proudly.

"Eggroll," Hoseok questioned. Arisa ignored him and stuff her mouth with chips.

"Does this conclude a happy ending," Taehyung asked. I nodded and smiled. I look over at the quiet Jimin, sitting on the floor. I walk over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Jimin! It's a happy ending now," I said, poking his cheek. Jimin chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, a happy ending," Jimin looked at me. He noticed something different about me and it made his heart break a little.

"She's growing up. I'm gonna graduate this year and she will not be needing us soon," Jimin thought.

Overprotective Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora