Chapter 18

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I entered school with Taehyung and Jimin. Everyone was crowding around the bulletin board. I wonder why? Maybe a new club or upcoming events.

"I wonder what's going on," Jimin said.

"Lets find out," Taehyung walk to one of the students and tapped on his shoulder. The student turn to him and gasped.

"HERES ONE OF HIS BROTHERS! LETS ASK HIM," the student yelled. Everybody ran over to us and crowded us. Jimin and Taehyung protected me from getting hurt but what about them self?

A girl grabbed my hair and yelled in my ear. I couldn't hear well since everyone was yelling but I heard 'pervert' And 'pedophile'. Strange.

"EVERYONE GET TO CLASS," a voice yelled. Most of the students ran to their class, others stayed and kept bashing on us. Some of them turn their head and gasped. I took a peek at the new voice. It was Namjoon and Yoongi.

"Why would you Touch her Mr.Min," a student asked, holding her phone out to record.

"Touch who," Yoongi mumbled and turn the the bulletin board. His eyes widen and he quickly took the picture down. Namjoon took a peek and looked at the students.

"Who took this," Namjoon asked. The students ran off. Now they run off! Wow, why didn't they run when they were told to.

"Y/n, you okay," Taehyung asked. I nodded.

"What about you," I asked, examining a small bruise on his chin.

"It's fine," he said noticing my eyes staring at his new bruise.

"What happen Yoongi," Jimin asked, looking at the crumple paper Yoongi was holding. Yoongi shook his head.

"We are at school, so it's Mr.Min," Yoongi walked away and threw the paper away.

"Go to the nurse, Taehyung. You two go to class," Namjoon command. We nodded and split ways. Jimin grabbed me and we hid behind a corner.

"Jiminie! What are you doing," I asked. He put a finger on his lips.

"Lets find that paper," Jimin whispered, seeing Namjoon going to his class.

"But we have class," I whispered.

"In 5 minutes," Taehyung said, making me jump and hide behind Jimin. Where did he come from? Jimin ran to the trash can and open the lid. Taehyung followed. Guess I'll follow. I'm also curious myself.

"Are you gonna go in the trash can," I asked, looking at the boys in disguise. Taehyung pulled out some gloves and put them on. He reached in the trash can and pulled out the crumple paper.

"Hurry and unwrap it," Jimin said, standing beside Taehyung. I stood on the other Tae. Taehyung unwrapped the paper and we gasped.

"Who knew Yoongi was into her," Taehyung stared at it in disguise.

"Don't jump to conclusion," Jimin slapped Taehyung's shoulder.

"Isn't That Yuri," I said, looking at the female in the picture. The picture was Yoongi and, I'm guessing Yuri. It looks like Yoongi and her are about to kiss. Yoongi didn't touch anyone. What's going on?

"It is," Taehyung lightly gasp.

"She's creating a rumor. It's like those drama that Hoseok watch. There is always that girl who wants to create drama because she wants this guy," Jimin explained, taking the picture away and putting it into his pocket.

"What does she want with Yoongi," I asked.

"Yeah, she has money and a great life. What does she want with Yoongi," Taehyung rephrased my question.

"Not sure but let's become Sherlock," Jimin smiles. We smile back and headed to class.

When I entered class, there sat Yuri. She was crying? To become Sherlock, I have to ask questions. Someone poked my shoulder, making me jump a little. I look behind me and put on a small smile. It's my Prince Charming! What the heck! Bad y/n! Stay calm!

"Sorry about yesterday y/n. I didn't know I was clinging onto you," Jungkook chuckled. I nervously chuckled. I felt my face burning at the thought of Jungkook and I cuddling.

"I-it's fine," I stuttered! I freaking stuttered! He probably thinks I like it. Crap. Crap.crap.

"Cool. Now can you let me in class," Jungkook asked. I quickly nodded and moved out of the door way. I was too busy staring at Yuri that I didn't notice I was blocking the door. I walk to my seat with a red face. Arisa and Jae was smirking at me.

"What happen between you guys. You seem closer," Jae asked.

"Duh! They are secretly dating," Arisa shook Jae.

"No, wrong. We are friends. See Jae I made progress," I stick my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes.

"There! Y/n! Why did your brother do that," Yuri walked to me and cling onto me. I titled my head to the side in confusion. Arisa gave Yuri a death glare.

"Did what," Jae asked.

"Mr.Min forced himself onto me," Yuri cried harder, soaking my shirt. Yoongi forcing himself onto someone? That can't be true. He can't force himself to get out of bed so how can he do this.

"Mr.Min did what," Arisa gasped and looked at me for answers. I shrugged, not knowing what's going on.

"Yes! It was Friday. I stayed after school to help the janitors clean. I went to Mr.Min room to clean it. Out of no where, he told me to come to him, so I obeyed because I respect my elders. Then he told me to strip my clothes to get extra points in his class. I rejected but was shocked. Then he said he will fail me if I don't kiss him. I didn't to fail so I did it," Yuri sniffled.

That's not how Yoongi works and Yuri didn't go to Yoongi class. I was with him the whole time. Well expect for the time where I went to bathroom.

Everyone looked at me for more answers. I bit my lips and avoided the gazes.

"Class has begun, please go to your seat." Thank god Jin came in. Everyone went their seats.

During the lesson, I kept feeling gazes from random people. They all want answers but I know Yoongi wouldn't do that but Yuri is a pretty girl. She's a model for Pete sake! But a model can lie. God this is hurting my brain.

"Y/n," Jin called my name. I blinked and looked at him.

"I called you 3 times y/n. Do you need to step out for a bit," Jin kindly asked me.

"No sir," I smiled and began taking notes on the lesson. Someone raised their hand. Jin nodded for them to ask their questions.

"Is Mr.Min gonna be fired," the student asked. Jin looked at the student weirdly.

"That's off topic. If you have a question that's not related to the topic please keep them to yourself," Jin said.

"But Mr.Min practically rapped Yuri," another student said. Jin sighs and looked at Yuri.

"Mr. Kim! Why would your brother do that," Yuri cried, once again. I rolled my eyes. In conclusion, this does go with Hoseok's show. She wants to ruin someone life or someone is taking her guy so she is ruining their life. Same thing. She wants to ruin someone life.

"We are going off topic. Yuri please step outside and calm yourself down," Jin said, opening the door for her. She nodded and stepped outside. Jin looks at me for answers but I shrugged. I myself is trying to figure things out.

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