Chapter 11

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"I'm home," I mumbled. I was too tired to wait for a response. I trudged upstairs to my room, holding onto the stuff bunny tightly. All the men were sprawled on the couch. 

"Why are we tired," Jimin asked.

"For 4 hours we ran non stop to look for y/n," Namjoon answered.

"Did everyone pray for that boy to go to hell," their dad said. Everyone nodded their head.

"Instead of hell, I prayed that he don't touch y/n again," Hoseok smiled. The dad smacked Hoseok's head. Hoseok jumped and held his head with a pout.

"You guys are not following my rules. Since you are living in my household, I expect everyone to follow these rules," the dad turn to look at the mature one, Namjoon.

"We are all sorry, Da-," Namjoon got cut off by their dad.

"You already broke the first rule. I'll review the rules again since you guys know that I'll be gone for a month for a business trip. First rule don't call me dad. It's Sejin, remember. Treat me like a friend not a father because I'm not your father," Dad, or Sejin, said. He took of his female wig. The boys nodded in understanding.

"Second rule, have fun with your life but keep y/n safe. That was her mother wish," Sejin grabbed a tissue and wiped the clown like makeup off his face. The boys nodded again.

"Rule 3, don't kill yourself or anyone while I'm gone," Sejin chuckled and left the boys in the living room. The boys nodded and stared at each other.

-with you-

I changed into my pjs and jumped on my bed. I looked at the 7 stuff animals I have. I don't sleep with them but it has great memories. I stared at the new one I got from him.


After our incident, we quickly got away because Jungkook saw Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jimin. We walked in silence. That silence we had when we first arrived here. Yo! I was hanging out with my crush and I didn't embarrass myself or flip. This is a dream.

"Hey, sorry about what happen. It was like our time we met replayed," Jungkook chuckled nervously. I nodded and smiled.

"Um as a sorry gift, how about I win you a stuff toy," Jungkook smiles.

"Sure," I said. Maybe this will help resolve our silence. Jungkook and I went to a booth.

"One game please," he said and got a bucket of rings. I watch people play this on tv and this game is a cheat.

"Ah, Jungkook! Are you sure about this game," I asked. Jungkook looked around the booth and nodded.

"That stuff animal is cute," Jungkook pointed at a bunny. Did he forget who he is winning this for? Oh well, I let him play.

In the end, Jungkook won the bunny. Who knew someone can win this game?

"Here is my apology for you," Jungkook handed me the bunny with a smile.

"I accept your apology," I took the bunny in my arms and smiled. And like that the silence went away. We went on more rides and ate more food.

Our last ride for the night was gonna be the Ferris wheel. I don't get why now but Jungkook said It was prettier at night. We ran into Amber, Krystal and, Sehun when they stepped out of the ride.

"Where is Yuri and Kai," Sehun asked. Jungkook and I shrugged.

"Crap, now we gotta find them. You two stay here and don't move any where else," Krystal said and went to look for the others. Sehun followed her and Amber winked at us.

"Don't make babies," Amber chuckled, making us both red.

"We aren't making babies right," Jungkook shyly asked. I quickly shook my head and Jungkook chuckled. We got into the carts and the Ferris wheel moved. We sat on the opposite side of each other. We both stared at the surrounding around us in awe. Colorful lights were every where. It was a wonderful sight.

"Look! I can see my house from here," Jungkook joked.

"Me too," I followed along. We both laughed and looked at each other. The Ferris wheel stoped and we are at the top. Everything seems to stop when we are staring at each other. It was a like scene out of a k-drama.

"Your really pretty," Jungkook blurt out, making my heart skip. I smiled.

"Thank you and your hot. Wait, no, I mean your handsome. I mean your hot too but handsome is the word," I facepalmed. Did I just ruin this moment? Yes I did. Good job y/n. Jungkook chuckled.

"Your cute," he mumbled, hoping I didn't hear but I did.

We got off the Ferris wheel and Yuri took us all home.

And now we are here. God, things this guy can do to me. That was probably the best moment of my life. I look at the next stuff animal next the bunny. A heart from Tae. I got it when I was starting kindergarten. It was hard for me, entering a new school without my brothers or dad there. Tae gave it to me so I can take it to school. He said it will represent him and that helped me go to school peacefully.

I look at the next stuff animal. A dog from Jimin. I was 10 and wanted a puppy because Arisa got one. Everyone said no and I was a big cry baby so I cried. Jimin calmed me down by telling me we will get a puppy. The next day he got me a stuff animal as a dog and I was the happiest person alive. Ah, I was a spoil baby.

The next animal is a Ryan bear. It might not sound special but to me it is. Namjoon forgot about my birthday so he gave me one of his Ryan bear. He cried after he gave it away but when he saw me taking care of it, he cried in joy. That's Namjoon.

The next animal was a purple horse. Hoseok saw the others members stuff animal in my room and he just bought it saying that he apologized for not being home to see me. It was sweet of him but he is always home to see me.

The next stuffie is the creepiest one out of all of them. Kumamon from Yoongi. It's creepy like him. Well Yoongi is more scary then creepy. This is my least favorite toy but Yoongi gave it to me because he wanna keep his imagine of a scary guy. It's only here in my room because he want to fangirl in private.

The last one is Jin's. A white fluffy llama. Jin got me this when I was 3. I couldn't sleep at night so Jin got me the llama. He said I loved it and fall asleep easily.

I spent an hour thinking about my stuff animals. I might as well get some sleep. I gotta get up early to say goodbye to dad!

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