Chapter 13

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Author POV

A car was parked and 7 men and 1 girl stepped out. Eyes were on them. Some eyes widen or jaws dropped. The family walked into the airport minding their own business.

"Are they idols," a girl whispered.

"They look like one but what group," another girl whispered.

"He looks a tad bit older and is more dressed up. He must be the manger," someone whispered.

"The girl must be a stylist noona," someone said. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"I'm not that old," y/n mumbled and crossed her arms.

"Don't mumble, people will over look you," Yoongi said, looking at y/n. Y/n nodded.

"Um excuse me oppa," a girl tapped Jimin's shoulder. Jimin turn around to see the female. He smiled.

"Yes," Jimin answered. The girl blushed and covered her mouth.

"Are you an idol," she asked, averting her eyes somewhere else. Jimin chuckled and pushed his hair back.

"I'm not," Jimin said.

"Are you guys idol," another girl asked the rest of the boys.

"How come nobody ask me," y/n mumbled. Yoongi looked at y/n and mouthed 'no mumbling'.

"None of us are. Now if you excuse us," Sejin said and pushed through the crowd. His children followed him.

Small time skip

All eyes were still on them, making y/n slightly annoyed. She doesn't like getting attention from strangers. It's just not her things. The other guys clearly didn't care. They were chit chatting away.

"Okay, my gate is about to open. This is my second time leaving the house for a while. Namjoon is in charge. Please don't lose Y/n or Taehyung like you did last time. Don't party too late and no alcohol for the underage. The highschool kids has to be home at 8:30," Sejin explained. His kids nodded.

And that's when their dad left them alone. They walked back to the car. Jin is still driving. Namjoon is in the front seat. Yoongi, Jimin, And y/n are in the middle. Taehyung and Hoseok in the back.

"Okay, So Everyone has plans today. Let's write this down and when your done call Jin or me," Namjoon said, pulling out a pen. He found a notebook and tear a piece of paper. The paper wasn't perfect but Namjoon doesn't need a perfect one right now.

"I have to go to work because a kid is struggling with the new choreography," Hoseok explained.

"I'm going with him," Jimin said.

"Okay Hoseok and Jimin going to dance studio. Anyone else," Namjoon wrote down the plans.

"I need someone to go grocery shopping," Jin said.

"Why can't you go," Yoongi asked.

"I have to pay bills, which I'm gonna need your help," Jin said, looking at Yoongi in the rear view mirror. Yoongi nodded.

"So Jin and Yoongi paying bills," Namjoon wrote down.

"I can do the shopping," y/n said.

"Who's going with y/n," Jin asked. Nobody responded.

"Alright then the remaining of you guys will go with her," Jin said.

"Sorry Jin, I need to go to the school for a workshop," Namjoon said. He wrote down
Y/n grocery shopping. Jin and Namjoon waited for Taehyung response.

"I'll go with y/n," Taehyung smiled and lean over the seat to pat her head. Namjoon wrote the list down and put it in the cup holder.

"Great, I'll drop Hoseok and Jimin off first. Namjoon write this down," Jin said. Namjoon groan and tear another unperfect paper.

"Y/n, get these things for me. We need milk, cereal, eggs, snacks, meat for tonight, red pepper paste, seaweed, drinks and I think that's all. Got that all down Namjoon," Jin smiled.

"I only got milk and eggs," Namjoon said.

"It okay, Namjoon! I got it," y/n said.

"Repeat what he said then," Taehyung command. Y/n smile and closed her eyes.

"Milk, cereal, eggs, snacks, meat, red pepper paste, seaweed, drinks, and rice," y/n said and opened her eyes.

"HA! Jin didn't say rice," Jimin chuckled.

"But we need rice," y/n poked Jimin's cheeks.

"Shes right," Jin said, nodding his head like 'I taught her right'.

"Oh add ramen," Hoseok said. Y/n nodded. Namjoon gave up in writing and threw the paper in the cup holder.

"Get instant coffee too," Yoongi said. Y/n added that to her mind list.

"Hoseok, Jimin out of the car," Jin said. They were busy talking that they didn't notice that they were moving. Hoseok and Jimin waved goodbye to everyone.

"Next stop is Namjoon's place," Jin said.

"I got the seat to myself," Taehyung sang.

"Nobody cares," Yoongi sang back. Y/n giggled. The car went silent. Everyone was staring at a window or focusing on driving.

"Wanna listen to some music," Taehyung broke the silence. Y/n nodded, not liking the silence. Taehyung climbed over the seat, but got stuck. His butt was rubbing on Yoongi's face during the climb.

"YAH! Taehyung wait until our next stop to move," Jin scowled, seeing the scene in the rear view mirror. Namjoon laughed at Yoongi reaction to Taehyung's Butt on his face.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you in your sleep," Yoongi said and pushed Taehyung's butt away, making Taehyung fall and land in the seat. He head was on y/n's lap and feet were on Yoongi's lap. Taehyung got up and fixed himself. He grabbed the aux cord and plugged it into his phone.

"Namjoon, this is your stop," Jin said. Namjoon smiled and went out of the car.

"3 down and 4 more to go," Yoongi mumbled. Taehyung put on Big Bang if you on. He began to sing with the song. Y/n also joined. Yoongi stared at the two in disgust. Jin began to join in when the chorus came in.


"Y/n, remember the things and stay with Taehyung," Jin said. Y/n nodded and followed Taehyung in the market. Jin drove to the bank.

"Did we just leave the two youngest in a market, alone, without guardian," Yoongi thought but shrugged the thought off.

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