Chapter 24

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"Does this look cute," Arisa said, putting a maid costume near me. She looks at the 3 males on the couch. There attention is on the video game.

"They're busy. Come on we can call Jae and ask him," I lightly pull Arisa's sweater. She shook her head then winked at me.

"Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook! Don't make me turn this game off," Arisa threaten, making the boys turn to you with a smile.

It's Saturday and Arisa wants to pick our maid outfits out. You think the booth will send you one but nope. They wanted you to be creative.

"Does this dress look cute on y/n or this one," Arisa showed off the maid costumes. They were the same dress but different color. The dress was those anime maid dresses. The one that shows cleavage and is super short. Yeah, that one.

"The dress doesn't like y/n," Taehyung shook his head.

"She doesn't even have boobs," Jimin touched his own chest. I scoffed and covered my chest with my arms.

Jungkook kept quiet. His face was as red a Hoseok's new red hair. Arisa noticed this and smirked.

"How about y/n try the pink one and I'll try the black one! I think she will look cute," Arisa pushes me to my room to change.

"I t-think I should go home," Jungkook stutters. Arisa slaps the back of his head.

"You leave I'll track you down," Arisa threaten and went to my room. Jungkook looks at the other guys. They already started the game, making Jungkook panic and grab the controller.

"What are you doing," I asked, seeing her already putting on the black maid outfit. She chuckled and put a finger to her lips.

"If you don't answer then I'm not changing and isn't this a little revealing," I said, looking at Arisa's finished look.

"That's the point. We gonna make more money if it's revealing," Arisa evilly laughed.

"Your greed is so powerful," I said. Arisa nodded.

"Now change," Arisa command, pulling the dress higher to cover her cleavage.

Changing into something that is revealing and showing it to my crush! I just can't. I don't have a model like body. I got rolls man! I'm too ugly to wear that!

"Hello! Y/n! You gonna wear," Arisa pokes my cheek. I blinked at her then shook my head.

"Why," Arisa asks.

"I have problems with my body. I don't wanna wear that in front of Jungkook,"I said quietly. Arisa laughs and slaps my back.

"Girl! You sexy! Put it on or I'll make Jungkook help you change," Arisa winks and handed me the dress. My face turn red and I hurried to put the dress on.

"I think white pair of heels would look cute," Arisa says, looking through my shoes. I ignored her and slipped on the tight fitting dress. Then I put on the white stockings.

"White looks innocent so your weari-," Arisa stops and her jaws dropped. I looking at her in confusion and turn to my body mirror.

"Nope! Never. I'm not wearing this," I said, covering my chest. Arisa giggles.

"I'm not letting you. I'm suppose to be the good looking friend not you," Arisa pokes my side. Wow, thanks for making me feel more ugly.

"I'm changing then," I said, bending down to pick up my clothes from the floor. An Impact hit my butt, making me quickly turn around and cover my butt.

"Nice ass princess," Arisa chuckles and handed me a pair of white heels. I growled and yanked the heels away from her. I looked at the heels and my heart went soft. These were my mother's heel. I'm sorry mother for wearing gorgeous heels with a slut dress.

" let's go now princess," Arisa snaps. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"I'm not showing this off," I said, pointing at the dress. Arisa rolls her eyes.

"Fine, I'll tell Jungkook and your brothers about your first kiss," Arisa said, running down the stairs. My eyes widen and I ran after her.

My brothers don't even know about my first kiss and it was the worst kiss of history! I can't let them hear about it. I caught up to her but she was smirking at me. Crap.

"What do you think now," Arisa says and grab my wrist to keep me in my spot. I gulped and stared at her. The boys turn to us. There mouth dropped at the sight.

"Who knew Arisa had a body like that," Jimin winks at her. Arisa rolls her eyes and threw a chopstick at him.

"Not me idiot! Her," Arisa points at me. The wind made it to my exposed chest.

"I don't think Yoongi will like that outfit," Taehyung shook his head.

"He's gonna kill you for making her wear that," Jimin chuckles, still eyeing Arisa.

"Dumbass! Stop eyefucking me. Pay attention to your sister! She's getting eye fucked by Juan cock over there," Arisa says, walking upstairs to my room. I turn to Jungkook and he jumped and looked away. Taehyung  gasped.

"JUAN COCK! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING," Taehyung slapped Jungkook with a pillow. Jimin looks over at them and he chucked.

"Thank god, I wasn't the only one," Jimin chuckles and looks at me to leave. I looked around them to see what was going on. My eyes went wide at the sight. Jimin and Jungkook got a boner from staring at Arisa and I. Ugh! I warned that girl. I quickly walked back to my room.

Arisa is already changed and she looks at me.

"Jae says you look cute and he's sending me a new dress," Arisa says, showing her phone to me.

"Ani! No! I'm not wearing this," I complained. Arisa chuckles.

"Think about the money and food for yourself. Think about the Big Bang or Super Junior albums you can buy. Think about Donghae or GD. Think about IU or Red Velvet," Arisa said, hypnotizing me. I pouted and gave in.

"Donghae needs my love," I said, defeated. Arisa cheers and helps me out of the dress.

Can't believe I'll be dress as a slut at a festival. Think about the money though y/n. I will be able to have money for food of my own and that good stuff.

A/n: anyone else balling their eyes out after SM release Jonghyun's new album? I am! Can't believe this is the last album. It hurts to know that's the truth. 😭😭😭

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