Chapter 26

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"Y/n! Come on or you will be late," Jin said, knocking on my bedroom door. I curled/straighten the last piece of my hair. I gave myself one more look and gave myself a thumbs up. I look stunning!

I walk out of my room and went downstairs. Jin was putting his shoes on. He turns to me and gasped.

"What monstrous is this," Jin covered his mouth and looked at my maid costume.

"It's for my job. I told you this last night," I said, putting on white flats.

"You told me about your job but not about the outfit," Jin pulled the waist line of the dress. I slapped his hand.

"There are other girls that are wearing what I'm wearing. Teachers are all over the place. I won't get hurt," I assured Jin. He sighs and patted my head.

"If someone touches you call me and I'll bring the gang," Jin said. I giggled and nodded. We walk to the car and headed to school.

Today is the festival! I'm excited! This is gonna be fun. The rest of my brothers left, not wanting to wait for
me. Oh, my step dad is coming too! He will come later though.

We arrived at school. I waved goodbye to Jin and headed to the cafe. I entered the cafe and looked around the cafe. The cafe had a pink ribbons on the ceiling. Hearts were also hanging. There were dessert samples on the counter. The place was very impressive.

"Y/n! Your here. Are you ready to work," the student council girl asked. I nodded my head. On her maid dress there was a name tag. Perfect! Her name was Kimmy.

"Great! We created a name tag for you.
Now let's have a fun day," Kimmy smiled and handed me a name tag with my name on it. I smiled and nodded.


"Y/n! This is for table 12." I sigh and nodded. It's already 6:47 and I'm dead tired. People keep coming in! I understand how waitresses feel now. I grabbed the plate of cafe and put on a smile. I went to table 12 and handed them the cake.

"Thank you y/n." That voice! It's Hoseok.

"Hey you made it," I chuckled.

"Wouldn't want to miss it," Hoseok smiles and took a bite of the cake. He quietly moans in delight.

"Get me another piece," Hoseok commands, making me laugh. I went back into the kitchen and asked for another piece of cake.

"Y/n! I'm tired," Arisa laid her head on my shoulder. I chuckled.

"All you did was sit until someone is ready for the check," I lightly pushed her head off of me. She groan.

"Yeah and I had to count money. My head can't take that much numbers," Arisa whines. I rolled my eyes. She begged me into doing this and now she's whining.

"Just a few more minutes," I said, taking the ready cake. She groans.

"More like hours and by the way I'm gonna work until the cafe is close. It's for more money," she said. I nodded and walk out of the kitchen with the cake in my hand. I was walking to Hoseok's table. Looks like there is 3 more people at his table.

"Here is your cake," I said, placing the cake in front of Hoseok. Hoseok smiles and took a huge bite. I look at the new comers. Jimin, Taehyung, And Jungkook.

"You guys want anything," Hoseok asked the younger boys.

"I want vanilla ice cream," Taehyung looks at me and smiles. I nodded and pulled out my notepad to write it down.

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