Chapter 20

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Yoongi POV

The bell rung calling it a day. In all my classes, I didn't do a lesson because nobody pays attention, as usual, or calls me name or throw paper balls. I was not faze by any of these actions. It's better to stay calm and not react then reacting and creating more of a fuss. Beside the pictures that were posted were fake.


It was Friday. Y/n already called Hoseok to pick us up. We were both waiting for him. She went to the bathroom, leaving me alone. I was busy listening to a new beat I made, so I didn't hear Yuri coming in.

She came in and started to flirt with me. I ignored it and told her to leave. She must of got angry and grabbed my tie. She lean into my face for a kiss but I exhale my breathe, which smelled like the sour and cream chips I ate for lunch. I also had a garlic pasta. I know my breath smells amazing.

She stepped back away from me and scoffed. She walked out of the room and I went back to work. Y/n came back with Hoseok.

End of flashback

As usual I sat in my desk, waiting for all the kids to leave. Today I have to go to that principal office. Y/n and Taehyung stayed back with Jungkook. They walked to my desk and smiled.

"Yoongi, I hope you come back home happy. Promise," y/n said and pulled out her pinkie. I gave her my gummy smile and interlock pinkies.

"Me too Yoongi! I want you to go home as yourself and I wanna hear Hoseok yell at you," Taehyung pulled out his pinkie. I still had my smile and interlock pinkies with him.

"If you break this promise, I'll give you a piggy back ride every Saturday at 3 am," Taehyung said. The thought of it sounds fantastic expect the part where I get up but I can sleep on his back. I nodded my head.

"I hope you don't lose your job, Mr.Min," Jungkook smiled.

"I will not. Now go home already," I said, walking to the door. They followed me and waved bye. I headed to the front office, also known as principal office.

I'm not gonna lose my job, will I? If I do, I'll be happier then ever. No more brats! No more 5 am wake up call from Jin! No more grading papers! There will be more time for me.

I entered the principal office. He smiled at me. Principal Bang, a scary looking man but he's really sweet once you get to know him.

"Min Yoongi, how are you," he said.

"Fine. You," I said.

"Perfect," he said. I look out the big window behind him. I saw a red hair boy, outside his car, waiting for me. Can't believe he really did dye his hair. Well that's Hoseok for you, will do any dare that the youngest choose.

"Yoongi, you probably already know what's happening around the school," Principal Bang said.

"The picture and if your gonna fire me then I'll go pack my things," I said, wanting to end this quickly. He chuckled.

"I'm not gonna fire you. Just gonna put
You on a vacation until this drama thing dies down," he smiled. My eyes widen.

"Since your not responding, I'll give you more details. Friday will be when you leave. No need to pack your things, since you will be coming back. I'll email you when it's time to come back," he said. I stood there speechless.

"You can leave now, Yoongi," he said , gesturing me to the door. I nodded and stepped out of his room. I walk into my classroom and rolled my eyes at the sight.

"Yoongi, why are you rejecting me? You could always quit and get together with me."

I ignored the student and went to pack my things. Why the hell is Yuri even here? Is she that desperate for a teacher like me. I mean there's Jin. He's better looking then me.

"Yoongi~ don't ignore me," Yuri cooed, wrapping herself around me. I lightly pushed her off and stepped out of the room. I looked at her to step out of my room. She obeyed and stepped outside. I locked the door and walked out of the school.

She followed me like a baby duck. More like an ugly duckling. Hoseok saw me and waved. He noticed Yuri and gave me a strange look.

"Let's go home. I made a promise to Y/n and Taehyung," I said and got into the car.

"What about the girl," Hoseok asked, getting into the car.

"She's desperate to have sex. Now come on," I said. Hoseok nodded and drove. Yuri stood there, smirking.

Jungkook POV

I arrived at my house. Nobody is home again. I jumped on the couch and opened my phone. Lets hurry up and get this done.

I wanna help Mr.Min. He's my favorite teacher. I clicked on Yuri's name. The phone rang once and she picked up.

"JUNGKOOKIE! I MISS YOU," she screeched, making me flinch.

"Hey," I said, trying to figure my words out.

"Jungkookie, come over I'm lonely," she cooed. I rolled my eyes.

"I dumped you. Get over me! Stop stalking me and following me around. Now let's get to the real reason why I called you," I said, anger boiling.

"You wanna get back together with me," she asked.

"We know that picture you took was fake. The rumors you said were fake. Tell everyone the truth or I'll tell my mother to fire you," I smirked, feeling confident about my words. She giggled.

"Oh Jungkook, I did tell the truth. Mr.Min did touch me and besides if your mom fires me then I'll expose you," Yuri said.

"Expose," I questioned. She giggled. I swear I'm going death.

"You know about your rumors. I'll expose how you were when you were in a relationship with me," Yuri said.

"Go ahead. I didn't do anything bad," I shrugged.

"You forced me into sex. Do you remember? I'll expose that then," Yuri chuckled. My eyes widen.

"W-Wait! I was drunk," I said.

"Underage drinking too! More things to expose," she giggled. I bit my lip. Crap, I'm stupid.

"Never mind then," I said, about to hang up.

"Wait! I'll stop all of this under one condition," Yuri said. I waited for her to continue.

"Tell y/n to stay away from you. You are mine anyways," Yuri said and hung up. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of y/n not talking to me.

I admit, I'm beginning to feel something with y/n. She's just so kind and something different. A good different. She's looks like an angel and sounds like one too.

When did I fall for her? During the amusement park. When we were on the Ferris wheel. Something just flicked. Something I can't explain.

So Yuri is trying to ruin y/n's life. But why. I hang out with other girls too. Is she ruining their life too?

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