Answers cont.

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"Welcome back! Today we have the most requested family back on our show," the author said, pushing up her glasses. "We don't have time for introduction so let's get straight into the questions!"

The director applauded. His lecture has gotten into the author head.

"There is always time for introduction," Sejin said.

"Sorry," the author apologized. Sejin ignored it.

"I am Sejin! The man of this household," Sejin waved at the camera. Then he pointed at Jin. "My oldest son Seokjin."

Jin blew a kiss at the camera, making some of the female staff squeal.

"Get a life," Yoongi mumbled.

"Then we have my second oldest, Yoongi," Sejin said, pointing at the black hair male. Yoongi waved.

"Uh sir, we really don't hav-."

"My third oldest is the smiling one, Hoseok," Sejin said, cutting off the female and pointing at Hoseok. Hoseok smiled at the camera.

"Hello! I'm your hope, your my hope. I'm Jhope," Hoseok chuckled.

"Sir, everyone knows who you are. That's why they requested you," the author said, smiling as she wasn't cut off. Sejin's mouth formed an 'o'.

"Why didn't you say so," Sejin chuckled. The author mentally face palmed but smiled.

"Okay, we'll first start with Y/n," she said, looking at the index card.

First question is from Phoenix_2006 . They said Hi, me. Well I'm you. Or you're me. Idk, Anyway, I was wondering why are you/me so shy?

"Oh uh," Y/n said, trying to figure it out herself.

"Oh I never thought of this but now I wanna know," Jungkook said, turning to his wife, on the other couch. This time Jimin got to sit by his sister.

"I honestly don't know," Y/n said. "I guess it's because I'm scared of what other think of me but I'm really not sure."

"I don't know if you can tell but she's actually changing because she's been spending too much time with Jungbrat," Jin said, glaring at the young boy. Jungkook ignored his glare and lovingly stared at his wife.

"Oh shush! She's just growing up," Sejin said. Jin shook his head.

Next question is from sweetplum2007 . She said how many babies do you want?

"Nope! We aren't answering," Jin said.

"I wanna see Jungkook junior running around the place," Taehyung said, smiling at the thought. Jae and Arisa tried their best to keep in their laughter from behind the camera.

"Grandkids, I guess it's that age," Sejin wondered, looking at Jungkook then his daughter. Y/n was still thinking of a number.

"Hmm, I'm guessing about a lot since Jungkook seems that type to have a sex drive," Namjoon said, looking at Jungkook. Jungkook shook his head.

"I'm a gentleman, when the lady wants it I give it," Jungkook said, leaning back on the couch.

"Nope! Nope! No sexual activity until I'm dead," Jin said, crossing his arms.

"Darn, We won't get to see Y/n Junior in a fluffy pink princess dress," Jimin said, smirking. He already knew that Jin would accept now. The room was quiet. All eyes on Jin.

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