Chapter 31

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"Another strike for me," Jungkook cheered and sat down on the chair, across from me. I looked at the screen and sigh.

Bowling is where we are at. Jungkook was jealous of Minsung, so I changed our plans and took him here. He seems to have forgotten about Minsung, which is good.

"Don't get to cocky now," I smirked and picked up a ball. I aimed carefully at the pins and threw the ball. The bowling ball hit all but one pin. Jungkook chuckled.

"You need help," Jungkook gets up and walks to me. I shook my head and picked up the ball. By now I knew I'm gonna lose. We are on our last round and he's got 2 strikes already. I threw the ball without any care.

"I could of help you get that last pin," Jungkook stares at the score board.

"Nah, I like to be independent. I have to get home now," I said, looking at my phone and seeing Jimin's text.

"Already," Jungkook pouts. I nod and took my bowling shoes off. Jungkook follows my action.

We gave our shoes back and headed out of the bowling building. He pulled out his palm and looked at me. I smiled and laid my hand on top of his.

"This is probably the best date I ever had," Jungkook says, looking at the sky.

"This is my first," I chuckled. Jungkook eyes widen and he looks at me.

"Was it good? Why didn't you tell me, it was your first! I could of made this day better," Jungkook says.

"It was a good first date. Nothing can beat this day," I said.

"That means you like the kissing too and your admitting that you like me too," Jungkook squeeze my hand lightly. I blushed and slapped his shoulder.

"I didn't say any of that," I said.

"Yes, but you said it was the best date ever. Did you not like the kissing," Jungkook drew an imaginary tear on his face.

"I-I like it. Aish, leave me alone," I said, letting go of his hand and walking quicker. Jungkook sped up his walking to catch up to me.

"Awww, you like me! Is that why you said yes," Jungkook smiles. I crossed my arms and slowly nodded.

Guess it's time to confess my feelings. Today, I'm pretty sure he showed signs that he likes me. Especially the kissing and hugging.

"I-I liked you for a while," I stuttered out. Jungkook smile got wider. 

"Then you would say yes to be my girlfriend," Jungkook said, which made me stop walking. Holy crap! Date then girlfriend! But I can't.

"I would love to say yes but I don't think I'm ready," I said, scared of looking up at him. His footsteps stop and everything was silent. I bite my lips and waited for him to say something.

"Ready," Jungkook questioned. I gulped.

"I'm scared of dating," I shrugged. If I date Jungkook then hell would break loose. First of all I'm no professional at love. Never ever been in a relationship! I have never ever kiss anyone until today. I don't know how to make out!

Second of all, my family. They are gonna kill him if we break up or if he makes me cry. They are gonna make his life a living hell.

Third of all, it's Jungkook. I'm scared of losing him. I'm scared of messing up our relationship. Like I said, I'm a newbie at love.

"Explain," Jungkook was still confused. Is he seriously gonna make me explain?! I'll explain later, I need to get home.

"Let's go home," I said, walking faster. We walked in silence. Great, I made it worst. I could of said yes and let him live in hell but that's rude.

We arrived at my house. I was about to enter my house but Jungkook grabbed my wrist and pulled me. My lips landed on his. How many times have we kissed? Too many to count and I love it! He let go and looked at me.

"Think about it and I would like to know why," Jungkook said. His eyes were looking into mine. They were filled with care, making me feel all jiggly.

I answered him with a nod and headed inside my house. The house was dark. I checked the window to see if Jungkook is gone. He is. Maybe I should talk to someone about this. Yoongi, might be good idea to talk to. Or Namjoon....Yoongi sounds like a better option. Namjoon has a big mouth.

I turn the light on and a shoe went flying towards me. I ducked and looked at who threw the shoe.

"Oh it's you," Yoongi said and laid back down on the couch. Just the guy I wanted to talk to!

"Is everyone out," I asked. Yoongi shook his head.

"3 is watching a movie and 2 playing games and one is grading my papers," Yoongi says. Perfect! I can talk to him.

"Um, I was wondering if you can help me with something," I asked. Yoongi shook his head.

"I'm terrible at advice. Ask Jin or Hoseok," Yoongi says. This is my first time asking Yoongi for help. He might have some good advice.

"It's about love," I said, hoping his head perks up. And it did.

"I'm listening," Yoongi says. I smiled. I can't tell him it's about me. Time to make a story.

"I went out with this new friend and they like this person. The person asked them out and they are scared of them," I lied. Yoongi looks at me in confusion.

"Can you give me names," he said. Now I gotta make up names.

"Tae and Jimin," I said, inspired by my own brothers name.

"Now day the story with the names," Yoongi command. I sigh. Maybe I should ask someone else. I'll just ask everyone.

"Tae likes Jimin and Jimin asked out Tae. Tae is scared to say yes because she's scared of not being good enough and breaking their relationship," I said.

"Tell her to man up and who cares about breaking a relationship and who cares about being good enough. Clearly Jimin likes her if he asked her out," Yoongi said, laying back down on the couch.

"I like who," Jimin said, entering the room.

"You like Taehyung," Yoongi muttered and closed his eyes. Jimin looks at me for answers. Guess I'll ask for his help too.

"This girl likes this guy and the guy asked her out but she's scared to say yes," I said.

"Scared of what," Jimin asked.

"Love, messing up," I said. Jimin chuckles.

"Tell that girl to be herself and stop thinking negatively," Jimin smiles. Who knew my brothers got some good advice.

"Thinking positive is good for her health and her future relationships," Hoseok added. Looks like everyone is going downstiars.

"Your friend must be really shy. She must be anti-social," Taehyung said, eating a smack from Namjoon. That friend is me, Taehyung.

"Why is she even afraid," Jin asked, going to the kitchen. I followed him and shrugged.

"Why is she afraid when she could be herself," I said to myself. Thanks, I knew I could count on you guys and I'm sorry for not telling the truth.

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