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After one month later, Midoriya close the alarm as he look at the clock and realized it was 6:51 a.m, he had to be there in 7:50 or otherwise his dream goes boom.

He immediately got out of his bed but ended up hitting his face with a loud thud which causes Inko to burst open the door and panicked when she saw that Izuku face was on the ground.

"M-Mom... get my clothes and breadfest ready... I'm going to be... late!" Inko then did what he ask as Izuku got up and touch his nose, it wasn't bleeding or broken which was a good thing.

He went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and take a hot shower, as quick as he can. He wears his junior school uniform as he step out of the bathroom and eat his breadfest which is a milk, cereal and apple. He clean his empty bowl of cereal and glass of milk.

"Are you going to be alright?" Inko said, worried about Izuku's safety.

"Y-Yeah! Darn it, I'm gonna be late! G-Goodbye, mom!" He said before he open the door and closes it as be began to run to the Tatooin Station.

'Oh, God! I should have known that next time never, ever train during night!' He thought as he arrived at the Tatooin Station and after 20 minutes of waiting to arrive.

He step out of the train and began to run as fast as he can, he was on the street and he couldn't use One For All since he could only use 100% of its power and that will break his legs and not to mention the fall.

Suddenly, a white Limo on his right side hit him which send him to the ground and the car stop as Midoriya was holding his right leg, man, that was painful, it wasn't broken or anything, it was just a bruise and a teenage girl with a mature physique for her age which her age is same as Midoriya. She has cat shaped, onyx colored eyes and long black hair. Her hair is normally tied into a spiky ponytail, and she has bangs on the right side of her face.

-Yaoyorozu P.O.V-

As soon as our Limo hit a green hair boy, I immediately got out of the car and went to check if he was alright or... maybe, I saw that he was rubbing his right leg which I assume that that's the place where we hit him. My butler, or my dad's brother, Kim, was on guard and was having a bad feeling about this.

Of course, given to our history, this isn't the first time that we hit someone, it has been like a lot that I couldn't count how many we hit or they jump on us so far.

They would clutch on their "injured" leg which was perfectly fine and no bruises, they would blame us for it and she us for money, even they ask me to repay them for a date which Kim handle them with "extreme style".

The boy stood up and grunted in pain and I bowed, like I always do in this situation. "I'm so sorry that we hit you with our car!" Kim sigh before he grab the family card from his jacket pocket and was about to escort me back to Limo.

'Sigh... Why can't I just met a good person? Jiro is always been my best friend but others don't want to be my friends... Maybe it's because of my wealth and looks? It's always like th—.'

"I-I'm so sorry!"

I turn around in shocked when I saw the boy bowed to me. I was flabbergasted! This never happened before!

"Oh, god! I-I wasn't paying a-a-attention and y-you had to stop y-your car—. WAIT THE CAR! IS THERE ANY DAMAGES ON IT?! I'LL REPAY YOU!" The boy or man bowed again as I was completely surprised by this.

"Um, the Limo's fine, man." The boy sigh in relief before his eyes widened. "W-W-What time i-is it?!" Kim pulled his sleeve and check what time is it. "7:41..." The boy face immediately panicked as he bowed again.

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